apparently they’ve been standing in the bathroom arguing for the last two weeks.

I quit listening after two minutes. I was looking at twitter. Oops.

House Husbands/BF’s are on a date. Nosy Terry who acts like a bitch is asking John about Shannon, and Travis about marrying Gina.

Emily asks Shannon if she would have a threesome who would it be with. Shannon of all people being asked this. Does she seem like a threesome kind of gal? No.

Noella is getting blasted and saying extra strange things. Emily says – “we need shots.”

If we really want Noella to crash and burn -yes, she needs more shots.

Sure give Noella more alcohol. That IS what she needs totally.

I’m not understanding what just happened. Noella said something snarky about how Emily and Gina act together. She gets up and sits by Shannon.

Joker and Harley Quinn are pissed at Noella for whatever she said, and apparently Shannon now too. Gina tries to wrangle Noella in, but she’s wasted and not able to be comprehend anything.

Heather is houses hunting in Cabo and of course and has to drag the girls along. For the jealousy factor. Shannon, Jen and Heather’s friend in Cabo are in attendance. If it were me I would have laid by the pool and drank some margs, than be drug along by heather dumbo blowing her trumpet.

Noella, Gina and Emily are doing some weird sweaty weird retreat chakra thing where you apparently sweat/puke out all of your life problems in a teeny 100 degree hut. What is with these things on all of the Housewives show now ? Sick of it. Lack of imagination on these shows now. I agree with someone’s tweet that said – they miss the good old housewife days. Where’s Tamra and Vickie dancing on the bar at Andales and whooping it up? Instead we get this. Heather looking at houses and lots in Cabo, bragging about her life, and Noella going nuts in a hut.

This seems like a great idea when you’re hungover and an emotional wreck
And she delivers

Jen says she is in pain with her leg issue. They are looking at an 8 mill dollar lot. Heather calls Terry to “ask.” Why in the hell would anyone want to subject themselves to this? She makes a joke about showing cleavage while calling him, and starts rubbing her pushed under her chin B cup breasts in her interview. I think to use your titties to get your way, you have to first have them.

Gina, Emily and Noella are sitting on the beach and apparently there is an issue with the possibility that shunned Noella isn’t invited to fly home with them on the PJ.

Emily is earning her bravo check and understands her assignment. Her assignment is to be a ditzy asshole. She tells Noella, without even any type of delicate delivery, on the beach, that Heather didn’t want her to come but Gina ‘talked her into it.’ Emily is such a dick.

Jabber about her hooking up with a girl in college 100 years ago. She is wearing entirely too much make-up in that confessional. She looks like a clown. Of course women go down on each other when they hook up. That’s what they do.

Dinner! Yay!!! Gina and Emily of course have to go potty together. Jen has a moment with Heather about the stress in her marriage, when she is doctoring all day, and her husband is home all day being unappreciative. Heather is pretending to relate. When she is on the other side of this. So she cannot relate. Jesus just stop.

This looks like a nice relaxing seaside dinner ! NOT.

They all going to the bathroom one by one, and they’re talking at once. I don’t know what’s going on. I seriously don’t. Noella is coming unglued again. She asks about being a pity invite. Heather said something I don’t know – whatever.

She then thinks this is a fabulous time to bring up the card game she gave to Max being inappropriate. I truly don’t think Noella knew what was on those cards. She is going nuts.

And it was ‘inappropriate’ for Heather to announce it at the dinner. She starts melting down. Heather is reading them AGAIN ! She enjoys this.

Noella now realizes what she was talking about, and then apologizes. Sort of kind of.

She goes off on Heather for her ‘straight frugality’ and gets up on a soapbox that she’s “biracial bisexual liberal!!!!” blah blah. I feel like she just wanted to say this.

Heather one ups her and gets on HER soapbox that she has two gay kids so SIT DOWN !!!!

(who’s the other besides Max?)

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