Alllll of the DuBrows are going out to dinner. Heather says she feels ‘the clock is ticking.’ I thought that line was reserved for women when they’re 36 and don’t have kids.

Terry’s face is weird. This scene is weird. Heather says Kat is like her? So she’s rude to servers? She’s pretentious? She brags about her possessions ? She tries to use big words to sound smarter and uses them incorrectly?

Kat says there’s a huge age difference between her and Max ?? 14 & 17 is a big age difference in siblings ? Not really.

Noella and Emily are getting their toesies done. Noella has a mediation planned with Sweetie Pie James.

Emily has entirely too much make up on in this confessional. Blush is supposed to look natural, not like you’re going to clown college.

Now, that’s A LOT of make-up

Emily says that Noella is a lot, and all she talks about is herself and her divorce constantly. She does.

Emily keeps trying to shut her up. She straight up keeps putting her hand up when Noella is telling the same story again. She doesn’t want to shut up. She thinks she should be able to talk about it as much as she wants, since she’s going through it. Or something like that.

Talk to the hand…

Shannon is having a luncheon thing. Is it just me or does she wear white pants in every single episode. I like white pants as much as the next guy, but enough!

I own nothing but white pants…

She says she forgot to “order the appetizer.” She’s making the biggest deal ever out of it. It’s lunch girl, put out some cheese and crackers and be done with it.

I didn’t realize Harry Hamlin was going to be making a guest appearance on the OC !

Harry Hamlin makes a cameo on OC tonight!

And who is this other dude? (the “waiter”) He looks like the most unethused human I have ever seen. And a little scary.

Sure bitch I’ll sprinkle on some cilantro…And murder you in your sleep.

Was he hitting the edibles?

Jen tells Heather on the way there that Rynnnee “packed a bag and left last night.” What is with Heather and the weird words ? Punitive ? Does she use them correctly? So he came back and screamed at her ? Dudes shouldn’t scream at girls! Dudes that scream at girls are narcissistic big babies with Mommy issues – see a therapist for chrissakes !!!

Shannon is boring the ladies about her poofy stomach and estrogen level. They look relieved to see Jen and Heather arrive to change the subject.

Heather does edibles ??? micro dosing ? I gotta try that.

Jen is visibly upset and the girls ask her if she’s okay. Heather tries to change the subject, but apparently Jen DOES want to talk about it after all. Emily is talking about how Shane was previously an idiot and now he’s not an idiot. He does seem a lot less insufferable. My experience has been dudes don’t change, but whatever.

As they’re giving Jen advice, what they don’t understand is that Rynnnneeee is a fucking idiot with no self-awareness. He screams at girls! Dudes shouldn’t scream at girls! There’s no reasoning with a dude like that.

They’re still talking about it at dinner, and Noella randomly asks if there’s a pre-nup. Does she realize that Jen is the breadwinner in the family? And besides that, this isn’t really what she wants to hear right now, when she’s looking for encouragement. All she wants to talk about is Sweet James leaving her ‘six weeks ago.’ Emily goes berserk.

Emily says she isn’t storming away, as she yells at Noella and storms away.

I can never get a picture of Emily with her eyes open

I don’t mean to be a wet blanket or anything, but are they drinking wine out of champagne glasses?

What is this ? was Shannon raised in a barn ???

I love how Heather is being now. Fun and cool and eating pot.

And she’s not being a dick to Shannon. I loved her prissy walk she did when they were retrieving the edibles.

There are edibles to be had !!!
Heather should do more edibles, more of the time

Jen gets offered a micro and says ‘not today.’ She is the one that needs this the most. Have one or six !

Did Shannon do like five micros ???

They cheers and Noella only has water. She doesn’t want to cheers with water. I thought seven years of bad sex, was if you don’t make eye contact when cheersing?

Kat and Heather talk about her being a lesbian and getting other’s bad reactions. I didn’t really think people cared about it anymore, honestly.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 are at a kid’s fun house thing. Gina gloats about Shannon being jealous of her and Heather’s friendship and her lame generic “skin care” shit.

I’m trying so hard at this housewife thing, how am I doing ??? Am I like Tamra ??

So we can see from the preview, that Emily, after the commercials is going to be morphing into the Mean Girls scene when Regina asks Cady why she’s not mad at Gretchen for telling her she likes Aaron.

Regina George: “aren’t you mad at Gretchen for telling me? Wasn’t that a bitchy thing to do?”

Emily Simpson: Don’t you get jealous that Gina and Heather are friends and going to NY together?”

Jen, Shannon and Emily meet for lunch and many drinks. Jen wants to make things work with Rynnneee. Whatever, he’s a douche, divorce him.

Shannon is confused in her interview about what is going on with Emily asking her if she’s jealous about Gina and Heather’s friendship. They played the flash with Gina’s skin care crap being discussed. (how original – yay- I’m goin right out and buyin that—– NOT !!!!!)

She seemed a little dry I guess in her reaction about it. But she also was pretty stoned.

I do want to comment on this “skin care line” I just want to say, looks a lot like some random generic lame shit she just slapped a name on that she came up with. Sounds like Lala’s “lip gloss line.”

Yawn – come up with an original idea. This seems so pathetic and desperate.

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