Last week – that convo with Emily and Jen at Max’s event was just so cringy, uncomfortable and stupid.

Jen says she went to school on a scholarship, and Emily goes – “you said your family was wealthy” Emily I guess doesn’t understand what a scholarship is. It’s not like a grant or financial aide. Even I know that. And I know she’s drunk, but still, this isn’t a good look for an attorney. Then she continues to berate her about her finances.

Emily is acting embarrassing in this scene. Asking Jen about her finances and who paid for her college ? And screaming she was only with her ex for money. Jen is a doctor who works 12 hour days ! Not some pathetic gold digger like, I don’t know, Porsha Williams.

Nothing about this made sense. Sorry had to give my two cents again about that.

She seems to be drinking a lot and acting all over the place, and kind of ditzy this season. Anyone else seeing that? Sort of reminding me of Wendy on Potomac, dumbing herself down to a candle making big titted floozy to fit Bravo’s mold.

Oh, Also — Andy asked my question on WWHL last week to her! I asked how she doesn’t feel like a hypocrite pissing and moaning about Shannon saying she “couldn’t be trusted” as she runs around gossiping and yammering about everyone too! She basically dodged the question, and says to “just wait and see… there’s more to come” or some shit. In other words, she didn’t have an answer. See above. If you missed it here it is !!

This week’s episode

Emily, Nicole, and Jen. go shopping for Cabo beachwear.

Nicole starts to bad mouth Noella to Emily and Jen. Why did she turn on Noella like this?

Emily claims that she isn’t interested and doesn’t think Nicole has good intentions by talking about Noella. My opinion is that Emily and Gina badly want to be friends with Noella, since she is getting close with Shannon. Just to piss Shannon off.

God that flash again – “if you ever come after me or my family…” as no one even came after her or stupid wimpy Terry. It’s been buzzing around social media that Heather is HORRIBLE to servers, after Jeff Lewis discloses that on WWHL last month. Here is a post on Twitter from someone who worked at a restaurant where they go. And while I’m at it, also a post from someone on one of the Bravo chat groups on Facebook. Do you remember this ? She’s right. It’s the same rhetoric that Heather used to Shannon. What is WRONG with those two ??? I also read that she waves servers off when she doesn’t need anything. Rules in restaurants: Don’t send back your food, and don’t be rude to your servers, who are in charge of your food and beverages. I wonder how many gallons of saliva this bitch has swallowed over the years. Her immune system should be good. Assume she hasn’t had covid.

No, I don’t believe everything i read online, but this I’m buying !!!!
And this all makes sense too !!!

I digress … (sorry) back to it.

Gina was invited to Hotel DuBrow. She arrives, and is salivating at Heather and her closet. She is forced to communicate with the help through the intercom. (at least Heather didn’t call her “the lady”)

Gina advocates for Noella to be invited to Cabo. Hmmmm what’s the ulterior motive here? As if Gina seriously cares about Noella. It’s like the government caring about your health. She tells Gina that Noella gave her daughter a ‘questionable’ gift – I think I heard a vibrator or something along those lines. Oh it was a pride card game. With very explicit sexual comments on the cards. She proceeds to read them off to Gina, and every thing was bleeped out. She literally reads what was written on like 20 of the cards, that i guess she took the time to put into her phone>>> ??? This broad is weird. I think Gina would get the message after like, two of them. Think Heather enjoyed reading all of that sexually explicit shit if you ask me.

Heather agrees to invite Noella. Of course we know, as all Housewife trips are, this will be bad. There will be beach arguments, dinner arguments, all kinds of arguments, here an argument, there an argument, everywhere an argument.

Gina holy shit, we know you worship Heather. This is getting to be too too much. Does this woman have, like a threshold at all, where she realizes how pathetic stupid and shallow she looks and sounds? She’s like a pathetic broke ass lap dog.

Noella is coming later and Nicole is not coming. You would think that Heather would not have wanted to invite Noella if she knew if was going to cause Nicole to not attend. Since Nicole, supposedly is her actual friend. SUPPOSEDLY. ALLEGEDLY.

They’re greeted by a mariachi band. The ladies are concerned that they’re hot. Too bad they weren’t the least bit concerned about the poor dude that they made wait on the beach with the horses, in jeans and long sleeves, as they sat there under an umbrella sipping champagne.

Heather ‘apologizes for being late.’ She was meeting with her architect for the building of their new Cabo home. I would say August is not the time to go to Cabo. Florida or Mexico would be a no for me in August. Except if I were to go to either of those places, I am sure it would be raining and 50.

Gina, not a super sharp tool, as I’m hoping you’re all seeing, is surprised how hot it is in Mexico. In the summer.

Heather and Dr. Jen discuss Jen’s hectic schedule, and Heather is comparing her to Terry. I don’t think this is making her feel better. That you’re the pampered housewife, as Terry busts his ass all day doing boob jobs. And Jen works all day long and doesn’t get home until 9pm.

Jen discusses a leg injury she has from cancer in her leg in her 20’s and how she needs to exercise. Heather looks quite disinterested, because this isn’t about Heather.

Shannon Emily and Gina are hanging on the beach after horseback riding. They seem to be getting along since Gina and Emily aren’t acting like evil back stabbing gas lighting bitches. How ironic in her interview that Emily says that ‘vaca Shannon’ is not manipulative. Do you even KNOW how you just behaved on last week’s ep???

Project much???

Again I feel so bad about the horseback riding guy, and the horses, having to literally stand there in the 100 degree heat, in jeans and long sleeves while these dumb bitches sit there and drink champagne. I would feel so bad if that were me !!! Don’t mean to mention to that again, but it was really not a good look. For Bravo, or these ladies.

Take your time ladies, I’m just sitting here having a heat stroke while you enjoy your champs
Tryin to pretend i don’t notice the guy with the horses staring daggers at us as we gossip.

Noella arrives in Cabo, and the ladies are at dinner and realize they know Noella has arrived and no one has checked on her status. That was probably planned/on purpose – whatever. And now I’m jumping on the gas light train, because I think they’re doing calculated things to each other (ahem Gina, Heather and Emily) to purposely annoy the others to create friction. So I guess they knew Noella would arrive annoyed that no one was a the house and no one even texted or called her to make sure she got in okay?

Heather welcomed her and was Heather fake cordial. She apparently had a passport issue. So she had a passport card, and didn’t know she needed an actual passport to fly to Mexico. Noella to me, is the new Kelly Dodd of the show. She doesn’t give a shit what she says.

Noella doesn’t like that the tequila shots are warm. Heather makes fun of her.

Noella starts going on about how Shannon’s divorce situation is so much worse than hers. It looks awkward. She is not noticing everyone’s faces. Emily notices she hasn’t eaten, and she goes on a long long tangent about food shaming her, and not wanting to eat, and everyone leave her alone. Heather looks at her like she has six heads.

Who dared not follow my direct orders ???

Emily addresses with Noella things that Nicole told them that she said about them. She apologizes for the Costco shade, (which I didn’t get – she’s too good for Costco?) She’s literally penniless and admits to ‘squatting’ in her house now since ‘Sweet James’ won’t pay the rent. She denies calling Gina’s BF a loser. She probably did say that. He does seem like a loser. What’s he even do ?

This is why Gina and Emily wanted Noella to come on the trip so badly. They knew she would unravel. They knew she would drink too much tequila. They knew she would annoy Heather. I think Shannon sees what is going on, and is not liking it. SET. UP.

Emily, Gina and Noella leave the table and Gina tells Noella, her not eating and her tantrum about not eating annoyed Heather.

I know you guys enjoy Heather’s asshole, but I DO NOT!!


or something like that.

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