Didn’t get to recap of the finale, but might’ve been for the best anyway.
Brynn is really something else. She brings this shit to a whole new level.
When she accused Ubah of being fully aware of her supposed alleged sexual assault (yeah I said it, I’m sure a lot are thinking it too, admit it) I believe she knew she never told her. Now she’s here just trying to sweep the whole thing under the rug like it didn’t happen.
I also feel like I need to say this extreme faux pas of Brynn’s does not negate the fact that Ubah repeatedly made some heavy duty insinuations that Brynn gets money and things for sexual favors.
But listen, this shit was circulating last season from the very beginning when it was noticed she seemed to be financially free and didn’t have a job. As a first season Housewife, she wouldn’t have been coasting on Bravo pay. So we know there’s not a family money situation, and she’s never been married so there’s no divorce settlement situation. Let’s do the math.
Social media has been on fire that there is some big colassal hidden ‘secret’ that’s about to be exposed about her.
So here we are, Reunion time. No one has spoken to her since the finale was filmed except for a quick text by Erin asking her if she was okay.
Brynn pretends to be just watching the finale as she gets her hair and makeup done but that may have been for some added drama. That would be embarrassing to watch it while she’s getting glammed.
I love her shorter bobbed hair. That long straggly shit had to go. It looked sort of like a mullet.
You would think Andy gets a sneak peek at the outfits before they walk stage. Maybe he doesn’t care that much.
What do we think of Jenna’s robe and turban look? What I couldn’t get over is how she wasn’t wearing any lashes, given she has none, but mainly because did she not start a lash line last season?

Raquel‘s gown is fun. I approve.

The rest of them are just in blah boring black except for Erin in gold sequins which I would be okay with, but it’s a weird shade of gold. Also it looks really hot itchy and uncomfortable. Especially since tempers tend to flare why would you want to be pregnant wearing this??
I hate when brunettes wear black. Only blondes should wear black. The hair blends in with the dress and isn’t flattering. In my opinion. Also why redheads shouldn’t wear red.
Brynn is getting dragged for looking like Mrs. Roper.
Andy starts off picking on Jessel, and he kicks it up a little later. I was a little flabbergasted too that Jessel’s gift from Pavit for her 10th anniversary was a new iPhone. Andy’s face is priceless.

This is the off-the-cuff shit that I love. Ya can’t make it up. And she said that with a straight face. When she saw Andy’s face and heard the snickers she clarifies that’s what she wanted. Like that’s something you just go buy for yourself. That’s not what ANY woman wants for her 10th anniversary. That might’ve been a cool gift like in 2005 when they were a novelty maybe.
Andy wants Jenna to lose the sunglasses. Maybe she thought she was keeping them on, that’s why she didn’t bother with lashes.

Pretty sure there will be no ‘Zen Ubah.’
Can he not stop with the ‘setting the intention’ thing at the beginning of the reunions? It’s so dumb.
Brynn thinks she’s gonna be offering ‘clarity.’
Jenna gets drilled about her ‘camera shy’ girlfriend and Andy seems pissed they ran away from him at a party. He’s so fucking arrogant.
I don’t fucking get Sai.
I don’t know why she thinks Pavit needs to apologize to her, but she doesn’t need to apologize for her insults which came first.
This is what I can’t stand about people like Sai.
Again tough new fake titties that he called you a bitch! Stop with the woe is me crap! She LIVED to be bitchy last season. It was her entire fucking schtick! Clearly she backed it down A LOT this season because she realized she went way beyond being a mere bitch.
She was a cunty evil fucking nightmare is what she was. Trust, Sai – a bitch is a compliment.
Triggered by being called bipolar. Shut up.
She’s just altogether phony. Just leave poor Pavit alone. He’s stuck being married to Jessel who does nothing but insult him and makes him do all of the childcare of two toddler boys. He deserves a fucking medal, not this little tramp squeaking about an apology that she does not deserve whilst pretending she’s insanely hurt and insulted.
Can you tell I don’t like Sai?? And where’s Andy’s hammering at her about her new tits like he did with Jessel about her tweaking??

Did she or did she not say “I hate Jenna?”
Does one viewer give one fuck? I didn’t think so.
Jenna is the type of woman that nasty unfulfilled insecure women hate. She’s mad that Jenna is likable and she is not. There, case closed. Next? (What I don’t also get is why Jenna gives a shit)
Brynn is desperate, and does her own narrative spin, and has decided that Sai and Erin “put her through hell and made her life miserable” most of the season. She makes her weird cry face when she’s trying hard to cry. Jenna is looking at her like she’s insane.

Sai gets on her super-self-righteous soapbox telling Brynn how her terrible she is, when she should just fuck right off because she’s not much better.
So back to Brynn being so traumatized by Erin, they do flash on the conversation of these ‘six names’ she’s referring to.
Erin did say some non-aggressive things during their disagreement like ‘are you nuts? Are you dumb?’ But Brynn is definitely exaggerating that she was so upset and traumatized. She probably didn’t even remember until she watched it. For one thing it was like a year ago, and for another thing she was drunk.
Sai ridicules her comments about how much money she makes and this nonexistent corporate job she pretends to have.
I think she probably had a corporate job for like two days ten years ago.
She complains about the on-going gossip about ‘where she gets her money.’ So this was the question heard around the world when when Sai asked, “what DO you do?”

Brynn leans back and comes up with “I do your job” and then laughs nervously. Nobody gets it. Andy doesn’t press. He changes the subject. He’s more worried about Jessel’s veneers.
He always seems to protect the villains, assuming because he wants them to stay? He had to know she’s not returning though.
Maybe he didn’t want to embarrass her further. He probably has some tea since I think he’s tight with Jeff Lewis. And Jeff Lewis seems to know what’s going on. He shared she gets ‘supplemented’ last season. I kind of feel like he may have had some names.
Brynn flexes how her dress was 7k in comparison to Jenna’s $1500 robe (that she plans or returning.) I’m not gonna lie, when she said it was “so expensive” I wasn’t expecting her to say $1500. I was expecting like another zero.
Erin is so clueless. “Someone needs to bring Mezcal to America.”
Not unlike how Bethenney invented the margarita, seems Erin has invented mezcal.
Oh wahhhh Tom Hanks sold some bitcoin to pay some bills off. Poor spoiled brat Erin who was jet-setting around the globe before she met Tom Hanks was just so upset with him.
They poke her about her mezcal comment and she deems it the ‘ditziest thing she’s ever said.’ I disagree. Her last season yap comment of “bring on the gays!” to her bedroom, should she and Abe have intimacy issues was worse. Like WHAT?? Since when do straight couples have gay dudes participate with them in the bedroom? Why? What would they want to? And what would be their assignment? I sat there with my mouth hanging open.
Brynn has this half-wit idea of having Gideon her ex, whom she’s still friendly with, fertilizing her frozen eggs. He agreed to it initially, but now seems to be making excuses. Of course he doesn’t want to do that. He knows Brynn is unstable and the thought of having a child with her when they’re not even in a relationship? No.
Andy brings up the sexual assault. I feel like the other women are kind of giving her some side eye about it too. But then when she starts crying they feel like t hey have to be sympathetic. It’s just so hard to tell with her.

I don’t know guys, she sounds a little sketchy when she starts talking about it. “Because I’m still ummmm healing from something” (yeah that’s it) as she touches her face. Big lying queue, HUGE.

And why would she refer to it as ‘something?’
I think she’s lying, so there, and I think everyone is afraid to say it.
She sees him on a regular basis she claims. Seeing her continue to cry and appear distraught, I do want to believe her. I hope she’s not making it up.
That would be unforgivable. But how would we ever know unless she admits to it.

Ubah has moved in with her rich successful mysterious Oliver in Connecticut. So I guess that would mean she can’t be NYC ‘Housewife’ anymore right?
I hope she knows what she’s doing. She gave up her apartment?
I’m glad to hear Jessel and Pavit aren’t doing the third baby thing. They don’t seem to have the best relationship although she does try to pretend.
I didn’t notice her being as bitchy to him this season but he really wasn’t on a lot. We didn’t see too much of Tom Hanks or David either. Not that I’m complaining.
Sai looks at her in her typical evil smug way for some reason. Well I know, because she’s Sai and she likes seeing people unhappy and squirm. Let’s ask Sai about how she met her husband.

Jessel is making excuses. We all know it’s really that Pavit is saying NO WAY.
He has no interest in being a single parent to a third kid and you can’t really blame him. A girl is going to look just like Pavit anyway so Jessel can forget about the ‘mini-me’ thing.
Pavit eating during the therapy session, yeah that was so rude. Jessel has to realize he’s a little bit of a weirdo. She gets asked about their sex life. I was kind of wondering why that never came up with the ladies all season.
She claims it’s better and I’m not buying it. I feel like she’s overcompensating and laughing really hard and reassuring us they’re banging it out “once or twice a week,” Yeah no. Couples don’t go from not having sex at all to having sex once or twice a week.
Now this is weird with Andy, not sure why he goes so hard and so mean girl-like at her about what all she’s done to herself.
I’m assuming he wants her to own the nose job, which she doesn’t and I don’t know why, but it’s obvi she got a nose job. Andy makes her admit to the veneers. He’s so fucking worried about it, What’s he have against Jessel? So he let Brynn off the hook about her ‘career’ but won’t let this die.
She admits to the new teeth, botox fillers and lost weight, which I believe was a tummy tuck. I guess that’s ‘losing weight.’ Brynn says come on wanting her to admit to the new nose is what I thought, but seems she didn’t pay her bill??
So it boiled down to one of those Housewife agreements where she agrees to post about it and plug it, in lieu of actual payment. So ridiculous. These Housewives are a bunch of greedy bitches. They love their free shit.
So when that’s over, which was excruciating, we address how Brynn brought up about Jessel stating some other dude she dated before Pavit was the “love of her life.”
While I agree with some of what they were saying about Jessel and Pavit’s marriage, is was just so ick and vindictive and went too far. Brynn is insanely jealous of married women with children.
Sai pretends to be apologetic. Wait, how did you meet your husband again, Sai? I can’t with his favoritism.
I guess Pavit got his precious little feelings and ego hurt about Jessel stating that, however the comment was out of context how Brynn repeated it. She didn’t call this dude the ‘love of her life’ because the discussion was about a crazy hook-up. And we all can assume she would NOT have a crazy hook-up with Pavit, let’s be real, even when they were dating.
Honestly I don’t mean to keep knocking on Brynn, but never being married, she just doesn’t get the dynamics. Not everyone’s husband is Prince Fucking Charming. Apparently she believes Sai and Erin that they claim to have these perfect dudes who do no wrong.
Brynn claims to have felt so bad when she watched the ep ‘two days ago’ (not in her makeup chair an hour ago.) Jessel wants to know why she wouldn’t have contacted her to apologize. I think she realized nothing when she watched it.
She reassures Jessel, “it’s not like I was bonding with them by tearing you down.”
Uhhh Brynnn? Are you okay? Babe, you literally said in your yap, that you were bonding with Erin and Sai talking shit on Jessel.
See why I don’t believe her about her SA?? She fucking lies about shit that’s ON FILM. Why wouldn’t she lie about something that’s not??
Nail in the coffin, not needle in the coffin, Jessel.
Jenna gets very involved in this on Jessel’s behalf as Brynn, after she did apologize, she did, but tries to make it about herself and her pretend torment by the others. Jenna’s not having it. I’ve never seen her this worked up, but she does have soft spot for Jessel.
We see there is no ‘Zen Ubah’ for Part 2.