I want to start off by saying that I looked up how far Harlem is from Manhattan, and it’s literally like 2 miles.

Ramona has never gone to Harlem? I feel like I shouldn’t be surprised because it is

Ramona, and she does look down her nose at people, but 2 MILES !!


Could this bartender dude be any whiter that’s mixin up a “taste of Harlem”?

Every single one of them. Every single one of them approached the stairs with like

“OMG WHAT ?? are you kidding ?” OMG ???

Ya know, I wear heels, I love my heels, but why we gotta sex it up for a girls night ?

I get that women dress for women, but still – ALL of them in mega heels?

what did Ramona just say about white and black ? Oh ok they played it back. She wanted to

switch up the order for the pic. Ok good, no one is freaking.

Eboni that is some boobin tonight !!

Those ARE some good boobs. Leah’s sister says said “they look amazing”

they freaking do – I’m freaking jealous !!

I like that she’s “educating” these ladies on a little black history – this is great, But…

Leah might be right – not so much into history, these ladies, and after Leah’s comment in her interview, – Luann is like “let’s pick this up”. Now Ramona is bitching too.

Eboni the girls are hungry – this is like trying to give 4 year olds a lesson when they’re tired and hungry.

Maybe she COULD have condensed it a LITTLE. Maybe just stopped after she assigned them

all a famous Black History Maker of their own. And moved on. Here is my opinion:

Adults – unless in an actual class- don’t like to be “taught” to. It’s just kind of insulting.

I think Ramona’s friend ( I’m afraid of spelling it wrong) meant that we’re all the same like – we’re all HUMAN BEINGS.

I see that Eboni is not having it. But I agree with Ramona’s awesome friend. I hope to see a future Housewife in her, Andy !!!

Leah’s sister never heard of vertigo? Sometimes I think these ladies just don’t know “stuff.”

Not like who was the 16th president stuff, or how do you spell “simultaneously” stuff, but just “stuff” that normal adults should have just heard of by now, because you’re not 10 and you’ve been around a while.


I do like Eboni. I see she’s disappointed that Ramona’s friend doesn’t have her same views.

Eboni shot her down with “no, we’re not all the same.”

I just don’t get how such a successful black woman can cry oppression and racism when she proudly announced at a table full of white women, that she is the most educated and successful person in the group. How do you justify complaining that black people are held back or oppressed?

I just want to say that – in my opinion, everyone has the same opportunities in America.

ALL races come from not always the best backgrounds and financial status, and don’t always have the best opportunities handed to them on a silver platter.

It’s up to us as free Americans to be what we want to be. Any race can go to any school. You have to apply, though, no one is going to do that for you. Student loans are available to absolutely EVERYONE.

what is going on – I feel like we’re in 1960 again. We have come such a long way since then.

I agree these bitches are a lot – that is why Eboni fits right in. She’s a lot too.

Very very sweet with Lu and her daughter. Really sweet. Really touching,

So I gather Ramona is Republican. This is America and she is allowed to be Republican, Eboni.

It’s ok. Calmmmm down. Doesn’t mean she is racist as “mainstream media” is trying so hard to portray.

Stop the preaching with someone who said 12 times, “I don’t want to talk about politics.” And I don’t usually defend Ramona.

Ramona loves that tequila in that fancy blue bottle – what is that brand ?

I know it’s expensive. But the bottle is soooooo cute !!!

Ramona, I agree with your assessment of Eboni being preachy. I couldn’t think of the word I wanted. But PREACHY IS IT.

Yes I love to see successful women – (talking about our VP) but that doesn’t mean you have to like someone JUST because she’s a woman. I look at more than that, I do research, and now we’re several months after filming and ummm. Yeah – Gooooo kamala. Doin grrrrreat. (wait, what is she doing ?)

No Ramona doesn’t “need to understand” Eboni.

She is against the weird way the election went off, as a lot of people are. It’s been ignored in “mainstream media” but there were irregularities like ya know um, dead people voting for instance?

Eboni so today June /July 2021 what do you have to say about this president and vice president ?

I would LOVE to hear you defend these people. Please tell me you’re returning later in the year and continuing your preaching. I beg you to return and go head to head with Ramona !

Please go head to head with Ramona. AND RAMONA DON’T BACK DOWN !! TALK POLITICS. Because this is a shit show right now. Ramona does NOT mince words.

You finally have an actual platform where you were/are right. I am disappointed if you back down.

I just feel like this interaction is a touch of reverse discrimination –

work with me here – Is she giving Ramona a hard time because she’s white?

Why is that ok ?

Just saying the reverse would NOT be OK.

What did you all think of tonight’s episode ?

Sorry for the political interference, but it is a big discussion in the episodes.

And this is frustrating.

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