Dolores is still going off from last week, but has calmed down a little. Then it’s over.

Jennifer and Margaret talk about the affair argument thing. Margaret is calling her a hypocrite for criticizing her for cheating, when her husband was doing the same thing. (but that’s stupid, it’s not like she was happy about her fucking husband cheating on her!)

Jennifer says in her interview that it was a trigger for her because (I might allow ‘trigger’ this one time without making fun of it) it brought back this difficult time in her marriage. (Btw, I think I saw Jennifer’s top she’s wearing online today, when I was looking for something)

cute top

She’s now realizing it reminded her of her husband cheating on her, and how it would feel if “the other woman” was walking around boasting about it. (she probably was) Is this girl that not smart? Also why wouldn’t Margaret be able to figure this out?

Why did she not realize why this bothered her? She’s admitting that in her interview, not in the convo with Margaret. It’s like she didn’t even know it at filming. At what point did she wake up and realize this?

Jackie is going to her therapy sesh. She admits aside from a few meals a week, all she eats is salad. And she’s dizzy. So this Admissions chick whose face was beet red, when Jackie first walked in, is now not. Was it the camera nerves? I thought she had a condition. So there was this eating disorder therapy establishment in her area for years and years, and she’s never consulted with them?

Catania Family meeting. Sounds like Frank is in trouble. As he should be. He’s a shit head. Wonder if he’s going to order an appletini? He doesn’t.

He’s not allowed to have his girlfriend over at “the house.” Gabby says they were too loud last time. Frank says to his daughter, maybe her boyfriend doesn’t satisfy her, like he does with his girlfriend. Oh my God. Gross.

They ask about David. She him-haws around and sort of divulges that she and David broke up. She has to get in there that “he’s been asking to see her.”

I don’t believe that for one second. Frank has to tell her to just say it. She needs to realize this dude didn’t/doesn’t care about her. This is ridiculous.

Beach (shore) time! Thought this was going to be a ‘girls’ trip? ” And there’s the pineapple. The seventh housewife.

Margaret wants to gossip about Luis more. There is more on social media about shady behavior. Okay, enough. This is honestly something that needs to play out, and she needs to figure out for herself.

Fendi bag again.

I’m not feeling this show tonight. They’re all acting extra stupid.

Jennifer rented her own house for the beach (shore) trip. She and Teresa are eating – what else – pineapple. This chick must have one tasty vagina. Question – does it make it taste like pineapple ?

There’s going to be a crazy Barbecue at Jennifer’s. Luis is on his way.

Why is Margaret’s husband hitting on all the ladies?

They’re at the beach. Frank orders a ‘small’ pina colada. Okay Frank, that makes it less girlie, if you order a small one. They literally probably only have one size dork.

Now they’re all ordering pina coladas. They are yummy and vacationy , but they’re so freaking filling. One is good. Two are bad. I foresee me making them in the very near future, as a feature recipe.

They all gossip about Teresa and Luis. Now Dolores says she hasn’t heard from David. I thought she just said at dinner with her kids, that he keeps trying to see her.

Dolores repeats to Jennifer what Jackie said about Bill when they were leaving Teresa’s, when someone said they feel sorry for Bill. (“he’s the one that stuck his dick in someone”) She’s right – who the fuck cares he’s embarrassed? He should be. So of course, she doesn’t repeat the whole conversation, so it’s taken out of context.

She is determined to prove to Jennifer that Jackie is ‘not a good friend to her.’ So tired of that stupid phrase. They all complain they’re hot and leave the beach. These bitches are so flipping vain. They’re so hot but they all have these stupid thick long ass hair extensions on their necks, that they can’t even put in a pony tail.

Jennifer’s kids were stuck sitting in the house with the nanny all day and didn’t even go to the beach ?? isn’t that a form of child abuse?

Weird call from Luis to Teresa. He tells her to turn off her mic. He thinks ‘everyone is talking about him’ and doesn’t want to come. Well, they kind of are.

Teresa talks to a producer about this, has a hissy with the camera guy “filming” her, and then drives off. (into the sunset)

What about the barbecue ??


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