Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion Part 3 – 6/13/23

It would make me so happy if Melissa could stop fiddling with that stupid hood.

The guys are now seated and ready for their interrogations.

Teresa looks absolutely like she wants to puke. I need another way to describe her expression. I’m tired of saying puke. But she does.

I’m not going to agree that this is the worse the fighting has ever been, as the guys claimed, but it’s definitely the worst, and the most agitated that Teresa has ever looked at a reunion.

Even when she’s in the wrong, which she usually is, she’s too dumb and arrogant to realize, so she’s usually sitting here with a smirk acting like it’s a cake walk, without one ounce of accountability nor self-awareness of how she sounds.

Awkward small talk about Andy getting botox, who I am sure is already getting botox since like 2010.

Frank has new weird teeth. Now we need to do something about his style.

Teresa is so flustered, that she can’t even laugh when Andy mentions her wedding hair. I think she’s nervous knowing that she has to defend Louie. I think furthermore, she’s beginning to realize that she jumped right from the kettle to the pot with Louie. Social media is on fire with all of his antics, and ‘red flags.’ The red flags were all there two years ago. She looks positively miserable.

I can’t divorce him after that hair…

I’ve actually never seen this expression on her face before. I do feel kind of bad for thinking it’s funny, that she’s so nerved out. I know people might say it’s because she’s devistated over the Joe situation, but she’s been at odds with Joe and Melissa at almost every reunion. She never looked like this.

I’m just not a Teresa fan, and I’ve never been. Now that does not mean, I think the Gorga’s are the bomb, it just means I’ve always seen through Teresa, and her nasty personality type, and it’s just not someone I want to say I am a fan of. And if you are, that’s great. I love that for you.

It’s kind of cute and shows that they do have a connection, when Gorga says exactly what Teresa said about her heart beating out of her chest.

Frank’s Easter Bunny look for the calendar, I can’t even come up with what I want to say.

Do these ears make me look stupid??

Maybe he’s starting to realize now how hilarious it is, but he seems to be able to laugh at himself. It’s sad, kind of, because the other guys’ outfits for the shoot were kind of sexy, and Frank just looks like a weirdo. Poor Frank. He’s taking it well though.

Okay, so Andy dives right in with Louie, and the Nonno’s PJ wearing, to ‘comfort’ (or creep out) Teresa’s daughters. Louie was clearly ready for this and does try his best to play it off, that what he said isn’t what he actually meant. It came out wrong, he claims. NOW he says that he doesn’t REALLY sleep in them. And it wasn’t technically even pajamas. It was a pair of sweats that he took out a bag (newly purchased, but he never wore them??) and he just put those on, in an “endearing good way, for your sister, and the girls.” So how is that endearing??? Look here, I’m wearing your dead father’s/grandfather’s sweats? And if he never even wore them, how is it endearing?? Or if he had worn them, how is it endearing??

Teresa looks positively humiliated. And I’m here for it. And not sorry. I wonder how long it’s going to be until she realizes what a colossal error marrying this dude was. Probably a while because you know how she loves to admit when she makes mistakes.

And let’s check in with Teresa, and her face. She’s looking down, and still sulking, as this is asked, and still looking like she wants to vomit, (I said vomit this time) and wants to be anywhere else but here.

Her face has not changed it’s expression. They all practically look like the same pic.

Andy’s face is priceless as Louie attempts to to explain this. Andy is just not feeling Louie.

Well THAT makes even less sense.

After that nonsense shit explanation, Louie, very smartly diverts the convo, as he apologies to Joe for saying that, and sounding like some kind of creep. He insists to Joe, that he has tried to be a friend to him, and only wanted them to be close, and whatever. Lies.

Gorga brings up Teresa getting out of prison (I guess we’re allowed to say it now) and how normal (I added that) and humbled she was, and they were close, and talked every day. And right on queue, she snaps back with, “yeah because we were filming.”

So now she’s back to this “you never invited me out to dinner” thing. And I hate to say it, but I really doubt they did invite her on a lot outings.

They probably didn’t, except for a time or two, and you know why that most likely is? Because she is unpleasant and obnoxious as fuck. Just like she says, when she chose to not make Melissa a part of her wedding, “we were never close.” That’s what Melissa should say in response. We were never close.”

Teresa has to realize that you reap what you sew. She was never ever nice to Melissa and did her best to make her feel insecure, and like an outsider. So therefore Melissa does not go to great lengths to be around her.

You never invited me to dinner!!! I want dinner!!

Teresa who just disowned her brother ten minutes ago, is now to Melissa, “I’m talking to my brother, he’s my blood.”

Oh okay, so it depends on what mood bi polar AF Teresa Guidice is in, as to if Joe is her brother or not. She tells them this is the last time she’ll ever speak to her Joe. She seems proud of that. Louis looks smug.

The real nitty gritty of this feud, and remember she was never friendly or nice to Melissa, ever, is that they joined the show “behind her back.” She’ll just never ever recover from that. She didn’t want them on the show, because – wait for it she was/is jealous of them. Melissa is prettier, (even with her old nose) has a more likable personality, and they have a better marriage. Joe, for the most part treats her with respect. He’s a little old school, but he’s not an ass like Guidice.

They made Teresa and Joe Guidice, who were always miserable, fighting, and bringing everyone down, look like pieces of shit. Like even if she and Melissa were not besties, why would she still be THIS pissed off ten fucking years later, and still bitching about it, if she was not highly threatened. Teresa tries to call Melissa a gas lighting bitch when we know damned well she has no idea what that means.

Bill defends his hanging in the pool house every night, that I’m so sick of hearing about. If this works for their marriage (meaning they still stay together – I know she hates it) then leave it alone. We all see that he’s an arrogant piece of crap, and will never ever change. I’m sure it’s also obvi to you that Jennifer totally sugar coats him – not literally – and tries to make out that he’s not as disconnected as he actually is.

Okay, so Louie on the hot seat again, and this time in reference to Frankie working for Louie, and then one day, I guess the company was dissolved, and Frankie had no job, and no explanation.

That’s not really that much of a surprise, nor that interesting. What does make it in kind of juicy, is that Frank, and the guys really want to discuss it, and get Louie to own up to what really went down. But holy shit, Dolores goes to great lengths to just shut it the hell down. She interrupts everyone asking Louie to address it.

Teresa and Louie paid me off to defend him.

Then goes on this huge ‘praise Louie’ diatribe. There’s nothing to see here !! Nope, look over there.

Looking at the other’s faces, clearly they’re all uncomfortable. And Dolores, wow.

And I want my damned money, so drop it!!

So, what’s going on here? It seems like there’s a lot more to it, and that Teresa told her to minimize it, and shut it down. What the hell is the deal with this dude. It just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Last season, he came off kind of questionable with that odd video, and the fact that he had three ex’s calling him narcissistic and abusive. It seems like this season, now that he sealed the deal with Teresa, he’s just out there and not even trying to hide the fact that he’s evil and cracra.

You can hear Frank mumbling to Joe, that he doesn’t want to say it first. Say what first? Dolores continues to play dumb about ‘the rumor’ about it. To just make sure it totally gets dropped, Dolores uses the excuse that she doesn’t want to discuss Frankie, at all, and makes it seem like it’s taboo. When really, and Andy should have called this out, he’s part of the show, she chose to have him on, and he’s over 18. It’s ridiculous. What are they hiding? And why is Dolores so freaking intense about it??

Wow Dor, way to keep it cool,

Gorga shares that Frankie did share some stuff with him, as Louie looks smug as fuck. Teresa calls Joe a liar, and Dolores continues to be going fucking NUTS, until this gets dropped. Now I REALLY want to know what happened.

Louie and Frankie are ‘very good’ she claims. All righty then, Dolores. I hope there were a big pile of cash for you to go along with this foolishness.

And by foolishness, I mean she’s the one that looks like a lying fool. She again assures she’s NOT UPSET, as s he’s freaking out that she just doesn’t want it discussed. Paulie tells her to chill, because, you know, she’s looking like a fucking maniac.

Gorga asks Louie, is that what happened? And he just smirks. Teresa still looks the same.

This is officially the weirdest Jersey reunion ever, and maybe even the weirdest Housewife reunion. Maybe I’m starting to get on board with what the guys said earlier. There’s just this strange aura.

So is there any reason why Louie can’t speak for himself here? And it almost seems like Dolores is the one with something to hide. Like why would she ride this hard for Louie??

Now we’re getting a better understanding of Teresa’s nauseous look. Her puke yellow dress probably isn’t helping her.

Just when that winds down after Dolores yells at everyone to drop whatever that was, Fuda asks how come Louie and Teresa brought his kid’s mother into this. Wonder if Dolores will intervene here and defend Louie?

Louie denies it. Melissa plays with her hood. Fuda waves some big yellow envelope, as Teresa wants to know “can you prove it??” Teresa, dear, he has a big envelope so maybe don’t ask that?? Didn’t Louie coach this numbskull?? And why did they never open the envelope?

Oh, and just like the PJ comment, the “Bo Dietl has dirt on all of ya” was also ‘misspoken.’ Twice.

You can’t really argue that Louie is squirming here. He’s really lit up about it, when he’s asked why he said it twice if it was mispoken out of anger.

I don’t know that Teresa even knows what all this dude has been up to, the way she keeps yacking about ‘proof.’ She’s “all about the proof” she says.

Fuda is LIT over him nosing into his ex.

YOUR day is coming, and YOU’RE going down!

New reunion drama. Louie has some security dude in the building that is saying was hired by Louie?

Oh no wait, let’s get it right, guys. He didn’t hire him. “Bo Dietl sent him over.” You mean the same Bo Dietl that Louie totally did NOT hire to investigate all of the wives, and their husbands?

He claims they got death threats. Pahhhlease. But you still showed up here? Even though several people said they were going to kill you?

Everyone calling bullshit on these two shysters. Well Louie is the shyster, and Teresa, what’s she doing? Oh, what Louie tells her to do! Cuz ya know she didn’t learn from doing that the first time, when she went to prison over doing what her husband told her to do.

Now, there’s a new one, Bonnie and Clyde here insist that Margaret has been communicating with someone that has been ‘harassing’ them.

Yes you’re right, I put someone up to giving you ‘death threats.’

She gets into it with Phooey about calling her son at his job. Phooey is still denying it.

Frank asks him seriously if he hired this dude to do a slander campaign on him and Gorga.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse.

Ditz Danielle – “what’s a smear campaign??” Let’s see, what does the word ‘smear’ mean and what’s a campaign?? Very self explanatory and frightening that shes never heard that phrase before. And if she hasn’t, couldn’t figure it out based on the context they were using it in.

Needed that laugh. Her husband even looks at her like she’s a retard.

Please stop talking, honey. I’ll explain the big words later.

Melissa explains it. Thank God for Melissa and her high intelligence.

Pizza oven-gate now, and Teresa: “Babe can you please explain what went on with that?” (because she doesn’t fucking know)

She has been quoted recently as saying she was doing what Louie said, in that whole pizza oven debacle. Like she admitted that. Maybe she forgot about going to jail, and what got her there.

Seems there was a similar business type venture falling out between Louie and Dina’s husband. Not looking like a pattern at all.

Gorga refers to him as a disaster, and Louie keeps going with this “it’s a matter of time, a matter of time, your day is coming” rhetoric. Which is like, threatening, and really cryptic. And odd.

Louie acts like this because of MARGARET !!

You know Teresa is extra serious when she gets out of her seat. She blames Margaret for entire ruination of the family. It’s Margaret’s fault now.

They argue about the Melissa cheating, and Teresa calls Gia, as to whether or not she told Joe, that he could do better than Melissa. So this boils down to his word against Gia’s. It could have been a miscommunication.

Teresa dramatically storms off and orders Joe to not follow her. I don’t think he was going to follow her. She doesn’t get that they just don’t give a shit anymore,

Now Andy is dramatically in the back with Teresa and Louie, and coaxing Teresa to go back out to finish the reunion. She is enjoying her victim hood here.

You know it really is YOU, You’re the problem.

The guys ask for Louie’s word that he’ll stop his investigations. He gets up and wants to shake their hands and he gets all intense, that he’s giving them his word. He then approaches Fuda, and wants to shake his hand, and lie about this sketchy shit he’s up to, and Fuda ain’t havin’ it. He wants him to admit it and he won’t. “Apologize like a man.”


I don’t think Louie was ready for this one. The others just rolled over and were like ‘Oh okay Louie!’

Which I was surprised about.

Teresa and Melissa share some more insults, they get treated to pizza and whiskey, and they’re OUT!

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