Real Housewives of New Jersey 7/21/25 – Let Them Eat Cake

Remember how Teresa used to say she hated dogs when she was with Joe?

Now she has three big dogs that she’s acting like she loves?

Also I’m amused at how she’s always wearing her ‘Namaste Bitches’ gear and it’s since been canceled and her partner hates her. Whether you want to see it or not if you’re somehow a fan of this numb skull, she has problems getting along with other women.

Jennifer meets her brothers and sis-in-law for lunch. The married brother and his wife are moving to Florida. She says the people are nice there as opposed to Jersey where they are aggressive. That was kind of funny.

She fills them in on her quarrel with Danielle, as if they give a shit. She’s still whining that Teresa wants them to make up and that she didn’t have her back. Again. Or still.


Rachel and Danielle have a visit. Danielle immediately starts on the dad situation. So this is her ‘story line’ this season, not the brother, but the dad. Yawn.

This time his excuse for not participating was his wife’s cosmetic surgery procedure. I feel like he just doesn’t want to deal with feeling like a zoo animal, with their family drama being ‘entertainment.’ Danielle should probably drop it at this point.

Rachel plans a girls’ night in slumber party thing.


Teresa talks to Gia about Louie’s ex being ‘obsessed with him’ and making his life hell. Does Gia even know the whole story?? The dude literally hired people to be her fake clients and spy on her (she’s a therapist.)

Who ISN’T obsessed with Louie??

Gia calls her obsessed with Louie. Okay Gia.

The way they have these girls brainwashed that Louie is this upstanding guy is so sad to me.

He’s the typical abusive guy where coincidentally, all of his ex’s are ‘crazy.’ All of the ex-girlfriend’s the ex-wives…

Sounds JUST like someone I know. Well actually to be fair one of his ex’s, the most recent one IS actually crazy.

Teresa complains how the ex-girlfriend, Vanessa Reiser filed a restraining order against him ‘claiming’ he’s been harassing her. I would say hiring people to spy on her at her fucking job qualifies as harassment. Jesus get your fucking heads out of your asses PAH-LEASE. This dude an is NOT a good guy.

This leads to her discussing Margaret, who has been in communication with Vanessa, which I kind of do believe. It sounds very Margaret.

Here’s my question: If there is nothing to hide about Louie’s past and his behavior in relationships, what’s she so pissed off about? Let Margaret talk to her.

And let’s not forget, Louie was harassing her kid, who has nothing to do with Margaret or the show. One might say that’s never been proved per se, but his demeanor when it was brought up at the reunion two years ago, and the fact that the number was traced to his phone makes it kind of obvi. Remember they tried to say it was a spoofed number? Okay, sure it was.

She’s having her attorney speak to all of the ladies about Margaret? What??

Gia goes on a tangent about Margaret. Gia, stay in your lane. Study for your LSATS, and shut up about your cracra mom’s silly Housewife drama.


Gorga is really climbing and cutting this tree for Margaret?? Instant law suit if he falls and injures himself, or loses a limb, no pun intended. I wouldn’t put it past them to do that. Those two are always trying to make an easy buck.

Melissa: “Is this safe?

Margaret: “I think it’s safe.”

She don’t give a fuck. It’s not her fucking husband. If Gorga can’t work, Melissa is fucked.


Dolo drops in on Fessler. I love when Housewives refer to these group of ladies as ‘a friend group.’ They basically all hate each other.

Dolo wants to establish this pity party for Teresa because of this court case. I thought in one of the first episodes she said she wasn’t allowed to discuss it.

Now we’re not shutting up about it.

She describes what a ‘mess’ she is over it.

Teresa is so anxious and upset because Louie is completely innocent you know.

But why is Stump so anxious, stressed, and has the life taken out of her, a shell of what she used to be, and all of these other melodramatic phrases over this case with Louie and Vanessa? (By the way, the reason why she weighs ‘three pounds’ Dolo, is because she takes Ozempic, but we’re supposed to act like we don’t know that.)

Anyway, if Louie hasn’t done anything wrong, what’s with all of the heart palpitations and threatening to pass out?? I would think if they’re confident that he’s innocent, and there was no proof of wrongdoing, why all the stress?? Because he’s guilty, that’s why. Doesn’t take a genius to figure this out.

Why isn’t anyone else asking that?

The fact that Louie has her all cranked up and stressed out? Do the math.

He’s been the one going after the ex, and interfering in her life.

So this feud with Fessler and Rachel is still going on, which I forgot about, over Fessler sticking up for Fuda. I feel like it was months ago.

Fessler sent her a lengthy text explaining, and Rachel couldn’t even respond. Then she sends her a message inviting her to her sleepover soiree.

Kind of strange, but it’s Rachel.

Fessler initially declines the invitation, then decides to accept after Dolo talks her into it.

This is riveting.


Jennifer and The Stump meet for lunch. Jennifer bitches about Teresa not defending her with the Danielle thing.

Teresa has a hard time holding up her end of the convo, as she usually does, not sure how she has survived this long as a Housewife to be honest with you. But to be fair, she’s can’t really even get a word in. She has the ‘derrrrrrrr, where am I’ look on her face like she normally does.

Can you slow down so I can follow??

We all know, I hope by now, Danielle, Jackie and Fessler are her assigned friends this season, so she had more than two people to film with. Like duhhhh.

‘The court case’ comes up and The Stump wants peace, because you know, that’s how she is. She loves peace and serenity.


It’s sleepover time. I’m confused as to what she says about how people can stay over but it’s not a slumber party, because no one can stay for an extended period in her castle? What is she saying? When is she planting grass around her house?

We’re in Jersey, we don’t have to make sense.

Shallow materialistic Jennifer walks in and demands to know if her house is ‘new construction?’

Who says that??? Maybe she asks since there’s no grass.

Everyone is present and accounted for except for Teresa who was not invited. I hate to jump on this bandwagon, but it’s fuckin’ true!! The aura is just so different and so light when Teresa is not present in the group. Her energy, just sucks ass. Period.

Fessler and Rachel convene, and you know listening to Rachel continue to complain about Fessler defending her husband, and defending her reasoning for being pissed, is making me want to pour gasoline in my eye.

I don’t know how many more times and how many more ways Fessler has to explain that she didn’t bring it up, and she was ASKED the question.

These psychic readings are such a joke. As if they’re not told what to say.

Danielle arrives late making an entrance with some weird cake to shade Jennifer.

You know I was going to get these Chambongs when I saw them on Southern Charm, maybe two years ago now, and I didn’t. I need to. So fun.

Jennifer and Melissa are the best at the Fruit Roll-Up swallowing event, which does not surprise me.

This is why we’re so fruity.

So glad The Stump is absent when they start talking about how their guys put the moves on them. Who would want to hear about Phooey and Stump having sex.


Dolo tells them she wants to planning an arguing trip. Not European this time. Bravo was probably not willing to spring for Europe for these crazy bitche

Next week, an ambulance. What’s a Housewife season without an ambulance?

We don’t know because it never happens.


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