Real Housewives of New Jersey 6/9/24

Tell us you gave into the Ozempic craze without telling us you gave into the Ozempic craze.

It just bugs me sorry. It’s like not even a point of discussion the fact that she suddenly lost 30 lbs.

That’s a lot of weight to lose and a big transformation without so much of a comment, when you’re on a reality show. She also has the gaunt Ozempic face.

This visit of Jackie’s with Teresa, I cannot even digest the whole entire fakeness and ridiculousness of it. Her over the top slobbering all over Teresa is so cringy and phony.

And what is wrong with Jackie’s face? She looks awful and I’m not just saying that because I can’t stand her. She looks terrible. It looks like she got some weird work done. Is this why she wants to hang around Tre Stump? So she doesn’t feel so bad?

You are so funnyyyyyyyyy!!! (looking)

Teresa is cracking me up running around this house that I sincerely doubt she’s going to have much longer.

We’re doing the back and forth thing. Melissa tells Joe how Jackie was “trying to vibe a little bit with Jennifer and Teresa.” A LITTLE bit? That was NOT a little bit. That was full on up her butt hole. Just like now.

I love powerful women I really do.” Oh shut the hell up Teresa.

She is the most Ungirls’ girl on the planet. Hence the reason for the twenty year long on and off battle with her brother and Melissa. She hated Melissa merely for existing. Oh and for being prettier and more pleasant and likable than her.

She doesn’t even know the definition of a powerful woman. It sure as hell isn’t her. I hope she doesn’t think THAT. ‘Powerful women’ don’t need to cut other women down constantly.

‘Powerful women’ don’t hire crooked lawyers and PI’s to go after other celebs, cast mates, and other Bravolebs that talk shit on her, which is exactly what she has been doing.

There were just text messages that came out on Monday (right after she was on WWHL swearing she doesn’t try to dig up dirt of people, that’s MARGARET that does that!) of her trying to find shit on Michael Rappaport because he can’t stand her, duhhh, and calls her in idiot, duhhh.

She and The Joker, did the same with Kate Chastain, retired Below Deck Mean Girl.

Jackie: “I feel like the energy coming from you and Jennifer is lighter and more fun.”

What in the bloody hell is this broad saying?? What a desperate pathetic sell-out for Bravo cash and fame.

Don’t we think if she didn’t lay it on so thick and isn’t so obviously blowing smoke up her ass, that maybe she might be believable. And if she still wasn’t believable, at least it wouldn’t be so comical in a revolting kind of way??

She then praises Tre Stump for calling Fuda ‘a parking attendant.’ Jackie reassures her that’s not what he is. But for some reason Jackie still thought it was great.

For real though, what’s wrong with her one eye??

I thought they had all of these businesses that Rachel was bragging about last season. I’m not really hearing Fuda deny that he’s a parking attendant. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I’m just confused.

Rachel fills Marge in who is out of town and is missing all of this shit.

That Louie, he’s one ugly guy!

Okay so Fuda is a little bit funny looking, not to agree with Louie, who shouldn’t really talk because he looks like The Joker. Marge points out that The Joker is unemployed and mooches off of Teresa.


Dolo and Paulie are out dining, which takes a turn for the worst pretty fast.

She questions his divorce, which I don’t even think is underway to be honest. Something happened that he just cannot recall what it was, ‘pushed it out.’

He informs her it’s not like he’s marrying her anyway the second he gets a divorce so suck it.

He pretty much tells her he’ll gets divorced when he gets around to it and take a hike if she doesn’t like it. I know he has an Irish accent, but for some reason during this convo it seems to be a lot thicker and more pronounced.

“They take like Tchree years, you don’t tink I’m telling you the truth?”

Not that he asked me but I don’t tink he’s telling the truth. Don’t think divorces typically take three years.

I’m not marryin’ ya love, I just wanted to be on TV.
So I need to wait another tchree for your dumb ass??

I paraphrased, a little bit, not a lot. He’s being a total douche.

What a fucking ass. He has good arms though. He must work out.


Danielle prepares for her ‘Boujie Kids’ fashion show in New York.


Margaret, forever hosting a charity event, and this season is no different. This time it’s a golfing event for First Responders. Good Cause.

While this is happening, The Jennifers, not invited to the golfing event, obviously, meet for margs and lunch.

Are these new besties too? Like Tre Stump and Jackie?? Because they’re acting really really phony and laying on the completely exaggerated compliments of how much they love each other.

I just enjoy you and Tre Stump soooooo much!!

They order a ginormous margarita.

That is one weird looking marg. I don’t even think it looks good, and it’s hard to make a margarita look bad.

Melissa announces that she invited Jennifer to her housewarming and we’re supposed to all have an extreme reaction over that.

Jennifer claims to Fessler she wants to move on with Melissa and not have hostility, and she’s yet to let Tre Stump know that she’s going.

Are we seeing a trend here? Could it be more obvious all of these new friendships are meant to piss someone else off?

So sick of the “I didn’t say he was a drug dealer NOWWWWWW” defense with Tre Stump.

Not even the point. The point is she and Phooey Louie are the ones that got this info from the ex, which was done specifically to manipulate the show. As I said, their messages are out there, it’s not disputable.

Dolo randomly brings up the convo between her and Paul. You would think she would not want to talk about that.

Joe says Dolo “doesn’t want to go into business with Paul, she wants to sit back and drive a Rolls Royce.” She’s pretending to be all excited about this Realtor thing because she ‘loves to work.’ Stop playing Dolo. I called bullshit on that too.

Marge is clipping trees and banging into people in the golf cart.


Fashion Week and I’m wondering who Danielle blew to get here. Her clothes are cute but it’s New York Fashion Week.

Not to be a B to these little kid models, but seriously like Danielle said, smile already!

Melissa attends New York Fashion Week in a bedazzled sweatsuit.


Teresa and Louie faking doing yoga or whatever the hell they’re doing, make me want to puke.

They’re meeting Fuda and Rachel so we can again hear Tre Stump say in her extremely annoying chain-smoking old man voice – “I said THEN – he was the biggest drug dealer THEN!!”

Are the Fuda’s going to plant grass in front of their house at some point?

Louie is such a puss having Buzz Lightyear set up his little meeting between him Tre Stump and the Fuda’s. My God.

Louie and I always try to be the bigger people…” says Tre Stump in her yap.

This broad is delusional. Sitting here knowing all of the sketchy shit they’ve been doing and she can say that with a straight face. They sit by their pool and talk in complete fucking riddles. No one knows what the hell they’re even saying to each other. A bunch of rehearsed rubbish about shit they’re trying to convince the viewers of. Wow.

Fuda is requesting an apology from these two. Teresa talks about his balls.

Why would they be meeting at a restaurant? As if they’re all going to be sitting here breaking bread together.

I guess a private room was smart, if you get my drift. There’s a table and all.

Thought it was funny Tre Stump brings a housewarming gift for Joe and Melissa and orders them to give it to them.

They bicker about who’s starting.

Oh My God.

Nobody has ‘tremendous respect’ for you Teresa. Who the hell said that??

Louie said you think I’m tremendously articulate.

Does the Joker say one damned word?? He let Fuda sit there and rip her a new ass and didn’t even defend his wife. Why would that be I wonder?? Oh because there was no defense. He probably feels like a dumb ass for making Teresa do all of this shit.

Actually it was me that called your ex.

Fuda lets her know that he knows they got that info from his ex. Of course she denies it. Look at her. She totally did this.

Louie said it was a good idea.

He’s right her apology isn’t authentic. She says “sorry if that’s what you heard?” What the fuck is that?

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