Real Housewives of New Jersey – 6/23/24 -Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud

Teresa and ‘spiritual’ do NOT go together. This woman is insufferable. Everything about her is phony, and she’s hardly spiritual.

I’m very spiritual” my ass. Since when? You know if someone asked her to define what that means, she would not know. I guarantee it.

Louie is fake spiritual, and now she’s fake spiritual.

I don’t give a rip how many Buddha statues she has at her house, that’s probably getting foreclosed on in the next six months, Buddha statues and all.

She probably thinks having Buddha statues instantly makes you ‘spiritual.’

I can’t with this daffy fucking woman. How in the HELL does she have a fan base?? HOW??

Having a Buddha makes you spiritual.

I’m glad Melissa is talking about Envy for a change. Was it last season her entire story line was Antonio’s torn ACL? I was like thinking doesn’t she own a boutique? Nothing going on there? You’re running your own small business, and you talk incessantly about Antonia’s minor injury so she couldn’t cheer?

I’m still trying to figure Danielle out. I do think she comes off as she could be saying this snarky shit that Jennifer is accusing her of and being way too big for her britches.

Also way too big are her fake boobs, same with Rachel. Must be a Jersey thing.


The healing sesh with the suddenly very spiritual Tre Stump, along with her minions, Dolo and Jennifer is a fucking waste of time with these shallow broads.

Dolo roles out this “we’re opening a business together” speech that I wish she’d know to just keep to herself due to how stupid she sounds. She’s back to claiming she doesn’t care whether or not he gets a divorce and she believes him that he’s doing everything he can to move things along. Which of course he’s definitely not.

Why does she keep saying “this is the commitment that he wants to make.” To put your ass to work?? Girllllllll.

And I guess he sat there and told a bold-faced lie last year when he claimed he had a ring.

Back and forth – Melissa and Danielle, and Teresa and The Minions, with the whiskey that Teresa and Louie presented Joe and Melissa with, through Dolo.

They got everyone talking about them. It’s so OBVI that is the reason. Teresa even admits in her yap it wasn’t even an olive branch it was a ‘gesture’ which is a stupid thing to say. She ‘credits’ Louie for the idea, and she didn’t even want to do it because she didn’t want to appear to be kissing their ass and has no intentions of making up with them. Wow, this bitch is cold. She says it with a huge smile. When Joe talks about Teresa, and their falling out, he always looks sad and upset, as does Melissa, and I don’t think they’re pretending. You can tell when they’re ‘acting.’ At least I can. That tells you all you need to know. Teresa has a black heart and no soul.

Don’t worry, I’m stubborn AF and am happy to report that I am NOT making up with my brother.

If Melissa was smarter, she would not discuss it at all.

Just like she does with her admission about Jackie, she’s too dumb to know to not say the quiet part out loud, that it wasn’t genuine at all.

Did this woman get even dumber over the past two years?? is it possible?? Doesn’t she know the game by now? Is it the Ozempic?

So Danielle made the mistake of telling Jennifer Aydin that with this charity event that’s getting so disgusting that they keep talking about a charity event like this, that she reimbursed herself from the proceeds to cover what she paid for, or her time or whatever. Who cares.

Jennifer took this convo, which took place when they weren’t even filming, and ran with it to throw in her face later, because of course if SHE were to host a charity, she would have no need to do that since HER husband is a surgeon. Not sure what Nate does, but pretty sure it’s not surgery.

If this was a charity event why are we being so petty about private cars, names on the ‘Step and Repeat’ which to be honest I had to look up what that even meant (It’s a backdrop that shows logos and ads and whatnot for events) and Danielle reimbursing herself for what she paid to hold the event, which is what’s so stupid about charity events. Why not just donate the fucking money to your charity??

Do we even know what the charity was for? Jennifer wanted a shout-out for her husband’s business just because she showed up?

And she’s trying to paint Danielle as greedy, petty and pretentious??

So if I’m understanding this correctly, this whole entire season is going to be about who is friends with whom. Is this what we’re stuck with because Teresa is not speaking with her brother and Melissa?

So here we go, this is Teresa’s second round in this ep of saying the quiet part out loud, as they bring up Jackie and how she thinks she is better than the rest of the ladies. She kind of does, but whatever. She is definitely smarter than Teresa and Melissa, but that does not take much.

These expressions on Teresa’s face are just so smug and evil.

I don’t even care about you bitches either.

Who cares about Jackie.” Okay Tre Stump, we know you think that, but you’re supposed to keep that to yourself, for the purpose of the show, so the slower viewers at least think you care about her.

Who cares about her I just need her because I want Margaret to be exposed.”

A few eps ago we had Jackie with her tongue practically in Teresa’s vagina, yapping about how much she wants to be friends with her and Jennifer because they’re so ‘fun and light.’

Okay Jackie, are you watching this shit?? Is this ‘fun and light?’ I know she didn’t mean it, she’s playing the game, but still, it makes her look stupid.

Teresa continues in her yap making fun of Jackie for thinking she’s smart. They flash on the 2018 Reunion where Jackie told her what a fucktard she is, which no one really does for some reason, and she bragged about being a New York Times bestselling ‘author.’

No Teresa you did not write your book, you cannot even write a sentence.

Teresa is sounding so obsessed with Margaret.


Marge, no wig and no makeup which is kind of a scary sight, drops in on Rachel.

Now THESE two are claiming to be BFF’s.

Margaret’s energy is ‘maternal?’ No, Rachel it is so not. She’s also not a ‘great person.’ How do these bitches keep a straight face in their yaps?

That Margaret she’s so sweet, yeah that’s that the ticket, sweet. (When does my direct deposit go in?)

What are the drops Margaret puts in her coffee?? Does she really travel with this shit? Remember last season she was in a coffee shop and whipped disgusting Snickers Coffee Mate out of her purse?? Marge is one of those coffee drinkers that takes a little coffee with her cup of fake creamer.

Now we’re trying to pretend like Joe has cancer. Usually it’s the Wives that pretend to have cancer.

I can’t imagine she’d be that upset if Joe had cancer, given the way she treats him.

If Joe had cancer I’d have to find another pussy guy I can push around.

Now after blubbering away about the death of her ex that she cheated on, we have to hear that Joe might have pretend cancer, and she’s so upset over that. Not!

Marge and Jackie are so excited about all of this dirt they have on each other by way of text messages. Cool.


Paul and Dolo go to the gym together. What on earth is Dolo wearing? Why would she be wearing that?? Lemon work-out set with a lemon sweatshirt?

She thought that looked good when she walked out of Paul’s house.

You mean you don’t want to marry THIS??

Dolo wants to have another tummy tuck it sounds like, since I guess she’s too lazy to exercise. She has no job so I wouldn’t think time is an issue. Paul gets all pissy about that and tells her she’s not allowed.


Great, another venue to argue at, Tre Stump’s ‘Tulum’ party.

And what did I say? This entire season is about who is friends with whom and who it pisses off.

Danielle whines to Nate “omg is Teresa going to be offended by me hanging out with Melissa and Rachellllll??”

Tre Stump gripes about Jackie needing to stay pissed off at Margaret because if she doesn’t, “we’re not going to stay friends.”

Wait, didn’t she just say earlier, “who cares about Jackie, I just need her for dirt on Margaret.” ??

But now they’re ‘friends.’ See Teresa this is why you’re not to divulge to the cameras what the hell you’re up to. You completely lose what little credibility you have.

I’m surprised production even put that in. Maybe at this point they realize it doesn’t matter anyway and they’re happy to let Teresa give away the ‘secret.’

Ticking Time Bomb Party gets going. Jackie walks in solo. I do think something is going on with her and Evan that’s not good. Did she tell really Gia everyone is obsessed with her and her mom? I know it’s Housewives, and it’s Jersey but these broads are saying the most bizarre things.

Everybody who’s anybody is talking about me and your dipshit mom!

Dolores: “Let someone destroy themselves, sometimes they can do it better than you.”

I like that.

Jackie pretty much has everyone against her as she enters the party alone, even her ‘bestie’ Tre Stump. Jennifer informs her Dolo was waiting for an apology on the slob remark. Jackie defends Margaret despite how she outing her, and calls her “a good person.”

Teresa informs Jackie, “as my friend, you are not permitted to like Margaret.”

It’s hard enough to take this seriously, but it adds another layer of idiocy, when Tre Stump just announced on camera ‘who cares about Jackie, I’m just using her anyway.’ I’m not wrong.

Jackie approaches Dolo to talk and she profusely apologizes. Dolo isn’t having it.

Teresa and Danielle confirm their fake friendship.

Danielle brings up the words she had with Jennifer at Melissa’s housewarming party about that fucking charity, that no one cares about.

Jennifer approaches, AGAIN bitching about being ‘shocked’ that Danielle didn’t want the hair chick at the VIP table. She just will not let this shit die. This is making her come off as desperate, and bored.

You know I’m still bothered about that charity event from a year ago since I have nothing else to offer.

This really is what we’re arguing about. Oh and the ‘paying herself back’ comment. Danielle plays dumb but I’m pretty sure she did say that. Little did she know it would be thrown in her face when cameras got picked up to give Jennifer Aydin a story line.

I don’t recall saying that…but I did pay myself back.

She’s clearly trying so hard to get under Danielle’s skin.

When you have Tre Stump even looking at you in disbelief, you need to knock it off. That’s when you know you’re being pretty fucking cunty. Just saying.

I honestly don’t get how Jennifer does not see how she’s contradicting herself. She wants her accolades, and her name in lights, as she’s standing her critiquing Danielle for ‘paying herself back’ out of the donations.

Danielle points out the small business names on the ‘Step and Repeat’ donated money and paid to have their names featured, whereas Jennifer did not.

I really do think this was supposed to be this warm and fuzzy moment and fun light social occasion, when she asked Tre Stump and Jennifer to attend the event, never imagining in a million years it would turn into this.

Jennifer is being so petty. Is Aydin’s Plastic Surgery that desperate for exposure, that she thought it should be recognized simply because Jennifer attended the event? What is happening??

Danielle looks dumbfounded and I don’t even blame her.

We showed up, dude.” I mean, who’s being the arrogant one here?

We showed up DUDE??

I don’t think Danielle failing to give the the recognition that you think you so deserve is an example of ‘tunnel vision’ Jennifer.

I bet this is the last goddamned charity event Danielle ever hosts and includes these ho’s in. Jesus.

Oh wait there’s more!!

Some hair extension fucking drama that sounds like Jennifer twisted and made it more of a thing for the sake of adding to her desperate ‘story line.’

I’m so over this.

Well it’s getting heated. Teresa just stands there like a fucking stump and can’t even try to diffuse it when she knows Jennifer is just being a jackass for purpose of being a jackass.

Jennifer knows Danielle is a hot head and she’s playing right into it. Jennifer tells her to calm down. Who doesn’t love the asshole that gets you all riled up on PURPOSE telling you to calm down?? That’s classic passive aggressive behavior.

Danielle gets in her face and calls her a dirtbag and Jennifer pushes her.

Danielle smacks her upside her head with her drink. That was kind of funny.

They’re literally playing Danielle again just like they did last season.

Danielle yells at Bill on her way out that he’s sleeping with the devil.

You actually think I’m sleeping with that wacko?

Jennifer reassures everyone that she’s “so good and so fine.” Well yeah usually the one that is doing the poking and provoking is always fine. And she’s SO fine and calm because Danielle did exactly what she wanted her to do. She’s probably having an orgasm right now.

That all went according to plan.

Again Teresa is looking at her like what the fuck.

Next week’s previews look as idiotic as this shit.

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