Real Housewives of New Jersey 3/21/23

Danielle and Rachel meet at a boutique for luau attire for Melissa’s shore house event.

Funny they didn’t go to Melissa’s boutique.

I love the newbies acting so in shock of how they all act. As Rachel puts it, we’re fighting, I love you…” when you know damned fucking well they’ve been watching the show for years, and know the deal. Also what’s hilarious is now they kind of act the same as the veterans, maybe a little more subtle. Rest assured, they’ll probably be at their level shortly.

Also the fact that they’re besties, and are telling each other how totally awesome the other is, and praising each other to no end in their yaps, when as you know they’re going to hate each other in about five minutes. Remember Noella and Nicole, on OC last season? That’s what these two remind of.

So whatever, they gossip while fake shopping, mostly about Margaret. They’re looking at sparkly prom gowns for some reason, to wear to a luau.

I think this looks luau-y, no??

I did think it was strange Danielle hasn’t gone “down the shore” in like ten years. Not even family trips I guess. Thought these Jersey ladies were all about the shore. Unless she just meant she hasn’t been to the Jersey shore. I guess I can’t blame her for that.

It’s clear they’re trying to replace Danielle’s sibling squabble with Teresa and Joe’s. I guess Bravo got the memo that we’re all sick of it. So what do they do? Replace this story line with the exact same scenario, almost. Except the brother’s wife sounds like the instigator, instead of the sister, in Teresa and Joe’s case.

There MAY have been more to this than just the Insta thing, but again I feel like I have pointed this out, she did say there was some sort of wedding planning interference. So if the wife just didn’t really like Danielle, as Teresa never really liked Melissa, because she viewed her as competition, or is jealous, what the fuck ever, who knows with women and their pettiness, I can see those two incidents getting blown out of proportion, especially if she was egging him on.

I’m frankly sick of it already, and to be honest I don’t give a rat’s ass what ‘more there is to it.’ At all. It’s probably even more stupid than him making fun of her insta posts.

I think Margaret thinks she has some deep dark secret in reference to this rivalry, which I’m predicting is going to be really insignificant. Margaret is desperate to have something equivalent to her Bill cheating scandal like last season.

Not to make it about me, but this is kind of how I feel about my sister and our argument, when Danielle says that “it’s just a lost cause” at this point.

Because I am owed so many apologies for the way something so stupid and insignificant got blown out of proportion, that I know I’ll never get, and I just need that to move on.

Rachel gets all holier than thou in her yap: “I have a COMPLETELY different relationship with MY brother…” and yaaddaa yaddaa. What I would say to her, is that it does not mean that this can’t happen to you. I never in my wildest would have thought my sister would treat me this way. NEVER. We were also very very close and best friends, even I would say. So, Rachel shut up. Danielle even already said too, that her and her brother were very close, I don’t think these stupid “I’m not speaking to you” arguments would even be possible unless you were close in the first place. With Jackie and her sister, it sounds like they never, even as kids, could stand each other and were never close. So it makes sense that they still hate each other. Everyone is trying to make all of these assumptions, when they don’t know shit. Maybe her brother is just a fucking asshole.

MY brother loves me, and this is how I WOULD handle this,

Don’t fuck with a woman scorned.” Danielle says.

Rachel has no fucking clue what ‘scorned’ means. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…”

Guess she never heard that expression in her life.

Danielle has to define it, which she does a bad job of. It’s not hard. It means like, fucked over, pissed off… that should have been easy enough for Rachel to comprehend. Jesus.

I don’t know what the hell she thought she said.

Scorned?? Wait what, was there corn?? porn??

These Housewives, especially Jersey, have THEE most limited vocabs of anyone I’ve ever seen.

Messed with, scorned” is how Danielle defines it. Rachel says she still doesn’t get it. Jesus. Well Danielle does define it by using the same word.

Why does Teresa always think Joe and Melissa should extend the olive branch when she rarely does? Wouldn’t having asking Melissa to be in her wedding be kind of an olive branch extension?

Why would Melissa want to have Teresa stay at her house with her, when she knows she hates her?

Let’s just call a spade a spade. Teresa does not like Melissa, has never liked Melissa, and never ever will. Melissa pisses her off by merely existing, and standing there looking better than Teresa.

Teresa and Jennifer think that Margaret has some sort of dirt on Melissa, and that’s why they kiss her ass and side with her. Do we really think Melissa did have a little side hustle going on Joe? I don’t.

So what if Melissa wants to be friendly with Margaret? Didn’t Teresa and Margaret make up? Teresa can’t stand that Melissa basically gets along with almost everyone, and she gets along with almost no one.

The only reason Jennifer Aydin is her friend, is because Teresa is the ‘main character’ of the show, and Jennifer wants to secure her spot, and be front and center. She knows that if she is BFF’s with Teresa, she’ll get more camera time. Even if she is pretty much the only one she can film with at this point, besides her slimy husband. It’s Teresa.

What is the deal with these new houses in Jersey?? Are these architects and builders smokin a little on the job? Or just incompetent?

Rachel’s house is also kind of tacky and unusual on the exterior. What’s with the random dormer above the entry way area? There can’t be room there. Wasn’t this the deal with Teresa’s house ? Dormers with no rooms. And what about the over sized doors and entrances? It looks like Teresa’s old house and Melissa’s new house had a baby. Not in a good way. Even Jennifer’s house, they seem to be obsessed with dormers. Maybe it’s a Jersey thing.

Maybe the 3 X 3 dormer room above the door is for the husband??

And there’s literally no landscaping. Then there’s Marge with her leopard wall paper. So Jersey.

Jennifer and Bill discuss their ‘Dr Judy’ visit, and Bill does his typical talk her to death, word vomit salad, to divert her from the issue at hand. Which is that he sucks, and their marriage is a joke at this point.

I hope the more I talk, the less of a complete loser husband I sound like?

So Bill and Jennifer made the plunge and bought a shore house, which I predicted would be happening this season, with everyone else having one. Gotta keep up with those Joneses.

They purchased it already furnished which I think is typical in beach house purchases. Jennifer doesn’t feel the need to change anything, even though it is is serious need of redecoration, not even the bedding. I hope she at least washed everything. And please get rid of those terrible blinds. I did like the one bedroom that’s the aqua/ light teal color. The bright yellow, not so much

The gang is beginning to arrive to all of the various shore houses. I am curious why earlier Dolores referred to what I thought was her house there, as now ‘Frank’s house?’ Maybe it’s theirs together.

I cant imagine Paul isn’t ‘up to’ going to the beach for a party. He seemed fine in the clip they showed. Especially when he’s insanely jealous of her spending any time with Frank or even communicating with him. Maybe Paul is avoiding him.

I was glad to see Jackie taking a big old bite of a sandwich or something.

Melissa is now even more put off about her mom not being invited to Teresa’s wedding, because she invited Margaret’s mom. She did approach her at the game, and hinted that she wanted to come. Not to defend Teresa, but she probably felt kind of put on the spot. Or else she’s just walking around saying “you get an invitation, you get an invitation!” (as long as you’re not related to Melissa) Which is what she kind of did with all of the random Housewives that attended.

So your nut job mom gets invited and mine still isn’t??

Guess it is kind of puzzling that Joe wouldn’t have invited Teresa to stay at their shore house, like ever. Last season I thought they were in a mostly good place, for the most part, since in order to keep the peace, they were just agreeing with Teresa constantly, and kissing her ass.

Back to Danielle and this stupid brother with his little panties all in a bunch, “I think Danielle is leaving out a big piece of the story” Jackie thinks.

I mean maybe, but not necessarily. Sometimes if one of the parties wants to really be a fucking dick, they can take a small incident, and blow it out of proportion, My sister ‘isn’t speaking to me’ because after too much wine, and I had just been through a horrible ordeal, I accidentally said fuck you” (in kind of a jokingly way) to her mother in law (who by the say set me up to have a reaction so there is that) immediately apologized, and then apologized again and again. Also my sister isn’t close to her, can’t really stand her, and gossiped about her and made fun of her to me often.

My sister at the coaxing of her husband, because they wanted to feel superior to me, chose to not let it go, and caused it to snowball and escalate. To the point when more hurtful shit was said out of frustration and anger, and here we are. That was in September 2020. Honestly it was so stupid and minor, we should have gotten up the next morning and laughed about it.

But they wanted to elevate themselves, which they loooooovvve to do, since they’re medium sized fish in a little sea, and made me feel like complete shit.

So short story long, no Jackie, there does NOT necessarily have to be ‘more to the story.’ If there is, it is probably also like my sitch, things just escalated after the initial occurrence, which was in their case, the ridiculing by her brother of her posts, then she blocked him.

Like my sister is using the excuse that it’s not about what I said to Phyl*** her MIL, it’s NOW about me calling her daughter, my niece fat and ugly, (which I shouldn’t have done) because I got upset when I got the brush off when I was trying to make my “what’s the big deal?” point, “I apologized?” I had compared what I said to Phyl*** to some rude shit her daughter had recently said to me, which was worse than what I said to Phyl***, and that little bitch never even apologized. So I just didn’t, and still don’t get the huge fucking ordeal??

Christ they even have lied about it. She brushed that off as ‘deflecting’ instead of admitting is blatant hypocrisy, so then I resorted to name calling of my niece. But she is fat and ugly! And also an ugly person on the inside, so it sucks to be her! I literally only know of her having one fucking friend her entire childhood and teenage and adult years. No lie, one friend. No one likes her because she’s a nasty little bitch.

So back to Jersey, Melissa in her yap too, “well Teresa and Joe have had some knock downs, and THEY’RE able to make up, I don’t see why Danielle and HER brother can’t make up…” But let’s be honest, they never actually ‘make up.’ They just put a band-aid over it, and usually just the crappy store brand kind, then are fake nice, until Teresa gets another hair up her ass.

To me, it all depends on the actual individual, and who they’re being influenced by, (sounds like her brother is being influenced by his wife, and I know for a FACT my sister is being influenced by her husband) and so many other factors. These jerks must know something more, or think they know something more. I just don’t even care. Even though I went on about it for a page… It just hits home with me, and this gives me the opportunity to vent, because God knows, everyone else is sick of hearing about it. And no one in my family will talk to me about it. Including my sister.

Teresa and this “love love love” please just STOP. She sounds like she’s in high school.

The luau is getting under way.

Margaret is getting ready to pounce on Teresa, as Rachel is egging her on, and Jackie is also all about it.

She’s just a ‘friend’ this season, right? She seems a little too into this.

I’m ON it, I really need my spot back from you stupid broads!

Is Bravo paying for this party? Looks like no expense has been spared. Cigar makers, Houla dancers, you name it, it’s here. If not, maybe they should have been more worried about paying their contractors.

Word on the street is that they’re rectifying the fucked up exterior on their house since there has been a lot of social media criticism, that the entry way is ugly AF, and the windows are uneven.

Now fucking Melissa doesn’t now what the hell ‘arsenal’ means. I have no words for how bad these ladies are with words… Jesus ladies, these are basic fucking words. She thinks it’s a book? Rachel laughs at this, when she didn’t know what ‘scorned’ means. I honestly don’t think she knew what arsenal meant either.

What about my ars? Is it cute??
Oh good, I’m not the only dumb ass…

Marge in her yap, throws some shade – “her and Teresa are more alike than we think they are.” Well yeah duhhh. Remember last season, Melissa didn’t where Nashville was, nor anything about it, as they were on their way, to the airport. I made a chat page post about it and I had people commenting that lived in other countries that knew of Nashville, TN. Embarrassing.

Marge approaches Teresa, about her snarky little commentary, “watch your back with Margaret, whatever whatever…”

Don’t be starting trouble, Rachel, that’s MY job!

She bitches at Rachel for starting trouble, Margaret points out the hypocrisy, then she and Margaret seem to iron it out.

Everyone is doing shots, and pouring alcohol down each other’s throats. The guys know Bill is a light weight, so they go in hard, as he crawls around, which is actually kind of funny. I don’t think many people are feeling sorry for him.

Again Frank whining about Dolores and Paul. If I was his girlfriend I might start getting annoyed at this point. Enough.

At least Dolores is now acknowledging that David wanted to get with him. See I told you guys. I hope that wasn’t a joke, because it’s 100% accurate. She walks away from his whining yet again, about Paul bitching about him texting her about something, instead of him. Like dude move on.

We get some skinny on the ‘history’ of Teresa and her issue with Melissa’s mom. There was some shit talking tweets flyin around from Melissa’s mom and sisters, years ago, getting involved in the constant strife with Teresa, Joe and Melissa. Which IS kind of immature. And we know Teresa holds a grudge.

She seems annoyed that Luis spoke with Melissa’s mom, and apologized to her for the non-invite or snub or whatever. Teresa says he can go ahead and invite her. Okay, so can we shut up about this now?

Jesus Christ, he’s undermining my petty little schemes to piss off Melissa…

Gorga waxes Fuda’s chest as some sort of initiation to the group. And we’re all thinking of ‘The 40 Year Old Virgin’ I’m sure. And we could have done without this, I’m sure.

Jackie claims she wants Jennifer and Margaret to make up, and I see Jackie is still in denial about Evan cheating on her, “of course nothing happened.” She says. Okay. Just stick with that.

I don’t know what prompts Jennifer to confide in Judgmental Jackie, perhaps the tequila, and she tells her what a shit head Bill is. Jackie pretends to give a shit, and pretends to console her.

Now Jackie pretends to hate Danielle. Someone really wants her full-time spot back.

We wrap this shit up with the girls talking about Danielle loud enough for her to hear, and Danielle storming out of the party when they inform her of their more interesting interpretation that they are insisting upon, about her and her brother not speaking. “Italians hold grudges” Teresa points out.

I don’t blame Danielle for getting pissed off like this. I would too, if someone accused me of being the trouble maker or hiding something with my sister and our issues. Especially when you KNOW you have been a good sister. It sucks.

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