Real Housewives of New Jersey 3/14/23

Can I mention again how much I HATE Teresa’s tag line?? Euuwww

Teresa getting ‘therapy’ is also a joke. She just sat here and said that all of her past behavior was ‘valid.’ So screaming at people like a lunatic, and throwing shit at them in public, more that once, not like it was a once and done, had enough thing. This is her normal behavior. So in six months of therapy, her take away is that her reactions are VALID, but her delivery isn’t what it should be. So Teresa.

Why does she always look like she’s off in her own fucking world??

Okay so I shouldn’t throw tables and drinks. Got it. Should I write this down?

I am a little saddened that Antonio didn’t go to Milania’s 16th birthday party. Surely she could have missed one cheer leading thing. She and Milania were very close, and LOVED each other when they were little. They were so stinking cute.

Also an obsi that I have, is that I feel like Teresa has caused most of this latest Joe and Melissa friction simply by excluding Melissa from the wedding party. And I’m not saying Joe and Melissa aren’t annoying.

It’s just one of those things that she should have done, that as an adult, you can chalk up to an obligation, and a gesture to keep the peace. Even though they’re “not that close” as she puts it.

If I remember correctly, Luis was having Joe as part of the groomsmen, but Teresa refused to invite Melissa as a bridesmaid. It’s ridiculous, and Teresa knew full well it was going to cause bitterness, and Melissa’s feelings would be hurt. That was the plan. She should have predicted Joe would be pissed off too.

I love when Teresa said “Joe’s temper is out of control, and all of this toxicity hurts.” Wouldn’t you call excluding your sister-in-law from your wedding party to get back at her, as toxicity? And to add insult to injury, Luis sisters were bridesmaids.

Yeah so Okay there hypocrite, settle down. You literally excluded Melissa from your wedding party, simply to prove a point. Sounds a little toxic. I’m disappointed Gia nor Gabriella didn’t try to explain to her this was just going to cause more issues than it was worth.

Since they’re much more intelligent, I feel like they should have been more insightful of the aftermath of the exclusion. Is it worth it?

Like “Mom, just make her a bridesmaid, it’s not that big of a deal.” You’re not fucking 20, where you all have to be BFF’s. It’s kind of lame to have bridesmaids at a wedding of 50 year old’s anyway.

I’m not so sure her primary reason wasn’t because she knew Melissa would look better than her. That’s not toxic either right??

Is anyone else kind of surprised that Jen smokes pot, as her little night time unwinding release ritual ? I kind of do. Just had her more as a glass of wine or martini un-winder, not rollin up a doobie and smokin it?? Not that there’s anything wrong with it, just doesn’t seem Jennifer.

She rambles to Bill about Margaret and the shit she says getting back to her kids. Yet she still sticks with being a Housewife. Bill has the usual smug, couldn’t care less expression on his face.

All the cool moms smoke pot.

Margaret and other Jen gossip about Jennifer. Margaret still sticking with her Snickers coffee mate. Yuck. Jen sort of scolds Margaret for her unruly behavior at her get together.

Paul seems a little too good to be true. The dude is sweet, funny, dotes on her, and has a wall of wine. A wall of wine. Is that for real?

Does Frank have a wall of wine?? I think not, he doesn’t even have a house!

Her dad visits them and brings his own 2 liter bottle of Coke. Is this a Jersey thing? Margaret brought her own coffee mate to a coffee shop last season, and Dolores’ dad brings a gigantic bottle of coke to drop in on his daughter. It’s not like he was stayin for three damned days.

Paul is having a heart procedure. Dolores basically says in her yap, that it’s scary, since this is the first guy she’s really happy with, so she doesn’t want him to die. Way to make it about you Dor.

Like don’t die, because you’re the first dude that gave me any attention in 20 years!!

She and her dad go for a walk and yes, we agree Paul is a step or ten, up from David, the dude that did NOT give two fucks, whether he saw her or not, (actually preferred NOT to) and pretended that he had to work all of the time. Oh, and had a crush on her ex-husband and son. Not at all creepy. Way to pick ’em Dolores.

Not only does Paul not have a crush on Frank, it doesn’t seem like he can even stand the sight of him. David was all too happy for Dolores to go on dates and outings with Frank. It was all really weird. Not sure why she put up with that for so long, or didn’t notice he was crushing on Frank. Clearly she wasn’t his type. Wonder if she kept the Jag.

Melissa and Joe try to explain to Frank, that Paul is nothing like googly-eyed-for -him David, so he needs to just the fuck over it. I paraphrased. They flash to the few seasons ago scene where David looks at Frank like he wants to… YOU know.

Ohhhhh Frank, I loved washing your balls!

Also he tells him how thrilled he was to help him shower. (Frank was having a health issue, and David was ‘taking care of him.’) So if you’re wondering where oh where, I would have gotten that idea from… ??? That’s where. I got a little dragged on some chat groups for that one. I stick by it.

Also he had Frank and Frankie were living with him, however he didn’t want Dolores living with him? I mean come on. Doesn’t take a genius.

I was wondering if Frank still had this girlfriend. Yes he does, apparently, and she’s making her Housewife debut. She admits she was first threatened by Dolores, then became fine with his closeness with her, I don’t know. I’m not the overly jealous type, and I think I would have a problem with how much he seems to want to be around her and talk to her. I don’t blame Paul for being like, yeah no, he’s not needed to be that involved in your day to day.

Their kids are adults. It doesn’t necessarily mean that David is ‘insecure’ as the dudes here are trying to paint him. It means he’s normal. It would be different if they had young kids still, and were doing the co-parenting thing, and had to constantly be in touch. But they don’t.

I kind of think Frank has been slyly so involved in her life, to prevent her from finding someone else. Like a muted sabotage on her moving forward and finding a new guy. If he stuck around as this ‘husband figure’ she wouldn’t feel the need to date, or move on. Which I hate to say, I think kind of worked, up until now.

Frank seems all beside himself about seeing Paul at the softball game, which he’s not even going to. So who’s the insecure one? Frank seems scared shitless. He needs an appletini so he can chill.

Whatever, this whole convo seems so rehearsed and phony anyway.

I just liked it better when she had a boyfriend that liked me, and not her. Call me selfish.

They’re at batting cages warming up for the big charity game that Dolores is hosting. None of these nitwits can hit a fucking ball to save their life. Except Joe. Sad. Yes, see Margaret, she DID marry a ball player.

Melissa recaps that whole thing about Margaret’s supposed joke, pointing out Melissa can have anyone dude she wants, so Joe better stay in line. There were mixed opinions about that on the chat groups. I kind of thought it was funny, but some were saying that is not what a real friend tells someone who’s hit a little bumpy road in their marriage. I kind of see that side too. It’s like maybe she sort of low-key wants to see other long term marriages fail, and families broken up? I guess so she feels better??

Danielle also seems to think Margaret telling Melissa that, was fucked up. Like if it was a one time crack, “don’t put up with his shit you could have a pro ball player…” then okay. It’s funny, point taken, be done with it.

But it does kind of sound like she kept harping on it, and was really trying to drive into Melissa that Joe is an asshole (which he sometimes is) and that she needs to leave him.

I get it, she wears the pants in her marriage and her Joe is basically afraid of her, but she has to realize most women don’t enjoy that dynamic in their marriage. And who wants a pussy dude that’s afraid of her anyway. What we want is a happy medium, Not a pussy and not a fucking dictator. Guys, it shouldn’t be that hard.

So it’s ‘play ball’ time, and we’re gatherin in the locker area, so we can refresh on the latest gossip, and who hates whom right now. Getting straight what was said behind whose back, and where the alliances are, etc.

Danielle was told to ‘keep an eye out’ for Margaret, and she makes a better friend than enemy. Well duh. Margaret’s clearly not liking any of this. She’s makin some weird ass ugly scowling faces. Guess this is where the trout mouth thing comes from. Where IS the deal with her lips?

Could they BE be more pursed? I don’t think so.

Does puckering and pursing my lips make me look stupid?

So if you thought she was making some constipated fish faces when Danielle was talking to her, Jennifer walks in, and she looks ready for a lip rumble.

How about like this?? Less pucker, more purse.

Melissa and Joe arrive with Joey in tow who looks like a diminutive Joey Tribiani. Could they look more Jersey??

Believe it or not, we’re playin for the Jersey team.

Joe immediately starts hacking the sleeves from his jersey, and of course little Joey has to have his hacked off too. Jesus Christ. At least they have two boys, and there’s not three mini Melissa’s walking around.

He’s so funny because he seems like he’s trying so hard to look cool and bad ass, but he’s like four feet tall. Maybe he should try dropping some “how YOU doin’s??”

Teresa, Louie, Gia, and Milania arrive, (where’s Gabriella, thought she was the Athletic one) and there’s awkwardness when everyone greets each other, and even when Gia and Milania greet little Joey. Gia seems happy to see him.

Teresa says in her yap, that this is how it should always be. It should always be fake polite small-talk?

Well all she had to do was ask Melissa to be a fucking bridesmaid.

Remember last year all of the drama at the ball game, over who all was NOT wearing Teresa’s stupid leggings. Her “work out line” she kept repeating, and she doesn’t even work out.

These women are too old for these long down to their ass hair extensions, and God forbid they should pull them up in a pony tail, even to play baseball. Like none of them have their hair pulled back off of their face at all.

Teresa pretends to be interested in Joey’s sun-streaked hair. Sorry guys, I just think she always comes across as so insincere.

Gia complains in her yap that Melissa and Joe are trying to put a wedge between her and the cousins. Which I don’t believe to be true. Do they seriously not see how fucking difficult Teresa is to get along with, and all the shady ass shit she says and does? Did Gia watch the reunion last year? She was so horrible to him for no reason.

Like the woman is NOT normal. It’s great they defend their mom, as they should, but they should still see she’s not entirely blameless in the constant controversy.

Teresa has them so brainwashed. Her and their dad have been talking shit on Joe and Melissa since they were little kids. Gia just looks for things to bitch about with Joe. Her mom is as much of a fame whore as Joe and Melissa are.

Here we go again with Frank, and his belly aching that Dolores is no longer at his beckon call.

I think you should get back with David. actually.

After a slow start, the Housewives and Husbands begin to give the opposing team a run for their money, and up with the win. Is it fixed, for the Jersey wives and dudes to win? Probably.

Jen and Bill have this completely unbearable therapy session. This isn’t some run-of-the-mill therapist. She’s an actual psychologist, and sort of looks right out of a sci-fi movie.

I didn’t mean for that to be mean. She’s just very… eccentric. And very mature.

Well you are supposed to obey your husband…

Jen goes on and on, about Bill’s infidelity, and his shortcomings as a husband, of which there are many, as he sits there with his arms crossed looking so uncomfortable, trying to not look uncomfortable.

So what I had a side chick, I actually still have like three or four.

He tells her that Jennifer is more like their friend who spoils them, and not really disciplining them nor micro-managing enough. Jennifer defends herself, as he snickers. Wtf. I guess this is his defense mechanism. He looks so sinister and gross.

So your husband and father of your five kids going straight “to the pool house” when he gets home from work, is kind of disheartening. Doesn’t even eat dinner with them. He shouldn’t be doing that. If that’s what he feels the need to do, then he needs to divorce her, I hate to say. It’s clear he cannot stand this woman. I think she will eventually divorce him. Nothing is going to change here.

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