Real Housewives of Dubai Premier 6/2/24

They made us wait long enough. The first season premier was literally two years ago, in June 2022. So rude. Wonder what the hold up was??

All of the same ladies minus Nina, my fave, and a newcomer. Caroline is still with that poor kid and that is kind of shocking me. She also is still promising him a baby. Also shocking. At 47.

Caroline Brooks’ salon is open. You may recall that it was in the early planning stages two years ago. And of course she would have ginormous portraits of herself about! I noticed that in last season in her home. No pictures of her kid, but pictures of her everywhere.

The opening scene is Lesa and Ayan meeting for Padel Ball. It’s a Dubai thing. It’s probably like our pickle ball. These two haven’t changed. They brag about being in the ‘VVIP’ section at the Beyonce concert and how everyone is oh so jealous of them. They name drop Kendall Jenner. When your big name drop is Kendall Jenner, you have a problem. Ayan announces she will be meeting Caroline Stanbury for lunch to attempt at a reconciliation. Neither of these two got along with her last season, which is understandable because Caroline Stanbury is miserable, catty AF, and difficult to get along with.

Don’t be getting too friendly with the Wicked Witch of the Middle East.

Stanbury and Sergio as I said, are still together. She’s still rude and pissy. He’s still clingy and pathetic.

Their house is still not complete which was started when they were filming probably 2.5 – 3 years ago. Are they building Buckingham Palace or what?

They’re currently staying with her friend.

Not sure how they’re affording this. I was under the impression that Sergio doesn’t have shit. Maybe it’s ex’s and daddy’s money??

Wasn’t her tag line something about ‘old money?’

This I found interesting and I did not know. When you are of a certain age in Dubai, in order to get approved for a mortgage you have to take a fitness test and health evaulation. I guess you don’t see a lot of overweight people there. Can you imagine being in a couple and you get denied because one of you is out of shape??

Sounds like incentive to keep in shape, if nothing else.

I guess it makes sense, but you know here in the States we have the whole discrimination thing. You can be 90 and apply for a 30 year mortgage and nobody can say shit.


Brooks has not changed I see. Not that I expected her to. Still loving that word ‘money.’ Still trying to sell herself as this ‘independent woman’ when she’s being supported by her two ex’s.


Sara has a spiritual healing ceremony where she discusses her two abusive ex husband. I would really like to judge someone being in two abusive relationships but I am in no position to do that.

Those mother fuckers are sneaky and sketchy as fuck. And let me give this advice right now for anyone who needs to hear it. Anything they accuse you of doing, they are doing. Period. There’s a fancy buzzword now for it called projection. And it’s real.

This is what the fuck they do to you. Yet somehow trying to convince you that you’re the problem. Do you think they’re screaming into a pillow?? No. They are not.


Lesa is expanding her clothing line into non-maternity wear.

We’re basically playing catch up from two years ago with this episode, which is fine. It was nice to have a normal and quiet episode with no one crying, yelling, or throwing anything. Until the end.


Caroline Stanbury and Ayan meet for their planned lunch. We see in previews that they become friendly which does not make Lesa very happy.

I may have touched on this two years ago pertaining to Ayan’s and Lesa’s close friendship and how they were both at odds with most of the group. That’s not a recommended dynamic in Housewives, because there’s only one person you can film with which limits your screen time, which means you’re not interesting, which means you get the ax.

Ayan is still completely over dressing, and bringing random hidden meaning gifts.

Beyonce is again the subject of another Housewife episode. I wonder if she’s a future Housewife??

It’s really sad to hear people that live in another country talk about America not being safe. I want to get defensive about it, but there is truth to it. Having said that, it’s not the entire United States. They’re hearing news reports of the big cities where there is crime and thinking it’s the entire country, and it’s not.

But kind of wondering, If the US is so awful why do their kids want to go to college there?? Neither Ayan nor Caroline are American. Make up your mind. Is it terrible or is it not terrible?

Ayan suffered backlash after the first season aired for sharing what she experienced in her childhood in Africa. She’s blaming Sara for coaxing her to publicize the abuse she suffered, then went to the media and accused her of playing victim, if I’m understanding her correctly. She’s sometimes hard to understand.

That’s another over used term lately. ‘Playing the victim.’ People are just saying it because it’s a buzz phrase and not really thinking about the meaning.

I would say if she wast tied to a bed and circumcised at five years old, it’s safe to call her an actual victim. She doesn’t need to ‘play the victim.’

What is wrong with people?? Do they have no ability to comprehend a simple phrase and stop and think about what they’re saying?

My God even Caroline who doesn’t even like Ayan and is very cold and unsympathetic says in her yap that was an inappropriate comment for that scenario. Not to mention wasn’t Sara referring to herself as some sort of proxy ‘therapist’ or some shit??

It’s so funny that Ayan has no clue how old she is. She thinks she’s older than Caroline? Who’s 47? She can’t be.


The ‘other’ Caroline (Brooks) meets with newcomer Taleen who is her close friend, and apparently had a recent drunken night at Beyonce, in which Stanbury witnessed and did NOT approve.

The group brunch is going down. They keep talking about how ‘nice’ the weather is, as in it’s not too hot. And it’s 94.

Brooks is already shitfaced and they just sat down. She’s still sloppy I see. I commented two years ago I thought she seemed to have a slight alcohol problem. Seems like her friend might also.

They ridicule Taleen for her ‘stumble’ at the concert, as Brooks slurps her marg through a straw. These two seem to be big drinking buddies.

Who me? Alcohol problem? No way!!

Ayan brings up to Sara the‘victim’ thing. Sarah denies saying it. She did say she was using her experience as an excuse to be mean to people, however. Ayan is not ‘mean’ to people. And how ever she worded it, it was pretty shitty to use her childhood trauma and abuse like that because she was pissed off at her about something. When she, as this fake makeshift therapist, convinced her to talk about it with a real therapist on the show.

NO I did NOT say you play victim I said you pretend to be the victim!

Stanbury orders them to stop bickering at the table and have their conversation elsewhere. They oblige. It’s Stanbury and she’s scary.

I respect Ayan’s fashion sense to a degree, but is not ridiculous she goes to these casual places wearing these formal evening wear dresses. She reminds me of a little girl playing dress-up. You know how you see a child in the grocery store wearing a long princess dress and you say “awww that’s so cute.” It’s just not the same with an adult. It’s not cute. It gives desperate. She can barely walk nor move in 8 inch platforms and all of the poofiness of her dress, and falls into her chair. We know you’re a model.

So apparently this was a Twitter battle. As usual, social media fights become a thing in the subsequent seasons, which are such a yawn. Sounds like it got started when Ayan made a comment about her ‘modeling’ on Twitter.

I was just tied down and mutilated as a child but okay.

Back at the table, Taleen confronts Stanbury about her snarky comments about her vajayjay being out in her drunken ‘stumble’ which seems to have been more of a face plant.

Ayan and Sara are still bickering. Sara is insisting that Ayan told that story for attention which did not seem to be the case to me.

That ends badly and Ayan tells her to check her soul. I like that phrase and might have to copy it.

I think I recall of Sara two years ago, when confronted about saying something she shouldn’t have instead of just owning she said it and apologizing she doubles down, changes the wording slightly and makes excuses.

So at the table she claimed she never said Ayan ‘plays victim’ however now she’s admitting that she said she ‘victimized herself.’ Same fucking thing. Just say you’re fucking sorry and it was shitty.

Why is that so hard for people??

Well, they don’t resolve it. Sara can’t just apologize and say “I shouldn’t have said that.”

That’s really hard for some people to do, I know.



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