Real Housewives of Dubai-(part 2) 7/16/24 – Housewarming Hotheads

So we hear the typical Housewife scenario/line when a Housewife brings a longtime so-called legit friend to the show, where the newcomer says “I never saw this side of her! What’s going on- I’m so confused.

What’s going on?? They really have to ask that?? You would think these women would do their research and tune into seasons gone past to see how ‘good friends’ get treated on any of the franchises.


Stanbury prepares for her Housewarming Party. Brooks is being psycho and Taleen is all cranked up about the ‘begging’ comment.

I think it’s so awful how Stanbury keeps saying that Sergio can pack up and get out anytime he feels like it. And they’re talking about having a child together?

Sergio, there’s the door. Don’t forget where the door is now.

Sara arrives, and I’m just saying, I feel the sexual tension through the screen with those two.

I said what I said.

Brooks arrives burning sage. A ‘fuck you’ move towards Stanbury of course. She recognizes it and ignores her. The same thing you do with a child when they’re desperately trying to annoy you to get your attention.

She then commits a double faux pas by bringing an uninvited unannounced guest, which Stanbury does get a little dramatic about.

I get it’s a dinner and you have place settings but it’s not that serious. Also it’s rude to act annoyed in front of the guest. But as we know, Stanbury does not have the best manners. She should have acted unbothered by this just like the sage.

It’s okay I don’t need to eat…

The friend/nail technician starts nervously fluffing her hair. So embarrassing. How awful of them to do this to her.

Brooks is (not) shockingly guzzling her cocktails. Who the HELL drinks cocktails like that in public??

The eyes are already half-closed.

Brooks spills some tea, crediting Stanbury’s friend Michael also overindulged in cocktails and overshared that he pays Stanbury’s bills?? What?? Including the mortgage on the new house? And utilities? What?? Ayan also chimes in that he also pays for her ‘help.’ What in the WHAT?? And why??

Now that’s a fucking friend.

Stanbury makes yet another comment that this ice cube baby thing is probably not going to happen. Poor Sergio. He’s wasting his time with this woman. He needs to leave, which she must want, as much as she suggests it, and get with Sara. She has some good baby making years left and she wants to have another child. She’s a little odd but so is he. I think she love the clinginess, it would make her feel wanted and important.

His sad face as soon as she says this. I feel bad for this kid. I shouldn’t because he’s a grown ass man and has made these decisions.

Stanbury thinks it’s a big joke and he looks devastated. She says he is like having a child. Is she TRYING to get him to leave??

I hate this old bitch.

I feel like Taleen’s husband sort of feels bad for him, and is trying to take him under his wing. He asks what the guys are going to do when the wives are in Bali.

Brooks is drunk and fuming that Taleen is friends with Stanbury and feels she has used her to get into the Housewife clique.

I don’t know that she ‘used’ Brooks, since they were friends long before Brooks was a Housewife, but she most likely did take advantage of the situation.

Brooks mumbles under her breath about Taleen. She seems to know what is brewing.

Brooks is acting bizarre and flipping around the stringy strands of her wig or weave or whatever. She is in character. She understands the assignment. I notice her good buddy and makeshift therapist Sara is completely ignoring this horrific behavior she’s displaying. It’s like Sara knew it was coming and was ordered to keep quiet.

I’m not seeing a THING!!

Taleen complains to Stanbury about her being ‘gas lighting’ and passive aggressive.

I didn’t BEG, I just ASKED!!!

Taleen and Brooks confront each other. Brooks is hammered in case I haven’t mentioned that. They go back and forth about the “beggar” thing, Taleen walks away calling her an alcoholic.

This is beyond chaotic. Brooks and Raffi start going at it. The argument has moved outside.

I didn’t say you could speak!!

Sergio is upset and wants to intervene. Caroline orders him to “sit down” like you would your dog. I’m surprised she doesn’t yell “go lay down!!”

She throws everyone out. Sara clarifies in her yap this shit does not go down in Dubai. Enter some Americans, and here we are, sadly.

This must be why I came across some 411 about a month ago that the Dubai government will not be allowing another season.

Taleen gets the last word in “you wore my wardrobe last season, bitch!!!!”

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