Real Housewives of Dubai – Part 1 (part 2 recap) Beggars CAN be Housewives

Does or does Michael not pay Stanbury’s bills?? I feel like it would be really strange if this were true.

A gay guy footing the bills of his straight female friend and her husband? How weird is that?

Stanbury of course denies it, because well, how embarrassing.

Why would Michael be drunk and telling everyone this? Usually when you’re drunk you start blabbing shit that’s supposed to be on the down low, but is true.

Why are we calling this guy a sugar daddy when he appears to be in her age range, and he’s gay?

That’s not a sugar daddy. That’s some dumb ass with more money than brains that you swindled into paying your bills.

Ayan interrupts on Stanbury’s behalf and explains he was just bitching about her and Sergio staying with him while their house was being completed, and the extra expenses incurred with having long-term house guests.

Brooks totally seems like the type of woman that sleeps with men for money. She’s trying to deny it, but I’m sure it’s true. Taleen apologizes for announcing that on WWHL.

I love when these women say this shit then try to back pedal.

Unseen footage of Brooks in Bali drunkenly bragging she’s bangin’ an ugly guy because he buys her shit and pays for shit.

She totally contradicts herself. First ‘Shrek’ is her admitted sugar daddy, however she never slept with him. She bragged about the shit be bought her, but now never bought her anything, when pressed by Andy.

Yeah not getting this sudden Lesa/Brooks alliance. First Lesa jumps to her defense to claim she’s the furthest thing form an alcoholic, and only has one or two drinks and gets sloppy, and now Lesa reassures everyone that she does not sleep with rich men for gifts and money. (which is a fucking whore – I know one of those too, and SHE’S the one that looks like Shrek, but she somehow pulls it off…)

Hey leave her alone for being a whore, how do you think I scored Rich??

Sara quickly calls out Lesa for also saying these types of things about Brooks as well, which was funny.

Taleen says they say horrible things about each other. Yeah guessing they felt really stupid in that moment.

Brooks is a fucking whore, and I fully do believe that.

When asked by Andy, Lesa admits she’s “heard things” but does not want to embarrass her “on this platform.”

ALL RIGHT THEN, Lesa you basically just admitted she is a fucking slutty whore but you just didn’t want to call her out, for whatever reason.

Since when are these two even friends??

Brooks doesn’t seem to happy with that answer but whatever. Beggars and fucking whores can’t be choosers. Look who’s the beggar now.

So are you on my side or are you outing me for being a whore?

Taleen is on deck and her alleged ‘begging’ Brooks to get her on the show. My take on that, is yeah she probably did and can you blame her?

A huge paycheck to act stupid, pick fake fights, and go on free bougie trips. I’ll beg someone to get on too. Who can I beg??

So since Taleen and Brooks are no longer friends, Taleen shares the advice that Brooks gave her about being a Housewife. She instructed her on who to hate which was basically everyone except Sara, and to have guns a blazin.’

I like Taleen. She’s quirky spunky, has a great sense of humor, and has the rare ability to laugh at herself.

A lot of she said she said gets thrown around.

I love how a Housewife who’s been on for ONE season (Brooks) on a new franchise, who clearly also wanted to be on the show, ridicules her friend for also wanting to be on the show.

These bitches get such a sense of entitlement when they’re cast as a fucking ‘Housewife.’

It’s ridiculous. It’s not that great of an accomplishment. You have to be reasonably good-looking, and come off as somewhat interesting, and that is the legit criteria.

So ladies let’s get over ourselves.

Brooks entering Stanbury’s housewarming (shitfaced, that doesn’t get mentioned – guess she had that ‘one’ drink) with sage and an uninvited guest is the subject.

Raffi had every right to defend his wife and call Brooks out on acting like a fucking c***. Do we really need to make that a thing? Brooks already half-admitted she was acting like a psycho that night.

So apparently there was yet another off-camera altercation with Brooks against Taleen and Raffi, yet again.

All I know is that I love Raffi; he is a man that all men should aspire to be, instead of being some pathetic broke-ass bipolar abusive angry little fuck.

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