Real Housewives of Dubai 8/27/24- Part 2 -Are You Stupid or Something?

Did Lesa really enter the hotel complaining “there’s no porter.” What must it be like to be a spoiled pretentious snobby asshole, and think you constantly need a ‘poor’ standing around to wait on you hand and foot?

Ayan is dressed like a fuzzy slipper. She looks stupid. She insists on driving the golf cart even though she does not even drive a car. She admits her “brain cannot handle anything for more than three seconds.”

No I’m not hot at all in 110 degree heat what makes you say that?

I like how she admits she’s s a ditz. It’s very unusual for the ditzy Housewives to actually own it and laugh at themselves.

Stanbury asks if she’s hot in her long-sleeved fleece slipper outfit.

No she’s not, she claims, and I didn’t understand her reason as to why.

Saba’s ‘like a pro’ at golfing, and she can’t even hit the stupid ball until like the third try.

Lesa approaches Taleen to see what was up with Brooks’ bitching about Lesa not using her spa to hold her event.

Yeah I think she’s mad about what has been unburdened by what has been…

Lesa acts like Taleen’s stumbling and stuttering about what Brooks is pretending to be mad about, makes any sense whatsoever.

This huge major catastrophe gets addressed at the golf event when they all sit to have a drink.

Brooks bitches that all of the services that were provided at Heart and Soul could have been done at her spa, and she’s bothered by all of the ‘branding’ as if she owned the spa.

And you know Lesa’s intention was totally to pretend to be Brooks and step on her toes as IF she had a fucking spa. As if.

Did Brooks fall and hit her head? She sounds like some kind of a fucktard.

As I said earlier, if she would have dared ask Brooks to use her spa, I can her having a tantrum about that. Anything to bitch so we have the cameras on us I guess.

Lesa explains it to Brooks like she’s five, why her logo was plastered all over the spa. It doesn’t seem that complicated to me.

Taleen is like Brooks’ fucking minion, and pipes up with “it was the BRANDING though (again don’t see the confusion) and I didn’t see ‘Heart and Soul’ anywhere.”

Lesa points out what should be obvious to these numb skulls is that she did PAY to use the area. And I really doubt if Heart and Soul gave a fuck if she wanted to put her ‘decals’ everywhere.

Isn’t it kind of the same when you hold your wedding reception in a party or wedding venue space?

You’re paying to use the space so they don’t give a fuck, within reason -it needs to not be permanent, obviously-what you want to do with it as far as decorations and so forth?

Again, are these broads fucking retarded?

Don’t you love how they all insist they support women’s businesses, yet they have nothing nice to say, ever about each others’ business endeavors?

It really does come off as jealousy. Lesa is one of the few Housewives that I admire as far as her work ethic and involvement in her business, which does seem to be legit.

So many Housewives have these fucking ‘businesses’ that you never see them doing any work on during filming, and seem not involved whatsoever.

Love how Stanbury is staying the HELL out of this. She needs to.

I don’t blame Lesa for getting pissed at such an asinine statement. Taleen tells her to calm down when she’s the one that pissed her the fuck off. I HATE when people do that to me.

Hey stop gettin’ mad about what I was tryin’ to get you mad about!!

Taleen accuses Lesa of ‘patronizing’ her? Does she know what that word even means? How is Lesa ‘patronizing’ her?

I’m trying to like Taleen but she’s making it really difficult in this ridiculous scene.

Shut up Sara. In her yap she’s like “if people can’t control their environment they get angry and aggressive.” SHUT. UP. SARA. Who is dating yet another angry aggressive piece of shit.

She is proving my theory that she is a fucking moron. If that’s her takeaway from this argument where Lesa is 100% correct and was provoked into being pissed off, then Sara might be dumber than I even thought.

Even Brooks tries to shut it down because she must realize how fucking stupid it sounds to pounce on Lesa for having her BRAND LOGO present at a venue that she paid to promote her fucking BRAND.

Not to mention these ungrateful ho’s got a shit ton of free shit. This is just so insulting to viewers’ intelligence.


Dinner with the husbands so let’s see how this goes. I would hope these dumb asses at least have the brains to shut up about Lesa’s event. Can you imagine being willing to sound that fucking stupid for money? I cannot.

So the two single girls decide for whatever reason to play that game where you question couples to see if they have the same answers.

As far as how long both parties would like a ‘sex session’ to last, the general consensus is the women want it to last the bare minimum and the men are bragging that they last SO much longer.

Taleen tells Raffi to keep dreaming when he claims to go forty minutes.

It’s kind of sad that’s our frame of mind after marriage and kids, but the sad truth is that women’s priorities change, and men’s do not.

Unless you’re unlucky enough to marry or be with some dirty filthy fucking trashy sex-obsessed whore that will get it from anyone.

Well anyway that game got a lot of laughs, so that was nice to see.

They all have great easy going guys with great senses of humor, so there were no fucking toddler tantrums and having to watch a dude with his lip on his lap. I can’t fathom what’s more of a turn-off.

Imagine being a guy and actually being emotionally mature?? What??? How does that even happen??

Brooks has to kill the mood by drilling Ayan on this ‘spa’ argument. Really? Are we really doing this again?

Yes we are.

Brooks, Lesa and Taleen of course has to also get involved (because since she and Brooks made up she’s again her fucking thirsty ass desperate minion) and they rehash this nonsense. Lesa points out to Brooks she knows she doesn’t even use her own salon for her services yet she’s pissed at Lesa for not using her salon.

I don’t know why Taleen is going so hard and aggressively at Lesa. Weren’t they just talking about some business collab?

Why does Brooks keep calling her salon a ‘multi-million dollar business?’ Ya know if that’s what she spent to start the business, (not her own money even) that doesn’t make it a ‘multi-million dollar business.’ She’s insinuating that she has multi-million dollar profits and I seriously DOUBT that.

I made my ex’s spend millions to build me this spa, I just have have to ‘pay them back’ wink wink,

What IS entertaining is when Taleen and Lesa start bickering over poor Raffi.

I love Raffi. He has the best sense of humor.

Seriously can’t believe next week is the finale.

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