Finale guys!!!!
What?? Miss Goat, she croaked? I’m goin with the grass fertilizer reason, makes sense. Since goats eat everything! Probably shouldn’t have been using fertilizer with the her roaming the yard?

Not judging. But that should have been common sense. Whatever. It’s a goat. But sad, because her kids lover her so !!! Did they cook her?
Isn’t it time to let this go about Nina not ‘liking’ Caroline 1 when she first knew her, but now does? I don’t think it’s something THAT unreal or out of the question. Especially since it’s Stanbury.
She can be kind of a, you know, asshole. So that was probably Nina’s first impression. She reminds me of Vickie on OC. She doesn’t immediately warm up to other women. Her first impression is to just ‘not like you.’ (as she literally told Ayan in an earlier episode) I feel like she gets threatened easily.
She hates women that are more attractive than her. I would call Nina more attractive (and younger) than her. But for whatever reason, I guess Nina grew on her and vice versa. So now they’re friends.
Perhaps they started just getting along, they realized they have shit in common or whatever. Nina is kind of low maintenance friend so, maybe Stanbury warmed up to her. I don’t think it’s because Nina is a ‘social climber’ which was a comment I saw today on one of the FB chat groups. Just don’t think she needs to be a ‘social climber.’
And why cozy up to Caroline Stanbury even if you are. She’s not all that?? Lesa keeps repeating that “she has no issues with it” when she clearly has ‘issues’ because she won’t stop fucking talking about it.
Brooks’ new puppy is so cute ! Adam looks so happy!
Why are four freaking stupid little motherfuckers bullying our Adam??! That’s so gross!! He’s the sweetest little kid.
So her ex was married, and divorced three times? Yeah from the way she describes him, and I do believe her. He totally gives off that aurora to me, of an asshole. And he did apologize to her for being a twat. It’s hard enough to get these types (you know, the word) to apologize. It was sort of flimsy, and not sure if he really even meant it, but still, he did say it. Usually they can’t even say it. Because, that is an admission of fucking up, and taking responsibility. God forbid. Everything is everyone else’s fault.
Yeah, and I do think she’s a gold digger. She’s mad he taught Adam that word. She sort of admits she’s a gold digger in her yap. She has no shame.
We know you left with ‘nothing’ Caroline 2 for the 900th time !! However he is ‘helping’ you with this business. And so his your ex BF so just shut it, how ‘independent’ you are. You’re not. You’re depending on two fucking men.
Now I feel like a Pina Colada since Lesa ordered one.
Literally can’t believe Caroline 1 is going through with this baby having thing. I wonder if she meant all of that she’s been saying about not wanting to really have a baby, and she’s not going to do anything to take care of it. Is she pregnant now? On WWHL I forget when it was, but she was on and said they had a boy embryo ready to roll. So Sergio is havin a baby?? hope he’s okay doing everything!
Late night/early am feedings, poopy diapers, potty training… all of it !!
Ayan’s sister calls her. She fills her in on the hypno therapy thing. She feels freed she says.
Awwww they really love each other. they really have eah other’s back, unlike mine. And, guys this is funny. Her name is ‘Karen’ and she has for sure turned into a class Karen over the past handful of years. Thanks to her woke ass skeevy weirdo husband. I was always there for her through every single thing for her.
Break-ups, mean girls problems, marital problems, in-law problems, babies, marriage, threw her a baby shower, came to help when she had her 3rd, birthdays, paid for outings when they didn’t have a lot of money. . . I wasn’t keeping tabs, I just did it because that it what an older sister is supposed to do. And I was happy to be there for her.
And she ‘cancels’ (yeah she’s a lib/dem now I guess, thanks to her husband) me over a small minor mistake. Whatever. She’s jealous. Sorry I’m still cute and she’s not. It takes work and effort, and she didn’t want to put it in, so she’s mad at me because I did. Got it. Whatever.
Okay, the girls get together for another arguing trip. Brooks is shitfaced as always. I replied to something on Twitter last night, about her being always toasty on the show, and seemingly to be an alcoholic, based on something I read, so she didn’t like that and replied to me, that she only ‘has two drinks.” I wanted to reply to her “things alcoholics say…” But didn’t.
Ayan starts telling them about her circumcising traumatic experience, and the hypno-therapy, and even Stanbury can feel for her.
So back to Brooks being shitfaced, at least she’s like HAPPY shitfaced. She’s going on and on to Sara about how beautiful and great she is. Sometimes her eyes give me sort of impression she may be on something else, besides wine? Omg I wrote that before Caroline 1 points it out.
She says “maybe you should open your eyes at some point…” Guys, I feel like I have Housewife ESP sometimes…

So Caroline 2 seems to have mended fences totally with Sara, she’s just praising her up and freaking down.
It’s kina weird seeing her in this kind of cheerful mood, and complimenting people. Caroline 1 also seems to be in a great mood too, for that matter. What the hell is happening??
Spoke too soon, Brooks in her yap, bitching about how “expensive” she is, (who does that sound like?? ) and she wants to ride in a Rolls, not a camel . . . and she’s caressing herself. Just stop. No, doesn’t sound like a gold digger at all. She actually reminds me a lot of how Erika on Beverly Hills, used to talk in her yaps when she was still with Tom. All about money, and how she demands the best of the best.
And we all know what she’s really like now.
Caroline 1, in her yap is funny, “Nina didn’t like me, now she likes me, get over it, move on!!”
Amen, who the hell cares. And so what if it is ‘fake?’ why does Lesa care so much???
So who else is remembering Luann almost getting bucked off her camel on a RHONY trip, twice.

Is Brooks still shitfaced? Not sure of the time lapse involved from the powwow where her eyes were barely open, and now they’re boarding the camels. She must be, because I think that’s why she was so ‘relaxed’ and leaning back, and didn’t brace herself like you probably need to do, when the camel gets going. Could this be like some kind of ‘DUI’ or ‘CUI’ situation ? Cameling under Influence??
So they sort of have a moment at the end, where you hope everyone is going to just kind of be cool.
It’s the finale, and Bravo seems to have been leaning towards ending the seasons on a high note now, instead of a big huge blow out. Which I think is better. But we do still manage to get into the Lesa vs Stanbury argument.
Lesa says she heard from some of ‘the others’ that she has called and asked about what her and her husband ‘do. ’ Yeah, I can totally see her doing that. I think Caroline 1 is very competitive.
Caroline denies that. Then sort of back pedals it. And then the dreaded social media BS, like we’re in 6th grade, “OMG you blocked me??” One called one poison, one called the other ‘messy.’
Enter the fire twirling guys, and Brooks talks about her hair being flammable. Who is not over Brooks at this point?

I foresee her ‘spa’ going under because she treats people like shit, and is clueless. Big talker, but whatever we’ll see. Reunion next week….