Real Housewives of Dubai 8/17/22

Caroline realizes these women are too damned dumb to understand what she was trying to say.

Then again, don’t really think she explained it that well either. But like I said last week, I don’t think they she was understanding what they weren’t understanding. She walks away from the table, and Brooks follows her.

Ayan complains again that “this is the third time she has asked her what she does.” Like I said last week, I think she was going to make some kind of, and yes I’m going to say it, analogy. I’m not sure why she’s not explaining it correctly to these numbskulls.

Nina advises her to say “I don’t appreciate you asking me and end it…” Just not occurring to anyone, the context in which she asked the question, that she was in the process of making a point when she got ASKED by Brooks how she snagged her dude. Housewives need to stay away from analogies I guess??? They’re just not good at them.

This all has Stanbury in tears almost, Shitfaced Brooks is trying to tell her not to be upset. I hate that I’m siding with Stanbury, but I really see her reason for being upset. That whole whatever from Ayan was so uncalled for. No one has ever accused her of doing ‘nothing.’

Stanbury says in her yap, Ayan keeps putting her down, which I don’t think is true. It was more Stanbury putting Ayan down, remember how rude she was at the gathering they were at, after her stupid hen party thing, and Ayan was upset for not being invited? Stanbury just said to her

I don’t like you.” and don’t even get me started on the ‘wedding dress’ thing. I don’t know, so am I allowed to change my mind? Maybe Stanbury had this coming.

She’s annoyed with Nina for not speaking up on her behalf. Lesa tells Ayan she shouldn’t have said she’s more successful that her, and she should apologize. You do sort of see how Lesa orders Ayan around. She just does it nicely, so Ayan always complies.

So, now it’s this whole serious thing, since Stanbury is pissed off, when no one cared about her pissing off Ayan at her engagement party thing over being jealous about that ridiculous outfit Ayan was wearing.

Ayan approaches Caroline who just moved to a different table while getting consoled by Nina and Brooks, and delivers what sounds like a heartfelt apology, explains why she reacted extra, thanked her for having her, said she’s having fun… like the whole fucking nine. Definitely NOT a Teresa Guidice ‘sorry’ situation. But, guess it was all wasted breath, because Stanbury looks constipated, and has just had it by this point, and doesn’t really accept it at all and dismisses her. So that was kind of shitty.

I don’t know what ever would have given you the impression that I don’t like you.

Again in her yap, she still doesn’t understand why she asked her what she does. The problem is that none of these women know to communicate effectively with their words.

Nina leaves with Caroline and now that’s a whole big thing. I don’t think it’s wrong that someone decided to go with her. It was actually nice of her to do that. It doesn’t mean she’s “picking sides” It means, she’s being supportive.

They discuss Nina being a ‘social climber’ which I don’t really see her as. Lesa is pissed they’re so bestie bestie now, when Nina didn’t used to like her at all, and she used to gossip about her to Lesa.

Stanbury calls her whiny ass husband, not of FaceTime believe it or not, and fills him in on the weird argument. I do see her reason for being upset. It went to a place where it didn’t need to go.

There’s arguing in the hotel about Nina leaving. No one can finish a sentence because they keep interrupting each other. Lesa is able to get out, that she’s pissed because of the thing were Nina used to shit talk her, and now they’re besties.

They go outside to smoke those hookah things and I guess everyone is good now. Stanbury went to bed. Brooks looks like a pro. Lesa chokes on hers.

Stanbury (Caroline 1 – forgot I was doing that last week) is talking to her assistant about items that are being packed for their move. They must vacate their rental since the home has been sold. Whatever. Poor thing.

Ayan and her husband seem so cute and normal together. They like do this super weird thing and talk to each other like they enjoy talking to each other. No weird hissy fits, needless jealousy over who is not doing what, bitching about an unanswered text message. Like is any of that really important? They just talk to each other nicely and respectfully. There has to be a catch with this dude. He cannot be just a nice normal dude that treats his wife with respect, and just lets her be her. Is he a closet ax murdered or something? Anyway, she fills him in on the Stanbury thing.

Except she does not fill him in accurately. Stanbury did not go around the table asking what everyone ‘does.’ Is she literally making this up or just confused?

And why is she so sensitive about it? She’s a fucking successful Runway and Vogue fucking model? Not Instagram !! I don’t get any of this!

She goes on and on in her yap about EVERY THING THAT SHE ‘DOES’ as if we didn’t just here her yelling it last week. Her husband gives her the sweetest ever pep talk. Again, what is the catch?

Whatever they’re taking some kind of spiritual type yogaish outside. There’s a bee, and Caroline 2 says she’s “heavily allergic” to bees. Why wouldn’t she just go in then and decline the whole thing? No what fun would that be? Instead she stays and keeps swatting at it. Seems it only is buzzing around her – she probably has perfume on, it likes, and I think certain colors are a thing with bees too. She’s wearing a bright blue sports bra. It must think she’s a flower. Because she’s so delicate and sweet and all.

They all hate the beverage (cacao which is chocolate – not sure why it tastes so bad. Probably just not sweetened) Yes, I was right, the instructor tells them it’s bitter, but it’s supposed to be ‘medicine.’ She keeps telling them to “receive it as medicine.” This is weird. They couldn’t add a packet of Truvia to the mugs?

The bee is at it again, so she starts bitching, again. No one is holding a gun to her head to remain here. She is ruining it for everyone.

Freaking Sergio shows up on a jet ski while they play Hawaii 5-0 music I think – is that what it is?

Ayan is immediately annoyed. What is she annoyed about? She has the sweetest fucking husband on the planet. And this is the end of the trip – who the fuck cares. She seems jealous.

Ayan bitches in her yap too about it. No I think it’s James Bond music? I don’t know, it sounds really 60’s though. Lesa bitches too. However she’s funny. “I have 3 boys and a husband, if I want male energy I stay home!”

Sara and Nina think it’s sweet. Ayan storms off, arms flailing around.

I’m actually surprised Stanbury isn’t pissed off. You know how she gets pissed when he, like breaths around her.

They are making too big of a deal out of it. She didn’t ask Sergio to come. Ayan wants to talk to Stanbury yet again.. Is she not over trying to talk to her. Caroline starts off being defensive. Why does Ayan keep saying “I am more than just a model I am more than just a model…”

There’s probably a ton of models seeing this that are like “so what’s wrong with being ‘just’ a model?”

Stanbury keeps saying she’s not listening to her, but she’s also not explaining it well.

I would like to love Stanbury’s what reasoning of “why would I have to put you down thing?” except she really WAS putting her down in the first few episodes. I mean she sat there point blank and said “I don’t like you.” What 43, 45, or 46 year old says that?

Oh remember when she corrected her for calling her ‘Stanbury’ didn’t invite her to that hen thing. picked on her over the white body suit and cape, she had on at her other stupid party. Now she wants to act so confused why Ayan assumes she is putting her down all of the time.

She must be forgetting that. This could be the reason why Ayan is so defensive around her, and assumes she’s always putting her down.

Caroline talks about being in the IVF process, so she really is going through with having this kid that she doesn’t want.

She decides to package tape a watermelon and two cantaloupes to his body to “show him what it’s like to be pregnant.” Brooks shows up and pretends to laugh about it, but ridicules her in her yap, Oh lighten up !! I’m glad they’re having fun and goofing around and she is removing the stick from her ass for a change. They talk about Ayan, and Caroline 1 again mentions about it being a 50g weekend at that house.

So Caroline paid 50g from her own money for 2 days to host the ladies? I find that hard to believe.

So when you’re pregnant, it’s actually a watermelon?? Huhhhh.

She complains that Ayan tends to use the “I don’t speak good English” card. I didn’t think she said that over this argument did she? If she did I missed it. She also complains that Ayan didn’t thank her and they play two scenes of her thanking her so… whatever.

Caroline 2 pretends like wants to cook on the grill and proceeds to start putting charcoal in the grill bin, and Sara her housekeeper tells her she should have gloves and to be careful getting charcoal on her. She totally overdoes the prissy thing with “Oh no not my (whatever designer brand) “I’m not, I can’t… I’m having a panic attack…” That was weird. A panic attack. So overdoing it,

Mom stop, it’s charcoal.

Her son calls her :a dramatic queen.” Yeah that about describes that whole fake scene. The poor kid thought she really was going to cook on the grill and act like a mom. when really she just wanted to literally, ACT like a mom.

Sara takes Ayan to to a hypno therapist about her childhood issues. She tells her about being circumcised when she was five years old. Can you imagine how traumatic and badly that would hurt? She goes into the so called dad, trying to sell her off to marry at 14.

She goes through the hypnotism, and hopefully it will bring her some peace about those awful people.

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