Real Housewives of Dubai 7/9/24 -To Baby or Not to Baby…

The bickering in 100 degree heat continues.

Taleen needs to comprehend that fact that (I believe) Stanbury did make the snooty comment about Taleen’s private side bar meeting to let her know Sergio was whining about her kids being rude to him on the ‘guys night.’

Stanbury looks guilty to me, a I can totally hear her saying that.

I actually did say that

She admitted she was miffed in her yap and complained that this woman I hardly know” was talking to her about her marriage. She was ticked that Sergio was confiding in the men about her kids, that he also hardly knows.

I’m paraphrasing but it was something to that effect. I’m sure Taleen seeing that episode realized too she most likely did say it. Not that I think she even cared that much. I think she understood her assignment going into the season: Fight with Brooks and schmooze Stanbury, who is sort of looked at as the ‘main’ Housewife.

I think Stanbury was embarrassed, so of course she would get defensive and blame Taleen. I feel like it would be smarter to just say that.

And why can’t Brooks admit she’s being messy? It’s part of their Housewife job. We get it. This isn’t our first rodeo. She acts like she doesn’t care if Taleen lives or dies. Not sure if this is an act or not. I guess it probably is and I’m being naive.

Sara tries to do her fake therapist thing to help them resolve and move on. Sara giving advice who involves a first or second grader in her romantic life.

Brooks is drunk, her eyes are barely open as per usual, and she’s talking in riddles. The ladies are poking fun at how Sara is trying to guide Brooks on what to say.

Brooks is loving the table being in an uproar and arguing over her. This IS how you get first seat. She knows this. She looks quite smug.

Oh yeah, I’m sittin’ by Andy FO SHO!!

Stanbury seems extra worked up about this, telling Sara to ‘just shut up.’ The several tequila shots may have something to do with that. Lesa comments she shouldn’t be talking to an Emerati woman that way.

Does she really think Caroline Stanbury gives a fuck about any Dubai/Middle Eastern culture or respect rules?

Sara brags she has Brooks going to her spiritual advisor and it’s made “SUCH A DIFFERENCE.”

Brooks, later in her yap, admits she went to one session. I agree with Stanbury. Shut up Sara. You’re talking out your asshole. Emerati woman or not.

Stanbury proceeds to go off on Sara about her fake therapist voice mumbo jumbo and tells her to talk normally. I agree.

Lesa confronts Sara how she did not like the ‘is everything okay at home?’ question/comment made to Ayan.

MY boys don’t twerk.

Sara acts like she wasn’t referencing her marriage, but of course she was. Again Sara and her ‘honorary therapist’ schtick.

Just because she got a little over excited at the Queens dinner, she has to ask if everything is ‘okay at home?’

How about this? None of your fucking business Sara. You’re not a psychologist, you’re not a doctor, you’re not even a therapist.

You wouldn’t find an actual therapist acting like this. Why? Because a real therapist would know better than to do this shit. And a real therapist doesn’t want to be trying to resolve everyone’s problems when they’re not on the clock.

Sara, I noticed does this when she’s questioned about something she said:

It’s kind of funny actually, if you’ve never noticed. She flat-out denies it and says NO No No, that’s not AT ALL what I said, then proceeds to repeat what she denies saying in a slightly different way.

Case in point with this convo:

She’s accused by Lisa of asking: “Is everything okay with Lesa at home?” Sara vehemently denies this, gets in back pedal mode, Ramona eyes and all, and admits to saying, “is Lesa okay at home in her life??


Woman that’s what Lesa just fucking said. I worry about the intelligence level of Sara. No wonder she has to pretend to be a therapist.

Also she should worry about what’s going on in her own ‘home life.’ She has a seven year old child that’s acting extremely sexualized in my opinion. She should be looking into what he may be seeing on TV or online. How, at seven years of age, and living in Dubai would he know what twerking is?? But sure Sara, spend your time being concerned if Lesa is stressed out at home. Not to worry that your kid is twerking at your new prospect dude.

Of course Lesa’s stressed out. She has a husband, a business, and three young kids. Sara has no job, although she claims to have all of these businesses, we never see her doing shit, no husband and one child. It’s called being a working mom and wife. Sara.

Ayan gets involved and points out Sara knew she would relay the question back to Lesa, so why not ask her yourself? Good point. Better yet, mind your fucking business. I’m being bitchy but she’s on my last nerve.


Case in point, Sara, Akin and Maktoum scene and he’s twerking away by the pool. And what the hell is with her pool? How about some trees or greenery? It looks baron and boring.


Ayan and Lesa meet to discuss the desert dinner. They both this season are using rhetoric of, when gossiping about the girls and the other friendships.

I would never do that to you.” “Ayan and I would never do that to each other.”

Ladies. Just stop. It’s not a fucking contest. We get it, we do. You’re BFF’s. Calm down. You’re acting twelve. Not to mention looking at previews looks like there may be a riff coming so lose the holier than thou BS.

Lesa shares that her husband who by far does not come off to me at all as being a horrible House Husband. Of course the House Husband bar is set pretty dang low, but I’ve never seen him act douchey yet. She shares that he is complaining and putting her on a guilt trip she’s ‘always too tired for sex.’

I gave him a tissue and told him to jack off in the bathroom.

Wow. What fucking asshole spoiled little boys these grown ass men are. Yeah dude your wife IS too tired for sex.

What an entitled little fucker. How dare he?

She eludes to the fact that she may be concerned he would leave her. Ayan tells her she needs to give herself a break and stop trying to do everything as she brags she’s careful about not doing too much because she’s always on a mental break. Yes we see that, and it must be fucking nice to be dumb or just play dumb so you never have to do anything.

She encourages Lesa to talk to Rich about it. Doubt if Rich really cares how stressed out she is if he’s harassing her about getting his dick wet.


Sergio’s family is still around, and Stanbury is still being a terrible hostess because she’s a dismissive condescending biatch, and that’s what she does. It just boils down to really poor manners. His family I’m sure thinks this but has to be polite to her because they seem like very nice tolerant people that at least try to say and do the right thing. They just talk shit on her when she leaves the room.

Also I feel like it’s awkward to have this convo they proceed to have in front of his family about Sergio’s clinginess. His mom seems to agree with Caroline but seems uncomfortable.

When Sergio complains how he wants to be prioritized, yes it sounds whiney and annoying. But at the same time, I think not only does she not prioritize him but she’s very dismissive of him. And when she mentions her friends and kids, her kids should come before him, but not friends. Who says that? Imagine if a man said that to a woman? “My friends take priority over you.” We would lose our minds.

Her mom, sister and her boyfriend cringe as he complains and asks for a proper kiss as she dashes off to the spa.

Please stop embarrassing us.

Again not to beat a dead camel, but how fucking rude can you be? How about invite his mom and sister to go with you? I can’t even imagine announcing going to a spa with company visiting from out of the country and not inviting them. Sergio would probably have appreciated that so much, not to mention his mom and sister. She brags about all her fucking money, but can’t treat his mom and sister to a spa day?

Money can’t buy you class.

Well, that was a rant. Sorry.

When Caroline walks away, his mom tells him to calm down. It’s hard for a mom to sit and watch your son begging for attention from his wife. Especially one that’s close to your age.

He tells her he misses the 2020 Caroline when they were first together and goes into the baby mama drama and the fact that they have to act very soon. If he thinks Caroline ignores him now, wait until there’s a baby in the house. Or not. She has said over and over she hates babies, so who knows.

His mom and sister question this as well. See, it’s not just me. If I was the mom sitting there seeing this, I would be concerned.

I think she’s a fucking bitch, sorry.

She even says “I don’t see Caroline with a baby.” I missed that the first time I watched. Sergio doesn’t seem too happy to hear that, but it’s the cold hard truth.

Do you think I could get pregnant?

He should be seeing this for himself. Sergio is clearly disappointed his mom is not supportive of the baby thing. Dude, she has eyes and ears. Wake UP. You will be a single dad. Your mom will be raising this child.

He seems like he has a woman’s mentality that ‘a baby will make everything better.’ No. It will not.

His mom and sister are trying to nicely tell him to abort this baby mission. They too see this marriage not lasting and don’t see Caroline as good for him. They keep telling him to not ‘rush’ but with Caroline aging every day, they kind of have to ‘rush.’

It’s a lose-lose situation.


I’m assuming it’s not coincidental all of the families are visiting during filming.

Sergio’s, Lesa’s, Brooks’ and Now Ayan’s. Maybe Bravo footed the bills to help with ‘story lines?’

Listening to Ayan and her sister make me sad. First off because of what happened to them when they were kids, and secondly because it makes me miss my sister, whom I was also very close with, and she turned on me in 2020 for reasons I still do not understand, and she refuses to speak to me to explain it.

And I have asked. Several times. She will only communicate with me via text message, won’t speak to me or meet with me. And she just insults me more trying to make me feel like I’m a piece of shit. So I got tired of being insulted and talked to and I gave up. She’s yet to reach out to me and it’s been almost four years. She even tried to turn our parents and my daughter against me.

Ayan’s son is beautiful. I don’t get why she only had one kid.


Brooks shows her mom around Glass House. I still can’t get over the enormous photos she has of herself in the lobby area. Her son is so lippy and not at all interested in talking to her.


Sara’s new house is very wow. So she’s affording this by being a fake doctor?? I’m not loving these desert-ish white boxes, but I guess that’s the style there.

She’s sure to snag a dude with this fucking crib.

She’s kind of a lot this season. She’s rubbing me the wrong way to be honest.

Isn’t this dating 101 when you have young child? She refers to Akin as ‘his favorite human.’ So she’s encouraging the attachment?

Sara doesn’t seem to know him that well, given she only met him a few months back, and he lives in Germany and this is the first time she has seen him since she met him, I think.

And she went on a date with another guy recently? But she brings this dude here for a week and makes him spend one-on-one time with her kid, who is desperate for a father figure. Not sure what’s going on with the dad but I was under the impression from last season, that he does have a relationship with him. It’s confusing all around. Sara is confusing. She wants to give ‘therapy’ to everyone else but not sure she’s handling her own affairs correctly. Just saying.

When Akin is at the door, he starts twerking with his butt facing the door.

I’m not sure what to even say about this twerking. He’s a child, he’s goofing around. Fine. I just hope Sara is open-minded. That’s all I’m going to say. You may or may not know what I’m getting at. Hopefully you’re following. Sara should prepare herself.

She wants Akin to discipline his twerking. He picks him up and tells him he can’t twerk in front of people.

This man is beautiful. Damned Maktuom can ya stop twerking and asking him to be your dad? You’re screwing this up for us ladies!

They have an odd conversation. I don’t care if he’s Muslim, he’s still a dude. And pretty sure he came to Dubai for a week thinking he was getting laid.

Instead he got stuck babysitting her kid. I try to be honest in my recaps. I’m not wanting to offend, I just hope Sara’s Muslim beliefs are… bendable.

They agree that they see a future with each other. Sara starts talking about marriage (remember they haven’t even kissed according to her)

She tells him she sees the man as “the protector and the SOLE provider.”

Emphasis on ‘the SOLE provider’ as she sits here in a massive a multi-million dollar brand new house in Dubai.

I feel like as a woman to a new suitor, you probably shouldn’t tell him you expect him to be your provider. I’m assuming she’s justifying this as a Muslim thing, but it kind of comes off as tacky and… ummm tacky.

In order for this to work, you’ll need to pay for everything.

I feel like at this point she put the nails in her coffin with that demand.

Yeah, you’ll never see me again.

I think he shut up and listened to this, pretended to half- agree and then break it off over the phone. He knows better than to make a scene with the cameras in his face.

So let me get this straight.

This woman who is so quick to dole out advice to all of the ladies, just got her seven year-old child attached to this guy and thinking he’s going to be his dad, then announces she expects him to pay for her and her kid if they were to be exclusive. What? And thinks he’s going to stick around. Never occurred to her it was too soon for this conversation.

She justifies this request by saying with her two ex’s, she paid for everything.

I can’t with this woman. Sara is very pretty and this poor guy just wanted laid.

Now he’s getting told he has to pay for her and be a dad to her twerking kid. Way to scare him away Sara. You ruined it for the viewers!! We love looking at him!

Akin wants to know, ‘well if I’m paying for everything than what I say goes right??’

I paraphrased but that’s what he meant. Is that a little red flaggish? Yes.

You would think Sara and all of her infinite wisdom with her fake doctorate and all, would be able to see that going from one extreme to the other is also not the best way to go. I get it that it probably sucked the other two losers were moochers, but does that give you an excuse to announce to a dude you just started seeing, that he is to be your PROVIDER? No. Just no.

Is this a joke? I get it I may not get the whole Muslim thing. But still. This is fucking wacked. I mean, talk about putting a dude on the spot.

She uses the Islamic/Muslim culture and belief as her reasoning. I feel like this dude is ‘Muslim’ when it’s convenient, as is she, just by seeing his reaction to this ‘the man is to provide for me’ speech.

This is awkward. He’s clearly uncomfortable. We’re all uncomfortable.

As for where they now stand, he lets her know that if they are to move forward, she can’t be talking to other men. Well duh. I mean, she just told him he needs to financially support her.

I feel like she needs to let go of these Arab/Muslim rules and just have a glass of wine and live her life. The rules seem confusing to me. And what are they for really? I think all of the rules are just to keep you so busy so you don’t question them. And they’re meant to keep women down.


Caroline and Yasmine have a dinner outing, which is nice to see. Love mother/daughter outings. She couldn’t attend the college trip because of the house.

I wonder why she’s going to school in the US instead of the UK? Is that a weird thing to wonder? She likes UCLA. Well what a shocker that is!

It’s kind of ironic how Yasmine thinks her mom ‘prioritizes’ Sergio, and Sergio keeps crying that he wants to be prioritized.

Sergio came in a week after her dad left? Well that was quick Caroline. Not judging. Which means I’m judging.

Sounds like Yasmine and Sergio have some knock-down drag-outs. That’s kind of confusing. Sergio doesn’t seem like he’s that difficult to get along with, but I’m not there. I’m going to go out on a limb and say she is the instigator. That opinion is based on the ‘Get The Fuck Out’ party when she publicly humiliated him.


Taleen’s dog recently passed away. Of course we have to make this poor dog’s demise about Housewife drama. Brooks didn’t respond to her message of announcing the dog’s passing. She’s not attending Adam’s party since Brooke also didn’t acknowledge her message wishing him a happy birthday.

You know I don’t want to refer to an eleven year old as douchey but this kid is giving me really fucking douchey vibes. Not sorry. I’m not trying to pick on the kids in this episode but both Adam and Mak are just a little strange. Maybe it’s this hot desert sun.

His mom just wants a little high five for ‘understanding the assignment’ of throwing him a stellar amazing expensive birthday party and he can barely even do that.

Maybe it’s a stage, but I don’t know, he’s really being an asshole and sorry if that’s harsh. She seems really excited to be doing this for him and he can’t even act grateful for two seconds. Granted she’s not the warmest and fuzziest, but kid just say ‘thank you.’

I don’t really even know who are lady.

Her ex comes sauntering in hitting on the hot moms.

Sara arrives with her kid and let’s hope he can abstain from twerking around all of these boys.

She discusses with Lesa and Sara, Taleen’s absence and Brooks says that her ‘PA invited her’ and she didn’t want her there anyway. Wow. That’s just cunty.


Brooks drops in on Taleen, and it seems they have been growing quite chummy. This is kind of ironic, Stanbury had not too long ago been ridiculing Brooks’ and Taleen’s drunken behavior, and seems like she’s been filling in for Brooks as Taleen’s drinking buddy.

If you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em!

She even got into bed with Raffi who appreciated the company of Margot Robbie, who her mom asks if that’s a porn star. I’m sure Margot Robbie was happy to hear her name sounds like a porn star. It kind of does.

And on that note… see you next week!

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