Real Housewives of Dubai 7/2/24 – Trees and Tribulations

Sergio’s family is visiting and ice princess Stanbury does not care.

She seems to think it’s odd that he’s close with his parents. She has no interest in visiting, hostessing, making a good impression, or being the least bit fucking cordial in her new bougie home. She doesn’t give two fucks.

What is this kid doing with her? I’m sure his parents are trying to be nice, but are probably put off their son’s wife cannot be bothered to be home when they arrive from out of the country.

The house is far from done. If they have a mortgage, this would not fly in the US, being able to move into a home that’s not complete.

Ayan is their first guest. Sergio doesn’t want high heels on the floor and she refuses to take them off.

These bitches have the worst fucking manners.

Let’s talk about the house tree. I don’t even think I know what to say. Maybe how in the hell are they affording this?? Maybe they can build a treehouse for Sergio to go to when he’s bad.

Stanbury gives Ayan the tour. I really hope they do not have this baby together.

There is nothing good that will come out of this. From the fact that she says she doesn’t even think they’ll stay together beyond ten years, from the way she constantly says she’s not good with babies or children and seems proud of it, and from the horrific way that she treats him, it’s bad news all around.

They really want to being a child into this? Caroline should have never ever agreed to this.

Yasmine complained to Ayan at Michael’s party that she doesn’t think either they should procreate. She claims she was raised by nannies and doesn’t want that for this child.

Caroline dismisses that as an exaggeration.


Taleen’s husband is by far, seemingly, it is early, the best House Husband of all past and present House Husbands.

Good looking, good job, normal, non-dramatic, non-lunatic, respectful, and a good Dad. I’m sick with jealousy. What’s the damned catch??

What’s with these people taking their kids on an outing, WITH the nanny? Isn’t the whole idea of a family outing to spend time with your kids??

Taleen shoos her daughter away trying to interact her and tells her to go find the bunnies with Jayme. They both keep trying to get her attention and she refers them to the nanny. It’s so sad.

She tells Raffi that Brooks seems to be doing her Housewife job and causing strife in the group.

Raffi is also good at weighing in on the Housewife drama, with the perfect combo of listening and looking interested, but not obsessing over the drama.


Sara’s potential dude is HOT.

He took her son on an outing. I couldn’t even get my ex-husband to take his own damned kids on an outing. I don’t mean to judge but should she have her kid around this guy already? They’re not even technically dating, and he lives in another country.

And I thought his dad was in his life? So I don’t know why she keeps referring to a new possible suitor as his ‘dad.’ It’s all strange. He seems young for her to be discussing her dating life with him.

Case in point as to why this guy shouldn’t be spending an entire day with him already and having him get attached, he asks Akin when he’s going to be his dad or stepdad. And then the ‘caramel seduction’ thing?? How would a kid this age come up with that?? Did he hear Sara say it?? It’s all weird to me. She had a dude from another country that she literally met one time ‘babysit’ her son???

We only talked about you being his dad all day.

Akin does appear to be a little bothered, but trying to be a good sport. He’s probably wondering what she is saying to him to cause him to say something like that.

I’m outta here.

I feel like she’s never going to see this guy again.


I don’t think Sergio even knows what the hell is going on with this baby making thing. They arrive to the fertility center and he tells the receptionist “we’re here to make a baby.” The baby is already made.

She really is going to carry this baby at 47 – 48 years old? None of this seems responsible. Surrogacy is not allowed in Dubai so the baby would have to be carried by a woman in another country, if they went that route, which is also weird.

The doctor shows them a picture of the embryo, and Sergio is looking for the face and the genitals. I can’t with this guy. The doctor is flabbergasted.

I can see the resemblance already!
You really want this gene pool for your kid?

Given her age she needs to do this asap. The doctor tells them it’s a miracle to have that great of an embryo for her age, and they better not waste it. Not sure what makes an embryo ‘great’ as opposed to not great. Like if you were told your embryo is not great, would you still proceed?


Sara brings Akin around the ladies which might not be a good idea, just as it wasn’t to make him spend the day with her kid, but in a different way.

Brooks starts talking to him about being a father to her son, and he again seems uncomfortable.

It’s just too soon for this.


Taleen and Brooks meet for dinner. Brooks is dressed like The Tin Man. Taleen calls her an instigator, and that doesn’t go over well.

She didn’t like being told that Stanbury referred to their side meeting at dinner as odd because “we’re not friends like that” as Stanbury allegedly said.

I can see her saying that, but it’s being denied by Stanbury and Taleen doesn’t want to think she said that because she seemed open and welcomed her feedback.

SEEMED that way, but I believe she was annoyed. Well she said so in her yap.

They go back and forth, then end the dinner with Brooks stating she doesn’t want to move forward.

I don’t know, did it seem a little phony to you? As they get up to leave, Taleen is laughing, and Brooks looks right at the camera.

If I only had a heart…


Sergio’s family arrives just as Caroline sees a chip in the marble of the TV stand.

She starts mocking his relationship with his parents in her yap and they flash to two years ago when they were arguing because she couldn’t be bothered to socialize with his family for one night when they were there for the wedding.

I’m not good in general with other peoples’ parents” she exclaims in her yap.

So she’s not good with babies and she’s not good with parents. Got it. Who exactly is she good with? Herself?

Let’s face it, I’m just not good with people.

She leaves. She has no interest in hostessing because she’s a rude crass bitch with no couth what so fucking ever.

I thought her outfit was a robe and pajamas, and she was going to be changing.

She’s planning a lunch with the girls ‘in the desert.’ Thought the whole city was the desert.

Since Ayan can’t read she didn’t get the part of the message to not wear formal wear.

Stanbury claims she this a fab party bus that was to pick up the ladies, but it broke down, so they have a ‘family van’ (if you know, you know) waiting for them.

What would Vickie Gunvalson say??

So they arrive and there’s a selection of bougie sports cars for them to ride in to the destination.

Taleen rides with Stanbury to piss off Brooks I assume.

Brooks seems to be playing the infamous Housewife game of bringing a so-called close friend to the show, only to treat them crappy.

Not sure why the snowboarding down the a small hill of sand instead of just walking?

Does Ayan take the model thing a little too far? Always talking non-stop that she’s a model.

So they’re dining outdoors in the middle of the desert in 99 degree heat. I would be dying wearing long sleeves.

Brooks and Taleen discuss their dinner ‘altercation’ the previous evening and it ends with Brooks telling her she doesn’t care that much about their friendship.

Not surprising.



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