Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Latest Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Articles

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/31/22

So before I get started, let’s just say from what I’m seeing on social media, viewers are really really really EXTRA SICK of the bullying, hatred, and targeting one particular person NON FREAKING STOP. Gross. Gross. Gross. I want to point out an excerpt from the ‘Not all Diamonds and Rose’ book, and Tamra quoted

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/17/22

Sorry but this thing with Lisa, saying she’s acting a fucking fool because she’s “grieving” (never in my life have I ever came across anyone that ‘grieves’ like that – have YOU?) Whatever. We know it’s made up and ridiculous of course. But equally as ridiculous was everyone’s reaction to it. My God, the fawning

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/10/22

This dental scene with Dorit and PK is stupid. Apparently they both “got their teeth done” as she describes it. Not sure if veneers, or what. PK had some scrappy looking teeth. And did they really have to show PK’s ‘before’ more than once ? Once was quite enough! He IS British though, so not

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/3/22

Rinna is having a wine tasting for her Rinna Rose. Copy LVP much? Boring chicken salad-making scene with Sutton and two of her kids. Chicken salad for dinner?? what? This big bougie house in the Hills, and this is what we’re eating? And Wonder bread??? Didn’t even know they still made that. Garcelle and Dorito

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 7/27/22

Because I honestly don’t pay attention to the intros, I am embarrassed to say that I never realized they were holding giant ‘diamonds.’ I was just watching something online, and it showed that they were originally supposed to hold a glass of champagne, but decided to change to diamonds because of Kim’s alcoholism. Picking up

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 7/20/22

Kyle loves to brag about Jamie Lee Curtis being her so- called friend, and starring in ‘Halloween’ with her in 19 freaking 78. Jamie seems so sweet, and genuine as she’s greeting Kyle and kissing and hugging her, and superficial shallow Kyle is just yammering about her fucking gray hair to her, and how her

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