Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Latest Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Articles

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 6/23

Erika waltzes in with her dramatic entrance and acts like nothing is going on. We’re on the Kyle/Dorit thing – they’re talking it out later – I can hardly wait. We’re acknowledging that Dorit talks (about herself) a lot. So all the poor people they stole money from, and she bought a RANGE ROVER (and

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Beverly Hills 6/16

All of the election parties are going on this week on Housewives apparently.  They all seem to be in support of the same party.  Its California, they’re some actors.  I guess I should not be surprised.  It’s just a lot for me given the strangeness of this current environment.   Yes please can we NOT cheer

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Beverly Hills 6/9

Tonight we kick off with  Lisa checking in on Sutton after the previous night’s martinigate drama, which is very polite of her, I must say , for Lisa.   When you look back at the highlights of the dinner last night, everyone is giving each other looks, whispering, and checking their phones.  Poor Sutton had no

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Beverly Hills 6/3

I’m over the race thing this season – why are we doing this ?  I don’t want to dig deep into it, my blog posts are supposed to be fun and light and  …  NOT POLITICAL,  but his was never a thing before, just sayin. Crystal love ya girl, you do seem like a lot

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