Marlo’s nephews visit Sanya, and immediately wonder about dinner, “I don’t smell the food though…” LOL. Sanya says they’re making tacos together, “ya know I can’t cook.” They’re probably thinking “what, another bitch that doesn’t know how to cook, great.”
Ross is teaching them an important life skill, how to change a tire. They’re looking at Sanya like they’re not exactly thrilled with this activity.

Marlo tells Sanya, her mom is visiting but is staying at a hotel. She goes into her preachy mode in her yap about the boys, and wanting them to have stability, and how lucky they are to have her. Then maybe don’t ditch them when they’re not following your rules, next time. Just a thought. Punish them by taking something away or talk to them.
Marlo seems like she knows her away around the taco making. Maybe she pretends to not know how to cook.
They’re not drinking champagne out of wine glasses again.
The boys return from the garage, and their tire tutorial was a success! It’s really cute to see how happy they look, to have some interaction that does not involve Marlo’s dresses, shoes and purses.

So my prediction was right, now Sanya is on board with the baby thing after all of that fake drama.
Or maybe it was real drama. Maybe her consultation with the oh so wise, Ralph did it. Hard to tell anymore. It kind of takes the fun out of it to think EVERYTHING is fake and contrived.
So have you guys heard by now, Sheree’s ‘She by Sheree’ website is all Shein and Amazon ‘ fast fashion shit, where she is up charging by like 95%. what the literal hell Sheree?? Girlfriend getting DRAGGED on social media for this. DRA AGGED.
Sheree is checking out spaces for her show or preview. Still no, you know, clothes. But good thing she’s lockin down the venue! She’s rambling on to the event planner chick showing her the space, about how disorganized and inept she is, and the chick clearly does NOT care.

Marlo picks her mom up at the hotel, and Marlo questions her as to where her teeth are. She accidentally threw them away… (How does this bitch have a Rols?) They’re going on a shopping trip, her mom is practically salivating, walking into this bougie boutique. I probably would be too.
She wants to come back to Atlanta, and she whines about Marlo kicking her out of her house in Atlanta that she bought for her.

Marlo reminds her that Michael and William were living there, and the house was swarming with drugs and not so good people. The flash to a photo of the boys, during this period (I assume) and they’re teeny tiny. William is a baby. This just makes me wonder, did their mother, like EVER care for them? And given Marlo’s mom’s track record at parenting, what would ever make her think, that she could function caring for kids as a grandmother? I’m not judging I’m just wondering, and judging a little.
Marlo cries about being in foster care, and her mom insists she came to see her everywhere that she was placed.
As badly as it’s going for Sheree, it’ s going equally as well for Kenya. CVS has started carrying her hair products! Yay! She has the ladies meeting her at the local CVS to see the products on the shelves, and there’s a small ribbon cutting ceremony.

It is kind of cool. Kenya tells the ladies that Sheree has only has five pieces to show. Well five is not zero, so hopefully they’re *****
Kandi meets with her mom, and talks about this estate planning thing they have in the works in the event of Kandi’s untimely death.
Of course her mom does not want Todd havin shit! SHE wants it!! She suggests that Kandi’s assets, that she has, that are hers alone prior to Todd, should go to Riley only, since the two little ones have a father and Riley does not. Whatever. This whole thing is getting weird.
Her mom offers the scenario, of Kandi croaking and Todd movin in a new bitch, and then this bitch will reaping the benefits of Kandi’s estate.
Does she have a point? Kind of. Todd comes off as sketchy as fuck to me. I think he would wast NO TIME, finding a replacement. Probably like 30 years younger. Old dudes with money can pull that off. Broke ass old duded cannot.
There’s a lot of talk about Kandi dying here in the near future. It’s getting sort of off putting.
So I’m just saying, if she were to mysteriously depart in the next few years, I would be very suspicious. This is reminding me of the real life scenario with that actress Brittany Murphy, and her husband like 15 years ago.
From what I understand it was all very strange. (Brittany died mysteriously, then her husband followed shortly after) I really think her mom who was living with them, offed them both.
This is all giving me bad vibes. Mom is acting like she wants in on the money action IF she were to outlive her daughter, which is probably not going to be the scenario.
Sheree arrives to the fashion event She did get her better, aka taller, models since that seemed to be a big huge deal. It’s the day before the event and she still only has these ‘five pieces.’
The infamous Appollo arrives, followed by the infamous Tyrone.
Tyrone walks in like he’s king fucking shit. Her daughter doesn’t even know who the hell he is.
I guess that’s the way it rolls when you’re in a relationship with a dude in jail. She refers to him as ‘short.’ So I have a lot of words to describe this lowlife, and short wouldn’t be one of them.
They start to bicker about Philly. He tries to say he misunderstood that she was taping. Of course he did know that. She wants him to apologize, he wants her to apologize. This sounds familiar.
“Definitely don’t owe you an apology” he says. He doesn’t even care about meeting her daughter. She asks his name just to show how unimportant he is to her.
He and Apollo chat, and Apollo tells him you don’t “leave you queen unattended.” Apollo insists in his yap that there was no ‘parole violation,’ taking place for him to have met Sheree IN PHILLY, where was living at the time, at a restaurant.
He could have called her to say he’s coming but could not be filmed. I’m not sure what his game was. Sounds like just that, a game. Sometimes guys like this enjoy playing silly mind games.
He has his arms crossed pouting like a typical narc dude whose brain hasn’t matured since he was six. He literally looks like he was just told that allowed to have a cookie before dinner.

She throws him out, and tells him not to show up tomorrow for the event/preview/show… whatever it turns out to be.
Take your ugly yellow knockoff Burberry sweater and get your SORRY BROKE ASS OUT!! Wish she would have said that.
Marlo’s mom visits Le’Archives where she supposedly rents out clothing, or whatever is goin on there. No one really knows. They start to talk again, about things, and mom wants to bring “her friend” around, which is I guess a boyfriend.
Marlo immediately gets pissed off, because she knows what type of dudes that mom usually brings around. Marlo yells “why do you always gotta have a man so bad?” She’s visiting her daughter, that she doesn’t even see that often, so why the need to bring a dude around? Weird. I don’t get that shit either.
Kandi arrives, Marlo is pissed, and leaves to get drinks.
I’m just feeling like there’s too much animosity with Marlo and her mom and they should just spend time together and very small increments. Like for an hour, then send her on her way.
Mom says she’s sorry and she’ll tell the dude no, he can’t come around. Why would she even ask?
It’s so awkward and weird. I feel like her mom does a lot of making excuses and does not own up to things. In her own mind, I don’t think she thinks she was that bad of a parent. She tells Kandi she was good at being a CNA, and “could have been an RN.” As if going from a shit cleaner upper to an RN is no big deal. This woman is off in her own flipping worldof illusion.
For her to not realize all of Marlo’s childhood, her boyfriends were always a problem, and to ask her if she can bring her boyfriend on their visit, is so zero self-awareness, it’s just beyond comprehension. She appears to be in her 70’s and needs this loser BF there to visit her daughter for a few days.
Sheree’s clothing magically appeared the night before the show. So here we go. Drew continues to bitch about the $800 Sheree owes her. I’m beginning to think it is true that she doesn’t pay her obligations to people.
Everyone is arriving as if this is the Oscars. Perhaps she should have done a lot less production, and she wouldn’t have to be peddling Amazon and Schein crap on her website right now. I looked up her site an the website is not working again. It had been a few weeks ago, that’s why everyone knew her merchandise was this white labeling shit. Looks like she paused it, maybe after all the backlash she’s taking the cheap overpriced crap off.
I was reading on Twitter it was up and running, however there has been a lot of disappointment and a lot of roasting over her clothing being identical the site, Shein. Was she not even aware of this? Someone in Twitter was explaining that it has to do with something called white labeling, when clothing is made without a brand and it gets purchased by sellers, and ‘rebranded’ to make it their own.
Long story short, sounds like the lazy, and probably cheaper way out. Here is an article about it if you wanted to read more.
Some of the Housewives seem a little over dressed for the event. Especially now that we see she’s trying to sell bunch of cheap crap she didn’t even design or have any say in. So 13 years huh??
Kandi looks really cute. Sanya and Kenya seem overdressed.
Apparently Tyrone didn’t take the hint the previous day, (the hint being, “don’t fucking come tomorrow!”) and has shown up anyway. In a checkered suit. With grocery store flowers. Dudes, don’t get flowers at grocery stores. Just don’t. What a bonehead.
Her mom doesn’t know who the hell he is either, until Sheree says “prison man.” This is hilarious.
So the ‘fashion show with no fashions’ dude has arrived. But this time, we DO have fashions!
I didn’t watch then, I’m not sure why she didn’t have her clothing at that show? Were they held up in Alaska then too?
Why are all of the prior Housewives’ ex’s in attendance? It would make more sense for the prior housewives to be here, not their ex fucking husbands. Weird
Peter Thomas, Cynthia’s ex arrives. He hugs Kenya and she tells him his pants are unzipped. She says in like three times. He walks away and Kenya announces he’s “high as a kite.”

So the show is an hour late. Audience is gettin antsy! Let’s wrap up the prayer ladies! Too late for God to help you now. He has done all he could
They show Cynthia’s ex, Peter in the audience for a second, with his wife (I assume) and he looks beyond high, he looks fucking incoherent. I saw on Twitter he’s getting some heat and ridiculed for throwing himself a little birthday soiree beginning of October, black tie event and charging $200/person? Who does that ? Charges guests for their birthday party? I just saw an article that he was also jailed in 2017 for check fraud. So every dude here has been to jail?
All right here we go. The outfits are cute. Kicked up a notch workout gear, I would call it.
I wondered why she abandoned coming up with her own designs so fast and went the ‘white labeling’ (aka fast fashion) route?
Then the kicker is the prices ! The jogging outfit is on Shein on $7.00 and Sheree has the same exact item for like $130?? There were even these tee shirts with an emoji and some of her famous Housewife lines for like $100?? One Hundred Dollars !
What Sheree is wearing is kind of disappointing. It looks like Marlo’s nephews’ mechanic jumpsuits they had on to change a tire. I thought she looked much cuter the previous day with the white outfit and fluorescent pink pumps. And that wig is the worst. It looks like a horse’s tail.
Tyrone tries to get her attention and she shuts him down.
The ladies are being very supportive and complimentary. Not even any yap shade, except for Drew.
Sunday is the Reunion!!