Real Housewives of Atlanta 7/23/23

Here we go, things are about to be getting pretty messy with Drew and Ralph, if you saw this week’s previews. And we get a glimpse of the fact that things are far from perfect as they’re trying to portray. As they always try to portray. This is hardly the ‘perfect’ wholesome family they pretend to be.

We do already know that Ralph is icky, and a player, and has most likely not been faithful to Drew for a very long time. And here is a lot more to this chef suing them for money she is owed for preparing a few dinners, or whatever she did. Sounds like from what I was reading, she was more like a nanny/housekeeper thing. I found this article, and I admit, just skimming it, sounds like she got pissed off when she wasn’t paid, then threatened to start divulging things. and they done pissed her the hell off with their fucking attitudes, so she asked for more money to keep quiet (about sleeping with Ralph I assume) Drew and Ralph – so messy and gross. These poor kids. What the hell is going on in that house with three young kids. Gross.

Things are about to be getting pretty messy with Drew and Ralph, if you saw this week’s previews. And we get a glimpse of the fact that things are far from perfect as they’re trying to portray. As they always try to portray. This is hardly the ‘perfect’ wholesome family they pretend to be. I don’t think he’s been faithful to her for a very long time. Sounds like the chef was Ralph’s little ‘side dish’ when Drew wasn’t around. Also seems like they expected this girl to just go away after she was told she wasn’t getting paid. Kind of like the chick sticking up for herself.

We’re at ‘dinner’ of course, Drew’s distraught and bitching at Sheree for bringing up the law suit. Sheree thinks it’s fair game because of Drew dragging HER last season for not paying people.

Kenya suggests the collectively donate the $1,000, to make this chick go away.

There is so much more to this than $1,000 and OF COURSE it involves Ralph, so it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s going on. A lot more than hair in the food. Kenya tells her she needs a better lawyer.

Producer presses Drew in her yap, and she talks about her video shoot, a producer chick that was “oiling him up” who then invited him to Vegas with her to audition for this Magic Mike thing. So Drew has concerns about what’s goin’ on there. This could not sound any messier, honestly. Drew and Ralph’s joke marriage has been a story line for at least three seasons now, and who is NOT tired of it.

Believe it or not, I STILL don’t trust Ralph!


A rainy day in Portugal, and they’re off to the day’s activities.

As they assemble in the parking lot, outfits are being critiqued and surveyed. Sanya has been ordered to change out of ripped jeans, and Drew is doing too much denim. However, she’s not being dragged for the Steve Erkel glasses on her face. I’ll be really happy when that trend is over. They look like industrial goggle things. She looks stupid.

I’m doing some welding later.

Marlo deems herself the best dressed in her J’adore tee, and poofy skirt. Think she hijacked this look from mid 2000’s Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City 2 (the movie- when the went to Dubai, when she just happens to run into Aiden)


Just not sure it’s working for her. I can see Candiace from Potomac in this look, or Sanya. She’s also over-accessorizing.

Speaking of fashion, Kenya arrives fashionably late as ususal, ignoring her phone, and making the ladies wait on her. She’s wearing leggings, since we’re critiquing the attire, and what appears to be crock flip flops, or shower shoes. No wonder she butt plants on the cement. I actually thought they were just going to leave without her when she didn’t answer her phone.

I think that’s so disrespectful of people’s time. So the rest of the group are on the van, when she takes her tumble and lands on her ass. I actually think that’s what saved her.

Aaaaaaaaand – getting whisked away in an ambulance. Again. She asks Kandi to go with her, which was kind of selfish of her, I think and put Kandi on the spot. Of course she had to say okay. Kandi was sick upon arrival, and lost that day, and has to leave earlier than the rest of the ladies, the next morning.

And what is going on with some sort of falling catastrophe, on every flipping trip? Ladies, one foot in front of the other. I’m not always the queen of coordination, and don’t think I’ve ever been on vacation and had to be whisked away in an ambulance from tripping over my own feet.

Courtney doesn’t hold back, in her feelings about Kenya, and tells Drew she deserved to fall on her ass. All right well, she’s entitled to her opinion. And I can see Kenya saying this if the roles were reversed. Drew gets all weird about her saying that.

And what exactly IS karma?

So because Housewives are Housewives, they all bitch about the rainy day, and literally blame Sheree. Not even joking. Sheree it is YOUR fucking fault it’s raining. Believe me, these bitches aren’t going to melt.

The activity is choosing their protein and veggies from a market, to be cooked up for them later by a chef.

Please go back to eating steak!!

The girls check in with Kandi and Kenya. I sort of forgot about them. I were Kenya I would’ve just sucked it up, dealt with the pain, and got checked out at home. What a waste of time.


Dinner is served, and there is a ‘green wine’ that is popular here, and the ladies seem pissed that it’s not actually green. The waiter explains it has to do with the area of the grapes. Did they seriously think this wine was green?? Stupid Americans, he’s probably thinking. Hopefully no one orders fries again.

We don’t want it if it’s not green.

Snarky remarks made about Scotley, Marlo’s new dude being a ‘Tinder’ type date, and they scold her for bringing him around so soon.

What? They refer to this as if they’re her children. I think that’s a thing when you’re dating and have younger kids, don’t bring every guy you’re dating around immediately. Seems like pick on Marlo time, when not sure if she’s deserving it right now. Save it for when she’s acting like a fool. They drag her for pointing out that she dated this Roi dude that Kenya is seeing.

These DM’s and those DM’s…” whatever. Who cares. On to the next catastrophe: Kandi didn’t check on Drew when she stormed out of the room earlier over the Ralph and chef drama. Wow.

It’s late, but the sun sort of came out. Sheree you’re off the hook.

Kenya and Kandi are back from the hospital, and she’s fine. Kenya better appreciate this shit. Pottery painting is the next activity. Everyone is getting along swimmingly, and credits that to Kenya and Kandi’s absence.


After dinner, they convene for a little ‘slumber party’ type event. Where there’s a bunch of room service food, when they just ate dinner. Fries are included. Whatever, not judging.

Sheree bitches about what Kandi is wearing, to hang out and lounge at their hotel, after dinner.

Isn’t that taking things just a tad too far?? Kandi’s literally been sitting in a waiting room in a hospital all day long. Who the hell cares what she’s wearing to the ‘slumber party???’ Can’t they ever stop being petty for two fucking seconds??

Who wears sweats to a slumber party??

Kandi looks so miserable and exhausted. So naturally, Drew decides to whine about her emotional moment, that Kandi didn’t really care. Well she didn’t really care. Yours and Ralph’s marital problems (always the same issue) are getting tired, Drew. You choose to stay with the dude. Kandi makes jokes that she was ‘acting.’ Kandi calls everyone uptight. Yeah, that’s accurate. Perfect description.

Kandi ends up feeling like she needs to apologize.

So Kandi gets dragged for having a comfy sweat suit on while lounging around, but what the fuck is Drew wearing? Half her tits are hanging out of whatever weird ill-fitting thing she’s got going on, and no one’s saying shit.

This is much more appropriate than a sweat suit.

There’s constantly drama with Ralph and their marriage. Why? Because Ralph is a lying cheating narcissistic piece of shit. Of course he would try to bang the chef. Let me practice my shocked face.

This was cracking me up. Not sure why Drew keeps sort of referring to herself as this very famous and successful actress. “I’m a real person.”

Like, no one doesn’t think you’re a ‘real person’ Drew. Then this: “I have plenty of acting jobs and things aren’t’ always lights camera action.” Okay? Suddenly she’s Halle Barry because Todd has casted her in his ‘B’ movie? Things gone to her head a little bit? She’s being overly ‘dramatic’ about being a successful actress.

Sanya cries about her sister being pissed at her, and how she just really wants then to move the hell out of her house. (I paraphrased) Who cares about this?

Would it be rude to just tell her to get the fuck out??

Sheree’s turn to get dragged or drug or whatever – they all bitch about her website having issues when they supposedly tried to order stuff. I did see a lot of that chatter last year. I think she yanked it down when she was getting criticized for having the same merch as Shein for six times the price.

Marlo complains about it being overpriced, and blames Kandi for saying it. So Marlo. Kandi probably did say it, but I’m sure Marlo didn’t disagree.

I didn’t say it – Kandi did!

Apparently, as they access the site from their phones, it’s now working and over priced items have been ordered.

Now there’s some booty shaking, laughing, and everyone seems to be chill and relaxed, until… we get cell phone footage, of later on when there’s some kerfluffling (not the infamous antics when the cameras go down) over Drew and her alleged interaction with LaToya two years ago. I don’t remember who LaToya even is. Drew denies, and Kandi alleges she actually saw this. I believer Kandi.

Drew plays dumb in her yap, I know, not a stretch. that she has “no idea where it came from.” Producer reminds her, “Laytoya said it at the reunion…” She claims Kandi told her to say it.

So looks like this got heated, over who’s lying and who’s not, and who cares.

Preview – they fast forward to three months later, when Ralph files for divorce over her alleged having an affair with some Ty chick. What’s with all the housewives heading in the other direction lately?

Seems like Braunwyn from OC paved the way like four years ago, now it’s like the cool thing to do. I’m sure you’ve been hearing about Kyle Richards on RHOBH,

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