Real Housewives of Atlanta 6/12/22

Kandi is teaching her son Chinese ? I guess that’s kind of cool. Not sure how much he’ll ever have to say ‘watermelon’ in Chinese though?

Marlo is planing with Kenya a ‘cheer up’ massage/shopping excursion for Sheree.

Sheree said he didn’t even call until the next day, THE NEXT FUCKING DAY, and fucking acted like nothing even happened! She put him off, and said she would call him back, and never did, and ignored his calls and texts. I kind of like that. Make him sweat and squirm. Only not sure if he really cares that much. I STILL can’t find anything online ‘fer sure’ as to whether or not they have officially broken up, believe it or not. There are some sites that come up that seem like they give the update, (reality tidbit is one) but I wasn’t able to open them. Most of the others just give the update on the shows. I would lean towards (hopefully) that she did break up with him. For me, that Philly date stand-up was an indication of what is to come. Viewers on Twitter think the whole thing was manufactured for TV. If that’s true, I would say it was ‘manufactured’ by Bravo and Tyrone, not Sheree. Sheree was visibly upset. If she was ‘acting’ then she should audition for some movies. I don’t get either why they had her sitting outside if it was chilly out, and she was complaining she was cold. That seemed to add to the drama, so that indicates manipulation of some sort.

Sheree is filling her daughter in on the events in Philly. She says she’s “not ready to give up on him.”

She says in her yap, you don’t stop loving someone overnight. I get that, and get the time investment, but the question she needs to ask is, does he love you? If that answer is, well I think so or I’m not sure, then it’s time to just move on. Someone that loves you, and cares about you doesn’t do that shit. It’s not 1982. He could have easily let her know he wasn’t able to make it when she was on the way or before she left. Seems like the dude even shut his phone OFF for chrissakes. So something more was up with that, other than he’s just a piece of shit. Bravo probably paid him off to not show.

Kenya and Drew meet up for lunch. They revisit the last season altercation when they went out together to argue, Kenya said “only broke bitches split the check” when Drew told the server they would be splitting it.

Kenya looks stunning. Drew looks all right.

Sounds like Kenya stayed on in New York, and Brooklyn did spend the night with her gross icky ex. That was really, really big of him, right ?

Drew and Kenya have a very light- hearted, not too deep, no tears, no screaming or bitching about the check, lunch. They discuss Kenya speaking on Drew’s behalf in New York to Ralph, for Ralph being fucking Ralph. Drew says that she did appreciate it. She probably didn’t appreciate her apology to him though. It totally reversed her pointing out the behavior. Whatever. The dirty schmuck ain’t never changin. Drew, go see a lawyer and get this shit over with.

Kenya tells Drew that Sanya was questioning her ‘Drop it with Drew’ project. She feels that Sanya is jumping on the bandwagon and hating on her since others are. I would agree with that. It is coming across that way. She’s siding with the “popular girls” to try to get ahead on the show. Dumb, but predictable.

Sanya is having some sort photo shoot event to promote her blog, and uninvited Drew.

yeah I sure did get an “uninvite!”

Ya know as far as ‘uninvite’ and ‘disinvite’ I prefer uninvite so much more. I looked up which is correct and apparently they’re both acceptable. Honestly I never even heard “disinvite” until I started watching Housewives.

Kandi arrives to Sanya’s shoot, and tells her that Kenya was actually Drew’s replacement

So Kenya was 2nd choice ? May be saving that little tidbit for later…

Kenya arrives and didn’t know she was to be part of the shoot, and is not prepared. (also pretty sure she doesn’t realize she was “2nd choice – I’m sure that’s not going to go over well.) She tells her that she needed to “talk to her agent.” Kandi says in her yap Kenya doesn’t do anything“without a check.”

I think she was referring to it as a “photo shoot’ ? Apparently she didn’t bring the right attire, and neglected to give Kenya proper instruction.

She’s reminding me of Leah on NYC when Lu asked them to participate in her “for charity” Christmas song video.

Like girl, come on, when you literally invite two people to something, how hard is it to give the proper instructions as to your expectations.

Well since you were 2nd choice, I may have forgotten to fill you in.

Well, anyway, I know you were all on the edges of your seats, but guess they found her the casz attire she needs, and she does end up participating in the photos for her site.

Sanya wants them to pose wearing her “merch” that is going on sale for Black Friday. Eye rolls on that. Sanya says she included Kenya and Kandi only, because “she feels the closest to them” and that’s why she invited them only. I think it’s more that she wanted the most famous housewives for the photo shoot. Also probably the ones with young kids. Why not just say that? Or at least the second part?

Sanya tells her two invitees that she is having a Jamaican cooking event, where her mom will be cooking. Kandi says she “just wants to see her house” However the event will NOT be held in her home beause she’s ordered furniture and “it keeps getting pushed back” AKA – she’s waiting for more Bravo checks? Just sounds like an excuse. Kandi questions that she’s living in a house with “no furniture”

Kenya tells the girls about the Philly debacle with Sheree. Yeah find it hard to believe they didn’t know this. Kandi really does seem to believe her theory that he has another lady. I don’t disagree.

Marlo brags that “she has Fendi on speed dial.” that was the old term with old phones when you could “program” a number into home phones. I know it’s just a phrase – but Should we use the ‘speed dial’ joke anymore? It’s not like a thing anymore. Everything is on ‘speed dial.’ There has to be a replacement for that.

Marlo is throwing her little ‘cheer Sheree up’ get together for the singles only. Kenya calls and says she doesn’t feel well and will not be attending. Her voice does sound kind of raspy so I’m leaning towards believing her. If she would have shown up coughing she would have bitched about that too.

Marlo is pissed, since she was really the only other guest. She thinks she’s lying, because she can see on FaceTime that she’s all “glammed up” She’s sending Drew with the food and stuff that she was to be bringing.

Sanya and her mom are food shopping for the Jamaican food dinner. She doesn’t know if she wants to invite Drew or not blah blah blah. Stupid. Stop trying to manufacture drama, girl. It’s just not interesting, and the viewers can see the desperation. She’s tryin to pull her mom into the drama. Like if your life isn’t interesting, why audition to be on reality TV. Help me to understand this!!

Sanya says she “never had time” to learn how to cook. Girl it’s not hard, throw some food in a pan, season it. Also if you can read, you can follow a recipe. Try another excuse.

Her mom seems to be all for being part of the Drew drama.

Drew arrives with the ingredients or (ingrediences if you watch Jersey) for the cupcakes they are to be preparing. Marlo immediately sees the eggs, and says “I don’t like pink eggs, I like brown organic eggs) Girl please. There’s nothing different about those eggs except the price tag and packaging. Also like it even matters if you’re just putting them into cake mix batter. Some people just like to hear themselves complain. Marlo is one of those people. how about “thank you for bringing everything…” instead of OmiGod the eggs aren’t organic ???

I’m so sorry Madame, my chickens didn’t lay organic eggs today !!

How do they make the eggs ‘organic’ Yeah that’s what I thought. Producer should have asked her that in her yap.

Drew brags that even though she and Sheree had the “hands in face” issue (like time to move on from that) she is still here supporting her.

They talk about Sanya’s thing, and guess Drew assumed ‘everyone’ was invited and she was the only one that didn’t go. Drew fills her in on the “uninvite.”

Yeah I was on the right track, she wanted the two with the most Insta followers/publicity to get the most traffic on her site.

Sheree was being surprised about the little soire Marlo is hosting. She calls her as she’s eating these chips that she goes into great detail describing, and now I’m hungry for something really salty. I had to settle for corn chips, since I don’t usually buy potato chips. They look like Lay’s – who wants to try these? “Sea salt and thick cut – to die for…” She goes on to describe them as the perfect thickness- and perfect amount of salt – You had me at “salt!”

Sheree has arrived and Drew is kicked out. It’s now dark. I thought she said she “had to pick the kids up at school?” School runs until like 6 or 7 pm in Atlanta? Maybe one of her 16 assistiants picked them up.

Sheree shops, and literally drops 11g just like that? I literally remember going to those hostess shopping things (such as Pampered Chef or the (costume) jewelry ones, feeling guilty if I crossed into three digits. How is sheree so loaded ? Her football player ex?

She lets her know that Kenya canceled and Drew stepped up and helped with prep in her place.

Marlo is giving her some tough love. Not being too harsh, not being a dick about it, just letting her know she deserves better. And this is some shady shit this dude is pulling. I mean, he was in jail for 8 years on fraud charges, so are we like, shocked at this ?? She tells her to block him on her phone.

Girl you know I love ya, but those Bravo Producers play dirty, and had to make this shit more interesting.

Dirty ass Philly” – lol !

Sheree says that she “knows he loves me”– Marlo tells her what if your daughter was sitting there waiting on a dude for two hours, that didn’t show up, didn’t call, didn’t text, what would you say to her?

On to Sanya’s cooking class, at a cooking- class- type venue. Not her house -sorry Kandi.

Marlo arrives bitching about the area. She chose these work out tights that are doubling as pants, that seem to be the thing now, and I don’t get, and stiletto heels, to stand in cook in.

I think Kandi’s mom is a lot like Sanya’s mom, they should get along, or maybe, the opposite, since they both tell it like it is.

These two could be trouble !!

Kenya is showin off the girls and doesn’t want to cover them up with this tacky apron. Why would you get so dressed up to cook? She says sthe apron doesn’t go with her ‘Balmain’ which is a French designer, in case you didn’t know this. I now know this, because I just looked it up.

Sanya lets everyone know that Drew has declined the invite. (as opposed to being disinvited/uninvited) so they’re getting down to choppin and cookin.

Sanya’s mom is making plantains. I love plantains! The first time I had them was in Aruba several moons ago. I did read that when you buy them, they should be turning black and smushy. There are two kinds of plantains I think, ones that get black and smushy, and ones that are green and just turn yellow. The greens ones don’t get soft. Not sure what you’re supposed to do with them. Marlo makes a dick joke.

The girls want to pry to make sure their life is better than Sanya’s and want the skinny on the dynamics of Sanya’s family and household. Kenya asked if mom is cooking for the entire family at their house and Sanya says “she’s supposed to be.” Kandi wants to know what’s up with that.

They just renoed the kitchen. Okay now that that is cleared up. Marlo calls it a “fixer upper.” What is wrong with these girls? These fucking digs! Like updating the kitchen in a home you just bought does not warrant the term ‘fixer upper.’ Appliances and decorating trends literally are out of date every five or so years. Probably had a white refrigerator! That’s what Kenya should have said.

Sanya is like “I need you to be cooking!” Stop fucking being nosy!!

Kenya goes off to the side and coughs. Marlo and Sheree look at her like she’s a fucking leper.

There’s no coughing on Housewives !!

Now they fake argue about Kenya’s not attending Marlo’s ‘support Sheree’ shopping thing.

Anytime a Housewife is a no show, it’s the world’s biggest deal everrrrrrr. You’re bitching about her coughing tonight, but simultaneously bitching that she didn’t attend your thing last night, because you think she was lying about being sick.

We’re now pissed that Kenya shared with Kandi, Tyrone’s no show, which quickly leads to Sheree being pissed at Kandi for not calling to check on her. I’m not really sure these two are even that close. Why can’t we just all be friends???!!!

Well then don’t maybe call a dude in prison “your boyfriend”

I thought Kenya was being so sweet and supportive to Sheree when she was sitting in Philly, freezing and stood up. They are acting pretty fucking shitty!!!! Sheree is fired up about her not attending her thing, even though they just heard her coughing. And they’re complaining she’s here coughing.

They want to know why she was “in full glam” if she wasn’t showing up. Kenya again – “because I was going to come – pay attention!“—- this is dumb.

Kandie’s mom tells em to knock it the hell off.

Sheree shares she did block the dude but not promising he is going to stay blocked. I don’t think the dude really cares. Can’t really see him sitting there feverishly trying too call over and over until he gets unblocked.

Now Sanya’s other event in in question as to why only Kandi and Kenya were invited. Marlo calls bullshit that she has this deep connection with Kandi when Kandi is difficult to get close with, or be friends with or something like that. Marlo would have just made fun of the whole thing anyway. Also it was to promote her blog about Mom stuff, and Marlo doesn’t have kids. SO THERE ! SHUT IT! And should should she be bitching about people’s wigs constantly with what she’s got on tonight?

Marlo and Sheree go outside to gossip and complain about everyone. Kandi thinks it’s strange these two are chummy because Marlo is making Sheree all messy like she is.

Marlo says yeah — Sanja is trying to see where her bread can get the most butter, and best butter. (That was my interpretation.)

She calls Kandi the “money mom.” So is this true about Kandi being kind of a hoe in her single days? This has been the topic several times now. Since I didn’t watch the first handful years of Atlanta, not totally in on the skinny. I’m guessing she was single when it first started? Didn’t she meet Todd on set? I’ll have to refresh myself on that.

Inside the plantains are goin in- at this point I’m more interested in the plantains. If you’ve never had them, you gotta try em! They’re like bananas of course, but sweeter, and yummier. Not sure how much anyone actually “learned” about cooking Jamaican food tonight.

What does NOT look good about these ??

Outside Marlo continues to just cut up on Kandi and Kenya. Kind of a trouble maker, this one.

And Drew shows up just in time for the eating part – can’t believe I’m saying this but – smart girl.

Perfect timing!!!

Guess she was having some FOMO. Or she’s hungry.

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