Real Housewives of Atlanta 5/28/23

Kenya is doing some dance thing for a Football (Magic City Classic) Halftime show or something. Good for her. You go girl. She seems excited. They flash on some dramatic fall on the floor thing she did at BravoCon.

At some point will these ladies stop talking about BravoCon?? Thought we weren’t allowed to say Bravo?? No more Bravo Bravo Bravo !!

She gets all giddy when the new love interest calls. At what point will her divorce be final?? Her ex seems like he’s playing games just for the sake of playing games. He needs one last hurrah of being able to act like a controlling douche towards her.

She’s inviting the girls to see the halftime show. This whole thing seems strange. I’m sure the ladies will NOT take it easy on her.


Sanya seems like she’s being kind of bossy and short, with her assistant/brother-in-law, BUT in her defense, he also seems kind of lackadaisical.

Her sister sits there giving Sanya death stares as she’s bossing him around. It seems like this is just a recipe for disaster. First off it’s family, secondly, the fact, and I hate to say it, that she’s a woman and he’s a man, further complicates it. She brags again about all of her various projects, and how busy and important she is.

She hits her and her mom with – ‘it’s time to get the hell out, and get your own dang house.‘ I’m paraphrasing.

You mean get real jobs and our own place??

Sister looks in shock. Are her and her husband totally incapable of earning a living and supporting their family without mooching off of Sanya and Ross? I’m so confused.

So the “year or two” agreement comes up, and how it’s only been one year. But, I think I said this before, if the deal was two years max, shouldn’t they start getting the ball rolling now, for their own place?? I guess they were waiting on the official two year mark to begin the process.

This is all very awkward.

Sister complains in her yap, that they also provide child care for them, which allows them to come and go as they please. Well, if she’s not supporting five additional people, then perhaps she can hire a nanny.

Sister calls her not selfish, but self centered. I’m not really sure how that’s self centered. But the mom seems to agree. I guess I wouldn’t be super anxious to move out of that house either. I think it’s their culture and common for extended families to live under one roof. Sister pouts and walks away. Wow.


Marlo wants to get a gun for her safety. Apparently her scuffle from twenty years ago removed her right to own a gun, but now she may be eligible.

And then there was the break-in. If I were a new Housewife, I think I would ask that the outside of my home not be shown to the world. After all of Housewife break-ins, I think it’s kind of surprising that Bravo is still doing that.

Even though it’s probably not hard to attain, why make it so easy?

Marlo is still pissed about the ladies nonchalant reaction to her discussing her nephew that had previously worked at one of Kandi’s restaurants being murdered.

This happened a few years back, so last season it had occurred and Marlo never mentioned it, so I am kind of looking at it as kind of disingenuous that it now has her this troubled.

But at the same time, isn’t it a little cruel for Kandi to have never expressed any type of sympathy?

But also Marlo using this as her story line? Also not cool.


Sanya is having a photo shoot, and her sister ditches her hair stylist duties, because she’s still sulking over having to find her own home, with her husband and two kids. Sanya bitches to her parents about it, and shares that her husband up and quit his position as her assistant.

Okay so let me make sure I’m understanding this correctly. They are on Sanya’s payroll, which is, I assume, needed to secure their own residence.

So in retaliation to being asked after a year, to get their own place, they quit their ‘jobs.’ What in the literal fuck is wrong with these two?? I think lazy is the word I’m looking for.

Sanya says she’s tired of working with family. Well then hire actual job-seeking people that NEED to make money, not family that’s taking advantage of you and living in your house. I don’t think she wants to cough up the additional cash she would need to pay actual employees.


The ladies are leaving for Birmingham for Kenya’s performance and trip for her hair products. So in other words, our first big brawl of the season. We’re down two ladies, as Kandi had a previous commitment, and Drew has called in sick.

Kandi runs down the entire itinerary. Sanya, again points out how “booked and busy” she is, and has to leave in the morning. Has anyone seen her on anything besides Housewives?

I was wondering about Marlo and Kenya’s dynamic this season. Last season Marlo was coming off crazy jealous of Kenya, and making a lot of strange and aggressive critiques that made no sense.

Kenya was really cool, and just laughed her off most of the time.

Who can forget, “Bitch I’m perfect.”

It seems like kind of a conflict of interest to have Kenya be the judge in the dance contest. The girls need to drag her away from the mirror taking selfies to let her know they’re ready to be judged.

This dancing seemed to be kind of all over the place.

Sheree wins, since honestly, she is her favorite Housewife that’s present. It seems like no one is pissed off, and throwing shit around or screaming that they lost, and it wasn’t fair. Not even Marlo.

So Courtney’s part-time lover, good friend, baby daddy, whatever, was a co-star with Kenya in her movie from like 30 years ago, Menage a Trois. So there’s a lot of random relations and acquaintances with the Housewives this season. Courtney the cousin of Ralph, and Bryce the guy of Courtney’s both Drew and Kenya know from their acting days.

And here we go with with Marlo and Kenya. They discuss her freak-out at Drew, and they quickly start bickering. The lemontini’s went down pretty nice, and everyone’s getting a little toasty.

My life coach has been helping me so much!! Later I’ll prove it!!

This somehow does not escalate, and Marlo refuses to engage about screaming at Drew. But don’t worry, she makes up for it later.


On their way to the charity event, and apparently Kenya neglected to give a dress code to the ladies, so there’s drama over that.

Seems Kenya sold this cocktail party as much bougier than it actually is, so there’s bitching about that.

Then, as if this shit was needed, production was kicked out at the event (and therefore the ladies) because there was too much distracting from the charity event.

Marlo gets all in her cra-cra head, and convinced the girls that “something else is going on” and Kenya is off doing something fabulous, and purposely ditched them.

Let’s beat this bitch up for cutting our cocktail party short!!

So with Marlo as the ring leader, they all storm her room, which was very strange. Marlo is kicking and pounding on the door, and keeps yelling “Summer!!” No one knows why.

We don’t care about your problems, you owe us another drink!!

Kenya points out that Brooklyn is in the room. Marlo yells – who cares, just stick her in another room (a four year-old little girl.)

Well, Marlo is back. Thought she said her life coach has taught her how to act fucking normal? She needs fired.

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