Project Runway 12/16

I haven’t watched this in a while until this season, but it didn’t used to be on for an hour and a half, right? Guess this is due to how they’re sharing more about the contestant’s lives.

Halfway there – eight left !

It’s getting extra sad at elimination time now.

Anna is upset about the departure of Octavio last week. They had bonded and became close friends. They called each other “honey” and “daddy.” Well Daddy has moved on girlfriend, so lose them tears! Let’s get crackin Anna!! And I mean no disrespect towards Octavio!

They get invited out for morning cocktails by Christian, and Bones is like —- something is going on here… (bottomless mimosas and it’s only 8:30am??!) The others are just screaming like kids who just turned 21 and grabbing the champs !!

Cheers to Cocktail Dresses !!!

Learned something tonight. They earned their name ‘cocktail’ dress because they were introduced as dresses to wear when women were first “allowed” to have cocktails “in public” in the 20’s. (1920’s)

And i thought they were called ‘Cocktail Dresses’ just because you’re supposed to drink cocktails when you wear them…

Brandon calls them a staple in every woman’s closet. Well I would agree with that. I have like 20, I never wear them, but I have them. They look cute hanging in my closet… (Surprised we’re allowed to still be called cocktail dresses… that’s a joke)

Back to the show. It’s a two-day challenge to design a cocktail dress. They need to gather all of their materials, ALL of their materials (no trip to the fabric store) from the bar where they’re having their mimosa happy hour. They have only twenty minutes to grab their shit. I have NO IDEA how a garment can be made out of the things they are grabbing. Nothing would inspire me here, for a dress, even if I could sew.

They are warned to “watch the hot glue gun…” AKA try to NOT use the hot glue gun, I’m assuming.

There is chaos as they’re all literally running around stuffing random shit in their bags.

Prajje is grabbing doilies, and that is the only thing I can picture as being used to make a dress out of. I love lace, so I’m already interested in this one.

Kristina saying “cornhole…” made me chuckle. That word always makes me giggle anyway, but when she was saying it with her accent, I just lost it.

As the twenty minute “grab” (not to be confused with “smash and grab”) is over, Prajje declares, “This is stressful – There’s more champagne there, and there’s a bottle in my bag too.” Prajje is a man after my own heart. Aaron asks about it on the way out too. They are under NO circumstances leaving without the leftover champagne!!!

He’s not lettin one drop go to waste !!

I do kind of feel better that they’re confused as to what to create out of the stuff they grabbed, because I have NO idea how any of this can be a dress. (coffee filters, straws, stirrers, signs…)

This looks like me in the grocery store when i don’t get a cart because I’m only getting “two things!”

Aaron says he is using stirrers and straws for ‘fringe.’ that sounds interesting. And difficult. But these people seem to have some sort of design and sewing super powers.

Plastic items are being melted. The smokers had to relinquish their lighters, and possibly their smoking habit for the day, all for the sake of fashion and creativity.

Everyone is using straws. I’m surprised no one grabbed corks? I would have never thought could sew straws on a machine. I’ll have to ask my mom is she’s ever tried that. I’m guessing no.

But Shantall’s doin it !! She seems very focused.

Whudda thunk you could sew straws????

Bones is breaking glass. His look is funny that he’s dressed in while he’s designing. He reminds me of Amelia Earhart with the scarf and goggles.

I’m watching them cut things apart, melt, pound, and I cannot figure out how they are going to be dresses !!

Coral is worried that “everyone is using straws…”

Anna is making a tin foil dress?? – ( is that the same as a tin foil hat?? Does she think our government is up to something ??? Like who would think THAT ??) (being sarcastic) Christian is not loving this, and steers her towards the signage that she has.

I’m interested in Bones’ broken glass too. Christian seems to like his head scarf and goggles look too. LOL. I don’t usually say ‘LOL’ but I really DID laugh OUT LOUD when he said that !

Shantall seems really confident and excited! I’ll say it again – she is FO – CUSED!!

Apparently they’re all great singers too ! I HATE all of them !!! I picked and posted on FB and Twitter last night that my fave is Chasity. I just love her so much. She’s so cute and seems to have it all together, and never seems to lose her shit. and I love all of her looks! Having said that, Christian seems concerned with her dress. But they have all day tomorrow !

So wait what? Kristina was growing poisonous crystals on her window and killed her poor little parrot ?

It’s giving me warm fuzzies watching them all bonding, chatting and encouraging each other back at the townhouse after the day is over. Like it seems they all genuinely LIKE each other, and bring each other up. (this might disappoint the Bravo producers a little! I think the first and last scuffle was in the first or second episode with the chick that ended up leaving over model drama.) It’s easy to forget these folks are actually competitors ! So they’re lying around having some wine and chilling when there’s a racket ! It is Santa and his sleigh ? No it’s summer in NYC at filming! and it’s some bad ass fireworks !

Little July 4th Festies !!!

I love what Chasity is wearing to the show too !! She still needs to spray paint? In that dress? And she’s using popcorn?

Aaron’s is giving me Tin Man vibes a little – but that’s okay – I love Wizard of Oz ! Could be worse- could be scarecrow!

The not really subtle Treseme and Maybelline ads are annoying.

Christian doesn’t like Prajje’s doily dress. Prajje defends it. I think it’s cute.

Chasity has to make her dress longer so she doesn’t look like Nicole did with her hoohaa out, at Heather’s party on Beverly Hills Housewives. That’s a lot of bottle caps!

Runway Time

They have a guest judge. He designed the President’s, I mean Vice President’s inauguration pants suit outfit. I’ll try not to hold that against him. And what is he wearing by the way??

I think they should have all been given cocktails for the Cocktail Dress Runway Show…

Shantall – Black Straws – edgy sexy and powerful does describe it. Looks like it belongs on a movie set of like a futuristic space movie.

I happened to get this shot of Brandon’s face as she was walking down the runway. After is saw the detail in this dress, and the look on his face, I posted on Twitter last night, that she was my predicted winner !

Now that’s a REAL jaw drop !!!!!
Nothing screams cocktail dress more than straws!!!

Anna – Exit signs, plastic bags, table cloth. I think it’s different. She definitely went outside the box. I think in this challenge, you can read the judge’s expressions pretty easily. Not sure they’re digging this one. Remember Christian encouraged her to use the signs.

Bones – beaded curtain, broken glass, placemats. How did he use broken glass without the model cutting herself ??? I think the beaded curtains was a smart idea. I love the way it moves when she walks.

Coral – bar mat, trash bags, cabinet lining – Hers is fun. I love the cut-out in the front. Again, I don’t get how in the HELL this was accomplished. But I guess if anyone could do this, what fun would that be ?

Chasity – coffee filters, bottle caps, popcorn, forks, napkins – I love how it flounces too. Popcornis falling off

Coffee, Tea, or Me ???

Aaron – table cloth, straws, stirrers, parchment paper – genius using parchment paper as “feathers” and the stirrer fringies ??

If I only had a heart !!

Prajje – doilies, coffee filters, pleather from a seat – Christian was worried it looked too much like doilies. I think this model is hard to dress due to her larger size. Zayden had her last week when he got eliminated. I don’t mean that mean. I think having her is more challenging. I don’t hate this look. I like the eyelet lacy look the doilies are giving. And I live the ombre sort of look, with the white top to bright pink at the bottom.

This concept was really great – but judges didn’t go for the ‘fit’

Kristina – bar mat mesh, plastic and aluminum containers – Really cool. Love the mesh top and strategically placed container pieces at the top.

Work it Girl !!!!

Nina thinks that these are best unconventional looks ever in Project Runway history. Well their faces said it all. Some could tell they weren’t feeling.

Scoring —Bones and Coral are safe.

First Fave – Aaron- 1000 stirrers ??? Mercy !! ONE THOUSAND STIRRERS. Who in their right mind has the patience for that ????

First Not Fave – Chasity – too crafty they say. Too much glue gun. She starts to cry. Awwww.

Second Not Fave – Anna – (cute – she’s wearing gloves!) They’re not into the graphic text because the words are unclear. Or whatever. They like the construction of it.

Second Fave – Shantall – guys I knew it – I predicted this one! Even before I saw the others! Brandon had to pick his jaw up from the floor. Kyle Richards, his realistic jaw drop has NOTHING on yours !!! I’ll have to, in my spare time go back and see how many times I was right about the winners! Well they’re just LOVING this to death. And Shantall was ALMOST not even here !!!

She tells them how the straws are completely sewn together. And it was not “boned?” I’ll be honest I have no idea what that means, but my mind is definitely in the gutter.

Third Not Fave (least fave -yikes) Prajje – he’s defending his doily lace. They’re complaining about the “fit” issues, which I think is a challenge of this model. I think they should keep that mind. If they want to observe all body types, then they need to keep take this into account when the designers get assigned her as their model. Sorry if that sounds bad. But this is a really large woman, and it’s hard to have these looks flatter her. She’s extremely tall, she’s extremely curvy. I’m curious how come, if we’re observing all body sizes, and “the average woman” isn’t a size 2 or 0 (or 00) why aren’t they using petite models also? Because, folks, the “average woman” is also not 6 feet tall. How many 6 foot women do you know, or see when you’re out and about ? Just my opinion, and I’m not being a jerk about it. I said what I said.

Third Fave – Kristina – she explains that she used plastic cups and containers that she melted with a lighter, giving it a sequinny look. The feathers were inspired by Lynn’s blouse. Well wasn’t THAT a good idea ??? Way to suck up to the judge !!! I think I would actually wear this one.

The judges deliberate.

Winner is, Shantall !!! So I know I’m a day late getting this together, but last night, when I didn’t know the winner (I don’t do the Peacock thing) I predicted her as the winner !!!

Prajje’s out ………. This sucks. I know there is only one winner, but it still sucks.

Sounds like we are skipping a week, and getting some ‘Housewife’ drama on the next show.

They’re dressing some Housewives??? I’m worried. One of them is crying that their ‘model’ is such a DIVA !!!! who’s your prediction who that is ???? Gina – I’m thinking. And it should be interesting with Leah as a model right ? Since she has a clothing line?

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