Project Runway 10/28

It’s a Halloween theme !!! – what’s NOT to love about this???? they are all going to a cool Haunted Mansion.

Christian looks like he’s tryin to be the Wizard of Oz.

Their interview looks are too much. They put the Housewives to shame.

This place is super creepy.

The one guy says he sees dead people. Great is Bruce Willis coming ?

They go through the house for inspiration. They are to create a fashionable haunted chic design, but not a “costume”

they all sleep in one room on close quartered cots. Looks awkward and uncomfortable. Maybe they didn’t really sleep there.

Fabric shopping excursion. I’m ready to see what looks they come up with. I have to agree with Christian. Red and black are so expected. I’m all for the blue hues, or a deep purple would be cool.

Zayden should have done an ox blood red. That would have been creepier and cooler.

Christian is coming to harass. He’s still mad about the red. He’s seeing red over too much red.

Darren feels that he doesn’t belong here because his looks have not been dazzling the judges.

Christian tries to give him reassurance.

Time for the models. Sometimes this seems uncomfortable.

Christians is making rounds and giving his two cents, sometimes more than two cents. Sometimes his advice gets taken, sometimes it gets ignored.

I always feel for the contestants — because just like Kenneth was saying, (and I was saying this earlier today too !!) they’re artists, and it’s hard for them to be on these very strict time constraints and everything being like — hurry hurry hurry !!

You can’t rush creativity.

Last minute tweaking. Katie does not like hers. She is worried and even packs her suitcase the night before.

I really like Chasity’s black and white flowered look. I usually don’t like black and white but I LOVE those big flowers and the sheer fabric under it.

Christian so badly wants to tell Zayden ‘I told you so’ about the fabric, but he just says “hmmmmmmmm” in his Christian way. The red dress IS kinda cool though. But I think the fabric is too stiff and it’s still going to look bunchy.

Favorite #1 – Anna’s look inspired by “the hunting moment” a very elegant gothic looking bride. I like this one. I like the sheer fabric and the tulle.

Favorite #2 – Octovio — very poofy black ball gown. I don’t really like this one. I don’t like the shape.

Least Favorite #1 – Zayden – I had a feeling. With all of Christian’s criticisms, and it does seem kind of bunchy. seeing that it didn’t fit around her boobs well.

Least Favorite #2 – Kenneth – another one that Christian was concerned about. The army green that he was saying there were all sorts of problems when he was fitting his model.

Least favorite #3 – Bones – This golden gem – why ??? I love metallics. They didn’t hold back when criticizing this poor guy !! too many bells and whistles. feel bad – he says he still loves it !! way to go Bones !!

oh my gosh – is the favorite MY PICK ?? Chasity’s ? yes it is !! I just love that nude under the sheer black flowered fabric. That is one of my favorite looks. See I know stuff !!! I may be forgetting all of their names of the show, but I know what’s cute !!!

she wins !!!

now the icky part of someone leaving us. Maybe they’ll decide to keep everyone again? Maybe.

No – Kenneth goes???

Oh he is a little sweetie.

He left with grace. He’ll be ok.

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