Project Runway 10/21

Blah – the challenge tonight is street wear ? Seriously ?? so not my fave, but I’ll try to be objective. And I will try to like it.

My opinions about the looks may be all over the place because I really just don’t know.

What I know about street wear is that it’s slouchy and covered in logos, am I right ?

Erika wore it a lot on RHOBH. She would show up to these parties or outings , with everyone dressed to the nines, in some weird big ass over sized T shirt, with a huge logo on it, or a weird design?

I was always like wtf is she wearing ? And Leah on RHONY. street wear is her Married to the

Mob thing. So there you have it, what I know about it, is from watching Housewives.

This Meg chick is going on and on and won’t shut up and no one wants to hear it anymore.

Don’t you love people that seriously cannot tell that no one is listening to them and wants them to shut up. I mean there is a vibe you should be able to feel if this is happening to you.

Some people just don’t have it, or just maybe can’t make themselves shut up.

Christian just does not care what he says. I feel like that other dude that used to do this back when I watched it, was a little more tactful. Wasn’t he a nobody dude just starting out once too was he not ? He’s reminding me of Bethenney Frankel a little. Gay guy version of Bethenney.

So they’re all running around the fabric store like crazy people, and that is over now, and they’re heading back to design headquarters.

Ok, I even knew a gown or dress isn’t “street wear”. None of these drawings look like street wear.

Which is kind of what Christian is thinking as well. (I think)

A model switch went down, that is nice and team work – like …

Christian doesn’t like the lack of color that Meg is using. Why can’t she use a pop of color with the neutral clothing ? Like a colorful hat. I’m not into blah colors (or black either) but I can deal with it if there is a colorful shoe, necklace, hat scarf. I don’t know that the tears were necessary, Christian was just concerned with too much beige, but she gets all in meltdown mode.

now there is more model swap drama. Was this always a thing or is this new ? Kenneth wants the Asian model from Meg. She says she didn’t want to look like an asshole by saying no, but she acts like an asshole about it. Ok, that’s awkward, she starts ranting to the model that apparently she can “only have a white model” so the white model gets ticked and tells her to shut up. I don’t really think she was yelling at the model, though, just like venting to him. You sort of feel for these models. These contestants are tense and stressed, and the models are like so chill just standing there stripping their clothes off, and definitely NOT wanting in on the drama.

Everyone took this to a level that I don’t think was needed was it ???

everyone now going all cra cra on Meg ? But she didn’t need to be a dick to Kenneth about the model swap, so ok he should have asked sooner. If she didn’t really want to do the model swap, she shouldn’t have done it. Over the top ridiculousness. I was hoping to get a break form Housewives type rants and bitching. Maybe they watch Real Housewives too.

Meg is out over this quarrel, Christian announces. I guess it’s for the best if she is gonna be blowin like that. Very unlike Housewives that she walked off, said she was leaving and ACTUALLY left.

And no one begged her to stay, and she didn’t come back! Maybe they asked her to leave?

Chastity is saying what I said !! she shouldn’t have switched if she wasn’t comfy with it.

Well whatever, that’s over, maybe this will be less housewifey now. I like Chastity. Good head on her shoulders and common sense. And she’s like, really really pretty.

So we’re getting political on Project Runway. Starting to feel like RHONY.

There’s a contestant from Philly !! that’s kinda cool. Didn’t see that last week since I missed the beginning.

Christian scolds them for being outside smoking like a mom yelling at kids.

Ok this street wear is sort of what I was picturing, sort of. Not sure about the yellow and orange fringy thing that just passed by that I just saw a glimpse of.

And that jacket of Aaron’s sort of just looked like a regular winter coat. But again as I said, this is NOT my area if expertise.

So judging time – I’m scared.

Katie – not looking ‘street’ she said it feel like “her” but she dresses like a clown so…

Chasity – I like it – but afraid not street wear – I would wear that, that is what tells me not street wear.

Aaron – this is streetish I think?

Kenneth – looks like Aladdin ??

Kristina – long kimono blue thing – ??? not feeling that.

Anna – I like the cop top flowery thing -not sure about the head covering –

Octavio – not street vibes to me either

Bones – edgy —is it ‘street ?’ I guess.

Zayden – long interesting camo jacket thing.

It’s so mean the way they do this – seven of you had the highest and lowest scores …

Zayden is first to get accolades. They liked the camo.

Aaron’s they like as well. This is the one I thought just looked like a winter coat. But apparently it works, it seem like they are into the 90’s vibe since that’s all the rage now, which makes sense.

Darren’s rock star look they don’t really like. I do see how it’s kind of all over the place.

They like the artwork on the back of the coat done by Prajje. I freaking love his hat!!

I don’t think they are going to like this clownish thing by Katie.

And they do not. I like the boots though. Too kitchy they say. I would go along with that.

Kenneth who started the whole ruckus about the model switch, has one of the worst ones. (the Aladdin look)

The judges are bad actors. “ ohhhh I’m just not understanding?????” “is there more to this story ?”

“I feel like there’s an incident that we’re not aware of …” gimme a break, I guess they think we’re idiots.

Now we gotta sit through the whole lame argument about the model switch with Meg.

Well I must know sort of what I’m doing here, I predicted the Aladdin and the clown looks being the worst.

Well after his sob story, Kenneth is probably staying and the clown girl is most likely going.

Kristina’s I didn’t think they would like. I was confused by it. It looks like a kimono, and a rain hat. Not sure she really even understood

street wear. But they loved it. Go figure.

Why is this on so long ?

Ugh – They can’t pick a winner – please pick a winner- so ready for it to be over. Sorry it’s dragging, maybe if these were looks I was more into I would be more intrigued.

Wait what what what ??? no one got eliminated since the bitchy chick left on her own ????


I hope next week I’m more into it, but it was entertaining.

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