Real Housewives of Potomac Reunion Part 4

Nicki is still drilling Ashley on her showing up with her breast milk just to do Gizelle’s ‘dirty work.’

Andy says they’re going to “flip out” when they see Miss Nicki. They did, but the joyous ‘flipping out’ was VERY short lived, until they realized she was there for BLOOD!

Wendy and Karen are loving this line of questioning and are doing a lot of laughing and contorted faces.

Ashley insists that she didn’t desperately run to the destination to JUST ask Wendy about the “rumors” (can we just stop calling it “rumors” at this point??? after tonight I am convinced, and anyone that knows body language 101 should also be convinced, that Not-So-Perfect -Eddie was without a doubt, spending a little too much time online hitting up the ladies)

And I was never sure why Wendy was never ticked at Ashley, who presented the subject to her, only Gizelle. Totally took her rage out on Gizelle for some reason . Keeps sticking to how ‘they were all talking about it’ before she was approached. So fucking what. It was also a story on several blogs. Wendy there were A LOT of people probably talking about it. And she HAD to know it was going to come up on the show. She should have had a better plan for combating it and dealing with it. Darting around the house screaming about a bazooka and how Gizelle ‘don’t got a man’, wasn’t really it. But sure let’s take it out on Gizelle. If they were all talking about it then why only pissed at Gizelle??? And come on. There is truth to it. You can tell from all of her reactions. This is why Eddie is kissing her new bootie ass left and right, and right and left, and everywhere else. It’s beyond obvious.

Whatta the hell are Wendy and Karen laughing about? They can stop any second. All of this fake overreacting laughter is making me annoyed. They should know this isn’t proving any points in their favor. karen should at least know. She’s been doing this long enough. And Wendy should be smart enough to know.

Weird question from Nicki, she wants to know if Robyn and Juan were banging it out… They seemed so into each other ???

Juan seemed so happy?? Wait is this like a joke ?? What Juan was this bitch watching ? Nicki, Girl, he was always whining, angry or hostile, or putting Robyn down ? Or all of the above at the same time???? Was this to convince us they’re all sexy and content??? Also how many times does she need to say “he was an NBA player.”

Nicki questions Robyn on this ‘are we mad at Ashley ??’ comment Robyn made when she was clearly intoxicated and I do not think she meant it literally. Not “Gizelle, tell me what to do” thing. Like haven’t you ever asked someone “so what do we want to do?” Not that you’re like a follower of that person, but looking for their opinion. Dumb question. Trying to plant that Robyn worships Gizelle I guess.

Stupid. She’s asking some good questions, and she’s asking some ridiculous questions.

I can’t deal with Wendy’s boobs in this dress. Girl that IS NOT how boobs are supposed to look. Figure out how to dress these things. There are ways to deal with implants to make them look natural, and not make them the TOTAL focus. Every time I look at her, all I see are these massive globes. Also when she was doing her fake laughing convultion, Happy and Ness damned near made an escape!!

Nicki now wants to know if Gizelle and Robyn are ‘secret lovers?’

Chattering about who would they do in the group if they were going to do a girl. Guess this was her attempt at lightening things up. Or is it a serious question? She’s asking if they shared a room at the hotel ? Did they ever share a room with one bed ? So what ! Again is this a joke ??

They’re all laughing and cracking up and Wendy is sitting there making constipated contorted faces. Let you hair down – LAUGH !!! for chrissakes. Can she NOT return next year ??? Just done with her. Work on your marriage, get that dude in line (or ditch his dumb ass and let him have his booty models.)

Nicki’s goin there with Ashley on Michael’s sexuality? “Do you think Michael is attracted to Juan?”

You mean sexually?” Voice goes up like 10 octaves.

Ashley’s playing dumb act is a fail to me, in attempt to conceal the fact that girlfriend knows he’s into dudes too. Nicki really is breaking it down, she wants to more about the Michael/Juan dick sucking comment. She wants to know if Michael has ’other gay friends?’

I think that sounded more like she is insinuating Juan is gay by the ‘other.’ I see what Nicki is saying that most straight dudes would be offended and not like AT ALL another dude, a friend/acquaintance especially, saying that they wanted to suck his dick. I do believe how Robyn is reacting to this being brought up AGAIN – that Juan just wanted to not give it life hoping it would just be forgotten about. I’m not sure exactly what season this took place in, but I feel like we have reached that point, where we can stop bringing it up. (Does anyone really want to picture this? I don’t) We all know Michael swings both ways, he was grabbing camera dudes’ asses for chrissakes. So what. We are in this age of ‘anything goes’ nowadays right ? You can wake up one day and “identify” as the opposite sex if the mood strikes you. If Ashley does not see it as a problem, then why do we care so much?

So big annoying discussion on how Gizelle’s looks have ‘changed’ throught he years, and she’s not as pretty as she was 4 years ago? Weird conversation for a woman in her early 50’s Yes people she’s aging. New flash, it happens to everyone unless you die. I think it’s refreshing that she’s not doing all of this weird crazy shit to her face and doesn’t seem to filter the shit out of herself when she posts things. But hey guys, after this we’re probably going to see the inflated fish lips and hoisted up eyebrows. Good job.

And this whole flash and convo that they C —ONSTANTLY bring up (this needs to die along with the Juan-dick-sucking) when Ray told Gizelle her looks will fade (such a sick chauvinistic thing to say to a woman – no one would say that to a good-looking fortyish dude – they just wouldn’t) to begin with. And to ‘ order’ a woman to go find a man now, as if it’s like “go buy a new dress – you need a new dress” is idiotic. That’s where women go wrong, when they’re desperate and marry the first dude that says hello. There was so much wrong with Ray saying this to her.

Gizelle’s response being “you’ll be six feet under before this fades…” was MILD compared to what she could have and should have responded. And don’t even get me started (or I’ll NEVER finish this) on Karen’s utterly ridick response that Gizelle was wanting for Ray to die. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. She should have coached her husband on “things not to say to women”

Quick flash on that South of France trip where Karen wore dirty sneakers and the ugliest wig on the planet. That deserved to be criticized. If we’re criticizing Gizelle on EVERYTHING she wears, then that look deserved it’s evaluation.

Gizelle KEEPS getting put through a wringer about Jamal, can we just all move on ? This is the father of her THREE DAUGHTERS? If you have never been cheated on by your man, then you need to shut up. Some men (and women) cheat. It’s what they do. It makes it impossible to continue the relationship or marriage. Although we’re made to believe this by the cheater, it’s not our fault. ( I may have experience in this department, not as the cheater) I’m sure she would have loved to stay married to this man, had he not been swingin his penis all around his church. And she did try again. Maybe she very mistakenly thought it was out of his system. It does not get out of their system. This personality type does it for the thrill. Maybe Gizelle’s time on the show has expired. Does anyone else think this? Like she answers the SAME fucking questions over and over. And she does have a hard time sharing this with the world. And the other ladies just beat this to death. Thought we even addressed this last week????

Now she even gets questioned on “living off of Jamal” when they were married and she was home raising and caring for three young children ? Is this really where we’re at right now????

Nicki asks about Ray and Karen’s sudden sexual energy and love for each other when they seemed to not be able to stand each other in recent seasons. I’ll answer it. Fake fake fake fake fake fake. Both Wendy and Karen tryin to make believe their men and marriages are perfect when they’re not. And they’re way past the age where we need to see her sitting on his lap. Not saying problem with doing it, but we don’t need it televised in her desperate attempt to prove a point. The point being that she has a man and Gizelle doesn’t. We get it.

Karen is asked about that hot hot, hot box argument early in the season between her and Gizelle,

At the time, there was a hot box situation, says Karen, there was an article in this completely “non-credible” blog about Gizelle having a hot box situation (translation STD – I’ll admit I had no clue when the episode was on, still learning some of these new terms and phrases – or is that not new/) Anyway not sure what was resolved there ?

Nicki wants to know about Karen and Ray’s sudden new contrived lust for each other. Tea bagging is addressed. I learned of this on Sex and the City. So, thanks Samantha for the education. But I’ll let that for the younger crowd.

Nicki questions Mia about her mom and their struggling relationship. How does she have “all” good memories about her dad? Thought he threw her at at TV or something in a rage? And that’s how she ended up in foster care? Am I wrong on this ? But she thinks he’s great ? And he abused her mom and got her into drugs ? And she thinks he’s great? Nicki is coaxing her to tell her mom how great she thinks her abusive dad is. I would say – maybe don’t do that.

Why do the moms always get the short end of the stick? I’m over this. Mia, clearly you have daddy issues. Your father is an abusive piece of shit.

Nicki wants to know if her ‘down there’ surgery enhances the experience. Wendy is looking uncomfortable because I guess Wendy doesn’t have sex.

Nicki needs to know if the ladies that are married to Older Loaded Dudes would have made that choice had that had their own large stash of cash in the bank. She wants Ashley’s response first. Ashley says yes – he’s funny, smart – witty sense of humor. I was physically attracted to him. OH. O — KAY Ashley. 22 year old hot chick attracted to a 50 year old bald skeevy looking dude, who also likes dudes.


Karen answers with her fake standard proclamation of how she’s so in love with Ray. And Ray is great and Ray is this and that and blah blah blah… Why did we give her this platform Nicki? We’ve had this drilled and drilled on this season by her.

Would she have been with a broke man ? Hell no. She forgets last season we all watched in horror as Ray said he didn’t think he loved her anymore. Now poof – perfect marriage a year later.

I need a rich guy too, Why can’t I be like this? Date/be with some old dude for money??? How hard is it? (no pun intended)

NONE of them would have been with these dudes if they weren’t loaded. End of story. Especially Ashley.

Nicki wants to break the shit down about the steak and lobster vs chicken wings/strips whatever. Mia tries to walk it back somewhat and admits maybe she misspoke. Everyone laughs at her getting on a soapbox about strippers.

Some weird Waffle House shit ensues out of Wendy’s contorted face on this Part 4, that I cannot understand . Another ‘tossed your salad’ moment she’s having. I can’t stand Wendy. I haven’t from the moment this season started. Her dress is horrific, her tits look like huge perfectly round rocks glued die – rectly under her chin. She is acting idiotic. So ridiculously on the defense constantly.

Now some Jibberish that makes zero sense and I cannot understand, is spilling out of her mouth along with ridiculous over acted and weird facial expressions. She sounds like she didn’t even make it through grade school right now, let alone holds FOUR DEGREES.

The whole business with Mia saying Eddie couldn’t look her in the eye, I believe it. Think about it. Eddie’s all in the doghouse with Wendy because he’s creeping on booty bitches on Insta. Wendy’s already acting insecure and weird about Mia. I am pretty sure when he met her, he was AFRAID to make eye contact. Can we let this the fuck go ????? Why do you care so much Zen Wen? I think Mia meant by the eye contact comment, that he was too scared to look at her. But whatever. Keep tryin to convince us that Eddie isn’t a fucking perv that was creeping on booty models. They flash on the scene where they played a game of who they else they were attracted to or something like that. Wendy gives Eddie a death stare and threatens him he better not be putting Mia. Or what he wrote looked like Mia, or something.

Karen is putting her gloves over her eyes as Mia and Wendy are screaming insults back and forth. She’s got those long ass acrylics in her face ready to take out an eye.

Nicki is asking why she went from political commentary and professor to candles. That it was a perfectly fair question.

Wendy won’t let it go that there were “multiple questions” about the “Eddie rumor,,,” and Gizelle is the one to blame for all of the chatter, and whatever. She clearly wants to make Gizelle the scapegoat to get the focus off of the ACTUAL STORY. She insists she doesn’t care who Eddie follows on Instagram, and over acts on her “No I don’t care !” Her voice, like Ashleys when asked about Michael being attracted to Juan, goes up 10 octaves. Letting us know that she DOES care. If she doesn’t give a shit who he interacts with online, then WHY IN THE HELL have we been talking about it for THREE MONTHS??

‘why do I care if he follows booty models on Insta ???? ‘

Wow Wendy FOR REAL over over overcompensates an amused reaction to this, by thrashing her body around and clapping her hands and morphing into fake shock, laughter and hysteria about the Eddie shit. So guys, you don’t need to be a body language expert to see that this is confirmation (I was already pretty sure) that everything in that “non credible” blog about Eddie is true. Can we move on now? Wendy should take a break from the show and work on her marriage issues if she wants to stay married to this dude, that she clearly idolizes.

Like it’s not really that funny, Wendy.

Nicki is having NO MERCY on ANY of the girls. I was reading on Twitter that people are feeling disappointed, that it wasn’t as dramatic as they thought. I don’t know. I thought she was pretty tough on them. She wasn’t taking no shit. She didn’t let them off easy like Andy does. Again, I re-reiterate, we needed this chick asking questions on Beverly Hills. She would have had Erika crying for her mommy! And I would have PAID to see it.

Nicki asks Candiace how she handled the situation with her Mom gossiping about Chris at the video shoot. Nicki needs to remember this is Candiace’s Mom. I am sure she knows that she will be exhibiting this behavior again. Her mom gets off on embarrassing Candiace and making Chris out to be a loser who is mooching off of her. Candiace is aware of this, but to me, Nicki’s comments are sort of crossing the line into ‘nunya business!!’ Sort of like with Mia and her mom. The questions are okay, that’s why she’s here, but as far as advice -giving about their relationships with their Mothers, I know she’s ‘ Nicki Minaj’ and all, this is just shit she should NOT be playing therapist and giving advice on.

Nicki is now drilling Candiace on her record sales/downloads … or however that works now. She asks the ladies how successful they thought the record would be on scale of 1 – 10. Mia says negative two. Karen says five. Nicki wants to know NUMBERS from Candiace regarding the sales so far. Itunes vs Billboard. She says the album sold half a million. That’s not right according to Nicki. Candiace proceeds to look at her phone. 20,213 albums sold, she confirms. Nicki is being kind of a dick. I don’t know what she thinks she’s needing to prove, but she’s annoying. Mia tells her she should know this, if it came out yesterday. I guess a little over 20,000 wouldn’t have been that hard to remember, even for Candiace.

Nicki tells her she can tell she used auto tone. (so what) Pretty sure she does too. She demands an Acapela impromptu performance of ‘Drive By.’

Candiace hesitates and whines and wants to do a gospel song or her new song. She is looking uncomfortable. Isn’t she always belting things out randomly while they’re filming? She got this.

Peanut gallery Mia really just cannot stop the heckling. Grow up Mia. I think she actually helped her with her heckling. “You’re an artist – sing” So good job Mia. You’re looking pretty disappointed but whatever. I didn’t like when stupid ass Theresa the Bully did this to Melissa at a Jersey reunion. But whatever, in the end, she kills it, so eat a dick Mia. Sit there and snap your damned fingers as ordered. Way to to CandyAss!!! Take THAT Mia!!

Mia looks so annoyed !!

There’s a break but they keep filming – this is a new thing they’re doing. Chris shows up and confronts Candiace, he’s pissed about something. He’s ticked whining like a bitch about the ‘line of questioning’ Assuming he means in regards to her Mom. Gizelle is trying to calm him down. Is he mad at Gizelle ? Still not getting it? Did he just want to show off his weird outfit thing???

Was he drinking too much tequila too?? (as was Andy)

Apparently Nicki and Chris have been arguing online today, about the questions that she asked Candiace.

So that was different right ??? Poto – Mac reunion is in the books and they do the usual shots and cheers ritual. Now I want tequila too!!!

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