Mean Mondays – Ashley – BDSY – Season 3

In honor of the BDSY finale tonight, I’m going to give Mean Mondays honor to Trashley, AKA Ashley Marti on Below Deck SY. I will try (not promising success, meaning of ‘try’) to not get on too much of a tangent about her slutty trashy, setting girls back 50 years, behavior, and focus on her other really horrific character flaw, her mean girl, back stabbing, jealous behavior towards Gabriela Barrigan, the second stew this season.

First off, she’s incredibly competitive in an unhealthy way. I’m no shrink, but assuming it has a lot to do with her seemingly also very loose and disgusting sister. She gave us a little glimpse into her issues when she shared with Tom or Gary, or possibly both, I forget, that her sister fucked dudes on her bed (sounds like this chick has even worse issues than Trashley – who does that to their own sister??) that Ashley liked, then threw it in her face. So odd. Have you ever even heard of such a thing? I’m assuming they’re close in age, if they were going after the same guys. I think sisters that are only a year or a few years apart, tend to be really competitive with each other.

My sister is seven years younger with me, so I started to notice in our later adult years, when the age gap sort of narrowed that she was really competitive with me. I really can’t say that I was with her. It’s not my nature, and she’s my ‘baby sister’ just seemed weird to compete with her. Not for guys, or dumb shit like that. It just got weird with some of the things she said to me, (mean girl type things) and some occurrences. I think due to her jealousy and need to tear me down, to make herself feel better, she would say snarky things about me, to, or in front of her daughter.

Then because her daughter is kind of a ‘no filter’ type of person, also tends to be jealous and enjoys tearing other females down, (she also body shamed my daughter – they’re close in age) she repeated things my sister said, to me. When I brought it up, I got excuses and pretend amnesia, never an apology.

So my sister and I aren’t really talking now, due to this, added to other things, that tie into her jealousy, insecurity and general unhapp iness issues, that have nothing to do with me. Remember ladies— (and I have to remind myself of this) women that try to make you feel less than, or not good enough, or there’s something wrong with you, it’s because they are just unhappy and insecure people. Probably ugly. Whatever. Just add those two dicks to the list of people, that have made me the scapegoat for their own insecurities. Disappointing because I was a good, supportive sister to her. Always there for her during bad times, always listened without judgment, went out of my way for her. Did nice things for her. The list goes on and on.

ANYWAY – ANY WAY – BACK TO ASHLEY, This is probably why she resorts to putting herself out there, and I mean PUTTING HERSELF OUT THERE, literally.

But back to her Mean Girl- ness. Since she’s just so fucking competitive, and she felt she had the same experience as Gabriela, she was pissed off that she did not get the second stew position. In all honesty, I think Gabby got it since she is several years older than Trashley, and Daisy probably assumed she was more mature (which wouldn’t always be the case, but in this case it was) Ashley is soooo painfully immature. And sadly since her issues are so deep rooted, I foresee her not changing in 10 or 20 years.

Her Mean Girl and back stabbing behavior to toward Gabriela was just not called for. Gabriela did not mistreat her. She apologized for being a little cra cra that time in the beginning when she was busting a nut cleaning the boat, and Ashley was sitting in the galley with Daisy.

But Daisy, as chief stew, should have informed Gabby she was having Ashley help her plan something, and ask if she was okay on her own?

Gabby confiding in her and asking her not to repeat what she said, and she still did. Constantly ‘snitching’ to Daisy about nothing. It was all just below the belt bullshit because she was jealous.

I blame Daisy for not handling her better, or disciplining her. Perhaps that was for the sake of the show. I think when the Marcos episode happened, where he wasn’t picking up on her subtle way of telling him to get the dinner going, and he claimed she didn’t tell him, it was just the last straw for her.

Keep in mind Trashley was blatantly ignoring her when she tried to communicate with her, talking behind her back, and was just being an all around basic bitch asshole. When the strife went down between her and Marcos, it was just a breaking point for her.

And why was Ashley being such a mean girl? Because she’s insecure, she was jealous, and she cares for no one but herself. When Daisy was on WWHL, I was extremely disappointed to hear her answer when questioned about this, that she doesn’t feel bad in any way about the way she handled the Ashley vs Gabriela thing. Confusing also, because in her yap session after Gabriela left, she said she felt like she failed Gabriela. Verbatim what she said. I remember putting that in my blog post and saying – “yeah ya did fail Daisy!” So now suddenly, especially after watching the episodes back, which should make it glaringly obvious, she failed in her chief stew duties, she takes no responsibility or accountability? Disappointed in Daisy. Also a disappointment the way that she treated Scarlett at dinner a few eps back due to her crush on Gary, and jealousy that he was showering Scarlett with attention. So. Very. Unprofessional.

Contradicting herself, not a good luck, and bad bad chief stewing.

Anyway, here is a YouTube video of Gabriela being on WWHL, and questioned about Trashley’s behavior, and attitude toward her. She wasn’t perfect, but she was for sure wronged on this season. I am sure Trashley is oblivious and/or does not give a shit.

do not own rights to this video – entertainment purps only!!

So ready for this reunion! Wouldn’t be surprises if Ashley was a NO SHOW !!

But wait ! Found this interesting tidbit – perhaps there won’t be a reunion ? If not I would say possibly due to all of the controversy surrounding Trashley and her sexual misconduct with Gary, and her overall Ashley-ness.

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