I was inspired to make these after Sanya’s Mom made them at their Jamaican cooking class!

I have a really hard time even calling this a ‘recipe.’ They’re so quick and easy, and don’t really require much in the way of seasonings.

I honestly only added fresh parsley, and some red pepper flakes, but they’re good without !!

Like Sanya’s Mom said, (crap I forget her name) make sure you buy the yellow/blackish ones, not the green ones. They should be turning black and feel soft.

Just slice, and fry in around 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, for around 2 -3 minutes on each side. They should get brown and caramelized!

Peel and slice !

I added some fresh parsley, and red pepper flakes, and that is it. I didn’t even salt them, and I salt everything!

They’re like candied bananas !

They’re sweet and savory at the same time, and make a fun different side dish or snack!

It’s ridiculous how yummy and easy they are! Great ‘beginner’ dish for your kids or grandkids to make !

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