If you’re like me, you tend to wonder when the new shows are premiering. A lot of them have their typical filming months, so the premieirs are usually around the same time, but not always. if there’s a cast shake-up or any sort of dramatic devlopments, it can throw off the schedule. I decided to do a little compilation of shows you may be wondering about, and what’s new, who’s coming, who’s going etc.

Below Deck Med premieres 6/6/24. Can hardly wait for that because you all know how much I love Sandy Captain Sandy. Hopefully she’ll again like she did last season, be able to keep her creepiness, racism, and extreme favoritism (based on looks) at bay. No pun intended. Good news: No KraKra Kyle. Aesha as chief stew, and stew Elena who I believe may have been on briefly filling in for someone a few seasons ago?? Other than that everyone else seems to be new.

Sailing Yacht usually premieres around the same time, but production is ON HOLD due to the Gary allegations from LAST FUCKING SUMMER that I am extremely embarrassed that I totally missed.

I’m going to blame my chaotic dysfunctional ex bipolar BF whose manic meltdowns and hissypissy fits that I had to manage every other day like the mother of six two-year-olds, took up a lot of my time and energy. Talk about a person who is mentally draining and exhausting. I can’t even fathom what it’s like to be him.

Fuck me – what a loser, waste of space and drain on society. His new/old ugly ho can have him. Both of them. I read that Narcissist dudes tend to keep recycling ex’s when the new ones fall through.

Anywho, they didn’t film a 2024 season due to this. Apparently he was out of control blacked out drunk and tried to force himself on a makeup/production assistant chick in a hotel room. Below is an article you can click on for the full story, but you have to admit it sounds very Gary. Of course they could have resumed the season without him and fire his ass, but it sounds like Bravo is in some hot water for allowing the behavior, so they must have felt the need to just put the new season on the back burner.

Summer House will be resuming filming in July as it usually does. No news if anyone new will be added. I assume West and Jesse Solomon who became instantly popular since they both have actual personalities, unlike the other dudes they’ve been trying to make a thing, will be returning. Other than Andrea of course. He was cool but I think he wanted out.

It should be interesting with Lindsay and Carl in the same house. But if the pregger rumors are true, I can’t fathom Lindsay wanting to deal with that nonsense and be in that house surrounded by everyone drinking all day long. Carl is plugging Goldfish crackers in case you missed that. His teeth are getting some ridicule. Not sure why. And the fact that he’s over the age of ten and plugging Goldfish crackers. Old Bay Goldfish? Cannot even imagine how gross those are. He does look really happy though. Wonder why.

See Lindsay I can be an influencer too so MLAAA!!

I hope we don’t have Kyle and Amanda still fighting about everything they’ve been fighting about for ten fucking years. I feel like they need a break from reality TV, and a divorce.

If Lindsay’s not pregnant and she brings the new guy, it will be beyond hilarious to watch her having the exact same issues with yet another dude that she had with Everett, Steve, and Carl.

This pregnancy is still a rumor and I’ve yet to find it confirmed anywhere. I would assume she’s waiting until the 2nd trimester to announce it, which is smart, especially when you’re a woman of a certain age having a baby.

Thank God, Winter house has been canceled altogether. Nothing but a fucking orgie is all that show was.

Let’s put all of the player dudes (Kory minus his GF at the time, Sam, Austen, Alex from Below Deck) and desperate girls (Danielle, Malia) into a house and see what happens. Just couldn’t get into it. I may watch Bravo, but I have a few standards here and there.

Married to Medicine is returning, as well as Southern Charm which just wrapped up filming, minus Olivia. Craig and Austen have opened a new bar.

Southern Hospitality is returning, aka East Coast VPR. Didn’t really get into that one either, mostly because I can’t fucking stand whatever her name is. I forget because she’s not memorable. I know that’s news to her.

Atlanta has not even begun filming yet, so it most likely won’t be seen until early 2025. The delay is probably due to the cast shake-up. Marlo and Sanya are out. Marlo’s contract wasn’t renewed, and Sanya was dismissed. Baby update: She had her baby December 19th, a boy!

Marlo Marlo Marlo. I cannot even convey how glad I am to NOT have to watch her unravel and come at Kenya week after week in one of her blind jealous incoherent rages. I read one of my recaps from last year, and I was reminded of her meltdown on a trip and banging on Kenya’s hotel room door like a maniac because the cocktail party they were at didn’t allow the cameras. That woman needs to check herself into a mental facility. If you need reminded, click below.

Kandi decided to not to return, which is fine, I’m sick of listening to her incessantly brag every fucking week, about how busy she is, when she never appears to be that busy. Gold digging Porsha is back, unfortunately. I’m sure her schtick again and big story line will be yet another relationship demise with yet another dude that she thought was her golden fucking ticket, like the hot dog guy father to her daughter.

There have been several new additions due to the exits, including Shamea who now has an official peach, after being a guest/friend role for several years.

Newcomers Courtney and Monyetta from last season appear to be not returning.

Cynthia is returning as a friend. I like Cynthia. Sadly her second marriage and wedding that was aired a few seasons ago, has ended in divorce.

I’m kind of looking forward to the variation. Especially without MarHo, as I called her last season.

Miami – Guerdy and Marisol rumoring not be returning. Truthfully, I don’t watch that one.

Salt Lake- usually films over the winter monts, so they should be wrapped, and I haven’t seen otherwise so I believe it to be on schedule and premiering in the fall. Minus trailer trash Monica of course.

Potomac – Candaice is pregnant and has decided to not return and Robyn was fired due to not sharing the details of her issues with Juan. They usually start filming in the spring and I haven’t heard of any delays.

OC- filming just wrapped I believe, and it’s said to be “the most dramatic season ever!” I can kind of believe it with Shannon’s DUI, and her having to answer to that, and she and John breaking up and he’s now with Alexis Bellino. Which I find to be so mind-boggling and predictable at the same time.

Beverly Hills filming has begun as of a few weeks ago. Annemarie, of course is out. Do you know she’s STILL, several months later, obsessing over her hostility and hatred for Crystal, and her annoyance of how she was portrayed on the show on social media? Like woman, stop. Literally nobody cares anymore. We’ve all moved on and it’s time for you to move on too. Please. Go back to your amazing life with your amazing kids and your amazing husband who refers to you as an 8 ½. As a Housewife you’ve been rated a negative 8 ½, so you’re right, it’s a compliment. Bravo fans have forgotten about your embarrassing Housewife debut, so stop bringing it up.

I keep posting on social media to remind you all that I’m an 8 1/2.

There’s been so much Bravo gossip since then and our brains only have room for so much. She doesn’t realize by continuing to post about it, she’s reminding us of that debacle.

Crystal was dismissed as well. That was a few years overdue. Dorit was also said to be shown the door, or demoted to ‘friend’ for lying about her marriage being on the rocks (Kyle was also lying about her marriage and her lesbian affair -but I guess that’s okay?)

However, it’s now being speculated since Dorit and PK, RIGHT before cameras were being picked up, what a coincidence, have announced their separation that may have saved her FT slot.

RHONY – same cast, with Jenna Lyons returning, which I was a little surprised at. Pleasantly surprised.

Also added a Rebecca Minkoff, being called a ‘fashion icon.’ Never heard of her. Loud mouth Sai has been lipping off about her and calling her names. Not surprising. In other words, she’s competition. I wonder if Sai will be owning how she was her husband’s bartender side chick that he got knocked up, and that’s how she has her brownstone she’s always wanted. Oh well, girlfriend focused, opened her legs, and “look at her now” as she put it last season.

Good job Sai!!! You must be exhausted from all of that hard work!!

I wonder if Jessel and Pavit have had sex again since the alleged hotel room romp a year a half ago? Guess we’ll be finding out, whether we want to or not. Premiers August/September.

Dubai is premiering in June minus Nina, who I loved. I’m a little surprised Caroline is still married to that kid to be honest. I think they have some new Wives as well.

The Valley was renewed, but there won’t be a reunion. Not 100% sure of the reasoning for that. If I were to take a guess, it’s because of two of the married couples being newly separated and the contentious environment that would most likely be. And with children involved in both marriages, I just think it’s probably a good idea. Andy was probably like ‘you couldn’t pay me enough to sit in the middle of that’ and Andy likes his pay.

I have been sort of half-watching that with intentions of maybe trying to watch it for real if VPR is canceled. But hearing that BlaBla may be a part of it, I may change my mind.

Speaking of BlaBla, she is currently melting down publicly about VPR possibly not returning, her not being picked up on The Valley, AND last but certainly not least, to add to the stress of BlaBla, Bravo presented to her (or she may have tried to plug it to them, probably the latter) her own spin-off. Which honestly I can’t even fathom was in consideration, but whatever, I’m not saying this is true, but I saw it online so it has to be! It would explain a lot.

It would explain that whole fake pleasant-ish (AKA soft) persona she was displaying in the past season. Also explains her having this fucking sperm donor baby to give her a ‘thing’ since Randall won’t allow Ocean to be filmed, just to be an asshole. Which I think is kind of funny I’m half-ashamed to admit. She’s also expressing remorse for ‘jumping on the Sandoval’ train. See why I call her BlaBla?? She’s dissing Bravo left and right when she really needs them to pay for this fucking 3 million dollar house. Also see why I call her stupid?? Bravo allegedly nixed the spin-off thing because her ratings are low. Nice way of saying no one can stand her. Poor BlaBla.

You mean I’m not getting my own show and I’m having another damned baby for nothing??

VPR as you probably have heard, filming has been delayed, or the show is just not returning at all.

A new franchise is coming – ‘Real Housewives of Austin’ could not find premier date but I’m going to guess early 2025.

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