Chocolate Chip Strawberry Pancakes

1 ½ cups flour

3 ½ tsp baking powder

¾ tsp salt

1 T sugar

1 ¼ cup milk

1 egg

1 tsp vanilla

3 T melted butter

Approximately 4 T of mini chocolate chips

Approximately ½ cup or so of strawberries, cut up into small pieces.

Small amount of extra chips and berries for garnish.

Whipped Cream or syrup

Mix all together in large bowl with wooden spoon except melted butter, add melted butter last, then stir a few more times. Add the chips and strawberries. Stir. Batter will be a little lumpy, but that’s ok.

For this size of pancake shown in photo, which would makes a good “dessert pancake” type of thing, (or could be breakfast – the strawberries are nutritious!) I used a small eight inch skillet. This recipe should make four this size. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could make the “pancake cake” with them from the infamous RHOBH episode, when they all gathered at Kyle’s vaca home and she made the terrible looking lasagna. (I just don’t think she let it rest before they cut into it )

I was meaning to try the pancake cake after that aired. I looked up a recipe and that’s as far as I got.

I was inspired to make these after the Below Deck episode on Nov 22nd, when Heather announced a chocolate chip pancake would be included with breakfast. I was like, I could eat some pancakes !

Brush a little butter on your eight inch skilled and turn on burner to Medium. Add around little over ½ cup of the batter for the thickness shown in the photos, which to me was perfect. You will want to NOT leave it as it’s cooking. Check it in around 1 or 2 minutes to see if golden brown and crisp. If not give it one more minute.

Flip when looks golden brown, turn to low for other side. You don’t want it to cook too fast because the middle has to get done. Give it another 2 -3 minutes. Just keep an eye on it. I think the time will depend on hot your burners get, and if you have electric or gas stove. This is the method I used and I have a gas stove, and the burners tend to get pretty hot.

Add whip cream, few berries, and chocolate chips for garnish.

Any berries can be used, or sliced banana, and you can of course leave the chips out. (But why ?) Use your imagination for any alterations. You can also cut up your favorite candy bar into small pieces instead of the chips! There are no rules when it comes to pancakes !!!!

Fun activity with your kids or grandkids too — they can pick what they want to put in theirs!!

Impress your family or guests with these beauties for dessert or breakfast for the Holidays !!

Easy and better than a mix !!

No Rules !!

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