I’m calling this ‘Bravo-inspired!’ Meredith and Brooks made it last season on Salt Lake City. I think they pretend to be Jewish sometimes. Which I guess I am also doing.

4 tsp dry yeast

1/3 cup sugar

1 cup warm water

2 cups bread flour

2 cups regular flour

1 T salt

6 T melted unsalted butter

3 eggs

squirt or 1 T of honey

½ tsp vanilla

Yeast, sugar and warm water go in your mixing bowl. Stir and let sit for ten minutes.

Add the melted butter, eggs, honey and vanilla and mix with the dough hook thingy.

In separate bowl mix the flour and salt.

Add the flour/salt to the mixture one cup at a time until it looks like a dough, then mix with dough hook for additional 5 minutes.

The dough will be sticky !! Move to floured surface and knead few more times.

Place in well greased glass bowl, cover with saran wrap, and let rise for one hour in warm place. It should double in size.

After rising for an hour, punch it !!

Pretend it’s someone you hate

Separate into three equal parts and roll into long strands, then braid!!

I KNOW !!! Get your mind out of the gutter!!

Brush with egg yolk mixed with 1 T of water!!

Bake at 375 for approx ½ hour!! Butter and enjoy !!

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