Hot or Not

Latest Hot or Not Articles

Salt Lake Pho Lunch 12/19

Breaking down the ladies’ looks from last week’s show and the luncheon from hell ! I did like MOST of them . NOT – BOOBS AND BOOTS – wasn’t super

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Salt Lake 12/12

It’s going to be mostly about the coats in this post, since it’s still cold weather in Utah when filming was taking place. (Feb/March) March seems to be like east

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Salt Lake Episode 11/21

Let’s break down some of these looks !!! Whitney’s black Nike tee with sparkly swoosh – A HARD NOT!! – (although I usually love me some embellishment) I am sure

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Potomac Reunion Nov 2021

I would love to weigh in on the Potomac Reunion looks! Especially since they were wearing my FAVORITE COLOR !!! The stage looks so stunning with all of the shades

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Hot or Not ????

I am sure that I have some fellow fashionistas that are Bravo Watchers and like to chime in about the ladies’ fashion choices. I think the second reason we watch

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