Below Deck SY Reunion Part 1

No time to waste, getting right into the issue with the deckhands and a little light assistance during the evening hours when their jobs are basically done. Yes, you’re right Daisy, the deckhands do NOT work 17 hours. Yes they may be AWAKE for 17 hours. (big difference). But no way they’re working straight through 17 hours. It seems like in the ate afternoon, after everyone is tired from the water toy thing, they’re done for the day. Shut up and wash a few dishes and stop cryin like a bitch. It’s so petty.

And the interior ladies, they are working ALL day and waiting on the guests hand and foot, or cleaning rooms. ALL DAY. ALL NIGHT. So I know they chose to be stews, you choose to be deckhands lalala, Whatever. I’ll say it again, If you’re not busy, and not in your cabin, shut up and wash some flipping dishes. What is the big deal ?? It makes you look like a nice guy and not a douche!!

Random thought: Natasha looks stunning!!! Her make-up is ridiculous.

Gary dear Gary, I think your mom should give you a back hand over A LOT of things that you did or said, LEAST OF all calling Daisy a bitch!!! This dude is clueless and I have zero respect for him.

And that apology is NOT SINCERE!! AT ALL!! Am I the only one seeing through this dude??

Oh he doesn’t recall saying the crude comments about Daisy constantly. How convenient. Did he steal that off of the Housewives? FRIENDLY REMINDER — you guys are being followed around by these people, with these large things on their shoulders – that are called CAMERAS !!! Maybe they think that they have martians following them around all day ??

What???? All of the stews got along with the chief stew — ohh that is because we had Daisy and not HATEFUL Mean Girl Kate. And here is some new info for KATE who loves to HATE – if your 3rd stew isn’t doing things right, or quickly enough, instead of ridiculing her, talking behind her back, being condescending and passive aggressive, and just plain MEAN, and an ASSHOLE, teach them to be better at their job, compliment what they do well. Like Daisy did with Allie. Too late for her, she’s “retired” but that is how it’s done. Be tactful, and not a tyrant in giving further instruction. why did no one ever tell her that is part of HER JOB? Oh because we’re all scared of her. Including Captain Lee, or he has a crush on her. Either one is embarrassing

Sandy informed Hannah on one episode last year or year before, that went something like “if your 3rd stew isn’t performing its on you. It’s an entry level position.”

I shouldn’t be dedicating so much time on this individual. She’s not on the show THANK GOD. But Daisy’s accolades and awesome management style got me started. So it’s Daisy’s fault really. Oh and why is she in no trouble (back to Kate – sorry ) for all of her bullying over the years on the show. Make no mistake she IS a bully. A certain celebrity right now has to gravel over bullying behavior over TWITTER, but I guess bullying in person is ok? confusing.

I don’t believe in this “canceling” people crap – but at the very least she should apologize to those girls. And not on Twitter.

Now we have Pita-gate !!! so that stack of pitas did NOT look like 20!! —- unless they were really really really really thin . Well whatever – the point is that is was not enough of damned pitas !!! and they wanted MORE !!

It’s very big of Natasha to admit you were wrong. Chefs NEVER apologize do they? So it’s great she has realized it, and I think she has learned. I am having a Natasha moment. The mistake on the courses was to not lie when Daisy asked if she told them they were getting five courses. Is the tip blame really necessary, after she admitted to mistakes and apologized?

And that crew was VERY DIFFICULT. And yeah good point Nat , it DOES reflect on the guests that they would be THAT PETTY to hold back tip money on these folks that bust their asses for you while you are on a luxury vacation. Pay up and shut up !! unless the entire trip was horrible.

If you can’t afford the tip for your luxury yacht vaca, stay HOME. Or go to Hershey Park.

And as far as Natasha, it boils down to the FOOD (hahhaaa I didn’t even try that ) if the food is amazing , as they all agree it was, put up with some cheffy attitude . If I were putting the chefs in order of their difficulty to work with, I would really put Natasha at the end. (First being most dramatic and difficult to work with) I just had an idea. I think I’m going to do that – ok here we go

1. Milia’s weirdo prima donna dude – hands down – can’t remember his name – don’t care – acted like a spoiled 6 yr old girl. Thought it was funny that Malia had to deal with it. Why? Because she’s “I’m so cute-tattle-tale Malia” How comes no one ever thought to play all of the sound bites on season #1 of all the times she said she was cute and pretty and attractive? That was so Weird.

2. Leon – but I loved how he didn’t take Kate’s shit, but he was difficult and unapproachable. Mean Girl Kate met her match!

3. Ben (my all-time fave – the accent the laugh, the cuteness, LOVE him, but dramatic …)

4. Adam – those eyes – but tended to be difficult and have fits.

5. The eat my cooter chick –she did lose her shit over that guest preference sheet, and quit, and came back. But was that the only time she lost her shit ? Maybe.

6. Natasha

7. Adrian – actually pretty easy going if I recall ?

Adrian gets Least Dramatic, not Natasha. But she almost made it. I am sure I am forgetting a few. Guess they were forgettable.

Ok I got off track , back to the love triangle, Gary caused that horrific tenseness and drama with the ladies. Agree he knew what he was doing – Agree with Gary that it takes two to tango – but he really should have shown some self-control and not started a thing with Allie. (why did Sydney’s background and lighting get so weird and yellow? it wasn’t like that when it started. Or is it my TV?)

Who on the boat didn’t think they had sex – she’s in a bikini —-they’re wasted – Gary’s a perv.

that was so painful – to watch again Gary telling Sydney he has NO FEELINGS for her. Gary we get it !!!! SHEESH !!!!

Was the topless hottubbing THAT big of a deal Allie ? Aww Sydney looks so sad. And the coloring the yellow wood, the yellow dress, the yellow lighting. I think she is getting beat up a little too much.

Fan calling Gary a TWAT ! Love that – I like referring to dipshit guys as that instead of DICK – I mean is calling a dude a dick really an insult ??? NO Pussy or Twat – that’s the way to go to insult a dude.

Really Gary, Allie had no feelings for you ? I mean I do think these “feeling” were in both of their heads – refer to my bachelor analogy – he was the only guy there etc etc etc. But there were definitely feelings of some sort.

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