Trailer Trash Girl says to Daisy that “it’s for the best” that Gabby left. What a little dickwad. This girl needs is beyond disgusting. Shame on Daisy for allowing and placating to this behavior.

Daisy informs her that Gabby’s departure doesn’t necessarily make her the 2nd stew, and she needs to “listen.” to this one. She tries to act like she’s not annoyed, but of course she is. Daisy best not make the town hoe a 2nd stew. If she does I’m so done with her.

She’s been so disappointing how she has been handling this girl. Not very boss like. Very much a push over and let this trashy rapist hoe head cause so much friction simply due to the fact that she was pissed she wasn’t 2nd stew.

And here’s some tough love for Daisy, she certainly did fail Gabby as she said in her yap. If she wants people to say “Oh no you didn’t …” It’s not coming from me. She should NOT have been even giving her “complaints” the time of day. Maybe she was for the sake of the show, and added drama. This little skank with ginormus titties that are gonna be down to her knees in five years, does bring the drama with her whoring around the boat. Hope Daisy has apology ready for Gabby at the reunion, since she is now seeing how she allowed Trashley to walk all over her and waste her time with her foolishness.

New deckie arrives. He’s cute. So how long before Trashley’s climbing on him? So fitting she had her mouth full when they met. I’m sure he’ll be seeing that again soon, with something else in her mouth, that’s attached to his body.

I’m remembering the previews now. These guests are SUPER DUPER high maintenance and douchey. I kind of forgot since it wasn’t aired last week. There’s an article floating around that it was originally supposed to be aired, but wasn’t due to Trashley assaulting Gary. Social Media is going nuts that it was an assault. I really do not disagree. Maybe it was edited to not discuss her attempt at rape?

They’re demanding grilled shrimp and bacon in your Bloody Mary. That’s so weird. Those are nice garnishes with Bloody Mary’s, I guess (I, personally can live without them – gimme a celery and I’m happy) but not a necessity. They’re just trying hard to annoying fucking dicks. And they’re succeeding.

Marcos is right – if they’re already bitching about their drink garnishes, this is going to be AWFUL

HEY SKANKO TRASHLEY – are you regretting casting your evil spell on Gabriela and gas lighting her into feeling incompetent, so she left? What a dumb ass– and previews tell us Gary is into the new stew, so it will all backfire. I WILL LOVE IT. LOVE IT.

Trashley has been ironing for 1.50 hours – HILAR! It’s what she deserves. If I had to iron for 1.50 hours I think I would be suicidal.

That’s right I remember this chick needs addressed as “Dr Nichols” at all times.

Gary says TrashFace is “too clingy and desperate.” Yeah dude if you consummate this shit she is going to feel like she OWNS YOU! And, this hoe is EVIL! like I’m not even convinced she’s a legit human. And I’m serious.

This bitch is scary, unlike Sidney, on the last season, who made things difficult after Gary screwed her, but was pretty harmless. This girl will make your life hell! Gary will be the one to leave the boat next!

Guests are all passed out in the early evening, since they were drinking like drunken sailors all day long. They emerge for dinner at 10:30 pm and they’re demanding martinis stat. Primary has her titties all out at the table. Marcos is trying to explain the meal, and all he can see is her nipple staring right at him.

I feel like they’re not going to taste/remember the dinner since they’re all fucking trashed. Titties still out on white dress chick. These people are trashy as fuck. They should get along with Trashley. Maybe these bitches will try be ripping their clothes off for Gary later too.

I love Trashley busting her ass like the glorified maid- whore that she is. Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa.

I was gong to try to be nicer tonight to her, but sorry I just see her face, and hear her voice and I can’t freaking help it. It’s not my fault!

Dinner is over and they’re wasted again, titties -out broad does not even remember eating dinner when the dessert is served. Marcos should have fed these nit-wits some Campbell’s soup and grilled cheese. They wouldn’t have known the difference.

Now they’re demanding “a blanket and music” Drag Trash out of her bed to deal with these nit-wits.

Remember she wanted Gabby gone, now she’s gone. Actually, Daisy should be in bed, and Trash should be dealing with them herself !!! If Daisy was smarter that is exactly what she would do!

After some additional whining and stupid demands, they turn it, since they’re all blacked out.

New stew on the way that Gary will be into! Cannot WAIT for this shit! Big Droopy tits will be ignored by Gary and it will be EPIC! Sorry I just hate this chic. If she was slutty, but funny and cool, okay. But she’s slutty and not pleasant, not funny and extremely UNCOOL, SHE’S A MEAN BITTER VINDICTIVE EVIL BITCH — really bad combo? Right? Yes I’m right.

And why in the holy fuck is Daisy not using red wine to replace to grape juice for this stupid drink this dude is demanding? She seriously doesn’t think of this? I’m flabbergasted right now. Girl improvise!! It could be sweetened with some honey or simple syrup since I doubt they have really sweet wines.

I’m so much smarter than you fuckers who are paid to do this shit??

Daisy does need to kinda step it up.

First she sucked ass at handling Trashley and Gabby, and now she can think of NOTHING to replace grape juice?

Marcos wants to grind up some grapes – oh you mean like wine ?

Sorry this is a little condensed tonight – and no photos! Doesn’t look like it recorded last night ! So i just had my notes from when i was watching.

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