The make out sesh in the hot tub continues. It didn’t end up in sealing the deal though, but give Gary a few more days. Or one more day.

Mads seems to regret the romp the next day, but she may just be pretending to keep her hard to get thing going. She’s a lot smarter than Trashley. Even though we had to listen to Trashley tell us non-stop how smart she is.

The ongoing argument between Daisy and Gary continues about a stew going on the beach trips always. Of course Glenn sides with Gary. Like fucking duhhhhh. Dudes are going to stick with dudes.

Insisting on taking one of the stews along to pull drinks out of the cooler is asinine, and kind of sexist I’m even going to say. Like it’s beneath the dudes to do that. Daisy is getting extremely agitated and starts fidgeting with her hair.

It’s your world Gary, and we’re just living in it.

She gets a little cozy with Colin for a moment. Hmmm.

Gary is so excited to tell Alex that he kissed Mads the previous night. He’s his boss. How fucking unprofessional is this? But Gary is so worried about professionalism, right? No hard feelings, hey??” As he walks away smirking.

This Doordash commercial with Glenn is so cheesy. No pun intended.

Mads getting a little flirty with Alex. It seems like this is who she really likes. Sorry Gary. I would like nothing better than a chick passing over Gary for someone else! Please let it happen this charter! I think she makes a cute couple with Alex. Gary is way too old to be going for these girls in their early 20’s. It’s starting to come across creepy.


New round of guests arrive. ‘High school douche’ vibes is how Mads refers to the primary. There’s a kid on board, and that always brings on some sort of weirdness.

We all know that Gary just wants to bring a girl along on the tender so he can flirt with her. Three guesses as to who he will want to accompany him, if he’s the one going.

I don’t know what he just asked Daisy, but she’s pissed off. Something about teaching ‘a girl’ how to drive the tender. For what reason, when there are literally four dudes? Gary is just really extra this season. Extra into pushing everyone’s buttons.

So I guess they got the memo that they can order anything they want, because the kid orders a ‘cookies and cream milkshake.’ Then they want a grilled cheese, and a football. Like wtf. This big burly muscly dude wants a grilled cheese?? Next he’s going to want a cookies and cream milkshake too.

So we have a water sports collision involving the kid. The kid is okay, he jumped off of the board, and the board hit the dude in the head, and it’s bleeding. Glenn asks him if he feels like he concussed.

People can’t tell that, whether or not they have a concussion. He asks if he lost consciousness. Well clearly not, if he’s standing here. Also you don’t have to lose consciousness to have a concussion.

He IS a guy, so he’s playing it off like it’s no big deal, and not crying like a bitch and blaming the kid.

He ends up needing stitches, and it didn’t really look like it was that bad when they zoomed in on the cut. I guess I’m going by the fact that I wasn’t that grossed out, so it couldn’t have been that bad.

I hate looking at cuts and bl***.

The primary guest wants to invite Gary to dinner, which means the stews will be serving him. Could things possibly get any worse?

Daisy gets a little sneaky and shady, and tells Gary she doesn’t want to spring another meal on Ileisha, but perhaps tomorrow night? Then she tells the guests that he is busy and unable to attend. She does not want Gary to have this dinner!

We have this constant power struggle between Gary and Daisy again. Except it seems more  exacerbated than in previous seasons. I think reality TV stardom has totally gone to his head.

The injured guest still hasn’t returned to the boat by morning. The primary is worried, so Chase wakes up Glenn. You would think that Glenn, or someone would have stayed up to make sure he was okay.

He is fine, just had to wait a while until he got called on, was the holdup. The dude got stitches with no anesthetic. Guess that’s how they roll in Italy. Suck it up Susie!! He returns and has survived, and seems to be taking it well. I mean what can you do, he’s a kid. He didn’t do it on purpose. It sucks for them because

they missed the entire evening and were up all night, and it’s a two day vacay.

So Gary’s insistence to bring a stew along to set up for the beach and hand out drinks, turns out to be kind of a bust because they are demanding 600 things while Lucy is literally just laying in the sand.

Why couldn’t she have gone later with the guests? Why couldn’t Gary have gone with him to wait on the guests? He’s literally doing nothing. Glenn and his “taking someone from each department” thing to impress the guests, makes no sense at all. As if they give a rat’s ass. As long as someone is handing them something every five seconds, they don’t give a shit who’s doing the handing.

Daisy has a meltdown that Gary is just sitting around. Colin offers to help and she asks him to make a smoothie.

You want ME to make a smoothie?” Well you did offer to help, and how hard is it to make a fucking smoothie? You literally throw shit into a blender.

Daisy runs to her room crying and throwing a tantrum. Seem a little over the top.

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