So I didn’t even watch last week, and wasn’t aware I missed a new episode until I was on a FaceBook chat group where someone played the dinner clip when Daisy came down on Scarlett for NO REASON. That was so unlike her. She’s clearly just beyond jealous, and into Gary more than she wants to admit.

The great Sailing Boat Race is on! So I guess I was picturing it to be more of a “race.” As in fast(er). And not like watching two snails racing.

But they are sail boats, not speed boats, so guess that should have been obvious it would look like this and be kind of yawn. Glenn seems excited though. Reminds me of the OJ Simpson, low-speed ‘chase’ in the 90’s when he was trying to bail. Since you know, he did kill his wife, and the kid that was there.

It’s very close, and Parisfal prevails! Good! This win seemed really really important to the guests, as boring as it was.

The guests pack their suitcases all by themselves, and don’t order the crew to do it, like that awful Erika and team did.

Daisy asks Ashley about how she is “going to handle tonight?” Ashley says “I’m going to let it bother me” about Gary and Scarlett, and their newfound romance. Sounds like she’s trying to convince herself. We’ll see how this goes. Once the tequila shots start getting poured, it’s a whole different story with her.

Daisy tells her if she has aspirations to move up the ladder, fucking the crew, (aka begging the crew to fuck you, in Trashley’s case) has repercussions, and not professional. Ashley is like “yeah I know.”

Well clearly ya don’t know, because ya pissed and moaned about not being second stew since the very first episode, and you then proceeded to fuck one guy, then try desperately to fuck another? “Yeah I know,” my ass!! At what point did she decide she “knows” this?? Like just now when Daisy said it ?

These very low maintenance and cool ladies are off the boat! So sorry to see them go. The tip exchange always cracks me up. The captain always seems to look like surprised, as he gets handed a huge enveloped wad of cash. Like, this is so unexpected ! Why don’t they just charge more, and pay the crew more instead of these 15k tips? Do they really make people travel with that kind of cash ?

Daisy gets a little flirty changing her top in the doorway of the guys’ cabin. In front of Gary. She’s been hanging around Trashley too much I think.

Gary summons Trashley for the “dreaded talk.” Trashley says to him “I don’t trust you.” That’s one of her many lines that make no sense. She said that about Gabriela too. Does she know what the word ‘trust’ even means? (especially since she’s the one that broke trust with Gabriela when she confided in her.) Why would she not ‘trust him?’ Like she’s afraid of being alone with him? Let’s be reminded who executed the borderline sexual assault? This chick has issues.

Like I’ve been trying to tell for for 3 months, I’m just not that into you.

Gary starts off saying “her attitude has changed toward him” (Yes she FINALLY stopped desperately following you around everywhere begging you to fuck her) She gives him pissy answers. He tells her there isn’t an “us.” She tells him he flirts with everyone, as if she does not! Well I wouldn’t call what she does ‘flirting.’ She sort of skips that fun component, and goes right into “Fuck me, and now!!”

Trashley is so annoyed about this convo. Mostly because she feels stupid. She says something about “a respect thing” and he says “what are you talking about, you kissed me and fucked someone else 20 minutes later…??” she really thinks Gary owes her any respect? That’s what she doesn’t get yet, is that guys do NOT respect her acting the way she acts. This dude owes her nothing. She is so delusional, and still fantasizing that they had anything close to “a relationship.”

She has no idea what she’s saying. She has no ability to communicate like a human at all. Again supports my theory that she’s not one. She’s making weird faces. She knows she has no way out of that very accurate comment that he made about her fucking Tom that night. How in any stretch of any crazy imagination does she think this man ‘owes’ her anything ! And cannot start talking to another girl if he wants??

is she taking a shit or just realizing that she’s full it???

He breaks it to her that he has this connection with Scarlett. This is awkward for her, and while cringy, I’m not hating it.

All of the chasing and throwing herself at him in every episode & he could never even stand her. He did like the attention, of course. But as he said a few weeks ago to Colin, her personality sucks. She thinks those tits are going to carry her through life, and that’s literally all she needs. She talks in her yap about Gary, and how he cares for no one, and it’s all about him, and never admits he does anything wrong. But it literally sounds like she’s describing herself. Does this chick Project Much?? She storms off muttering and bitching.

She fills Daisy in. For some reason now Daisy is 100 Team Trashley, and bitching about Gary too. I wish she would stop placating to Trashley like she’s some kind of fucking victim here. And I missed the part where he said he wanted to be her friend, as she’s recapping the convo to Daisy. Guess that all sounds nice, but I think he pointed out what a slut she is, and then said in a nice way: “fuck off and leave leave me the hell alone. I don’t like you”

That’s almost the same as:

“I just want to be friends, please don’t be mad at me.” Or not.

You have got to be kidding me Daisy! She shamelessly threw herself at him and chased him around the boat the whole entire season! Literally she begged him to fuck her. Literally ripped her clothes off the second she got him in that guest cabin, and started sucking him off! then sat on top of it ! Wtf Daisy? You’re just losing credibility here. She’s only pissed at him because she’s ticked that he likes Scarlett now. And he’s not paying attention to her.

Super awkward in front of Scarlett . Trashley points out that “no one is special” for Scarlett to hear. Now Miss Maturity is whispering in Daisy’s ear that he said he has chemistry with Scarlett. I wish she would try to remember that Gary has been trying to tell her since Day 1, he’s not into her. Did his actions sometimes speak otherwise? Yes. But she was always the aggressor in the make-out sessions. Always. And he’s a guy. Guys will make out with and fuck a tree with a hole in it! He did try to tell her that he wasn’t interested. Several times.

Daisy is trashing Gary because she’s trying to turn Scarlett against him, and keep Trashley mad at him.

This is so manipulative of her, and Daisy isn’t really what I would call “manipulative” but she’s insanely jealous. I don’t know if she even realizes what she’s doing? She totally has no idea it’s so obvious she has a crush on Gary.

Oh my Freaking God, Trashley says, she “has respect for herself?” Well this is new, right? If she did there would be no need for a conversation right now about this messiness that she caused.

So mad I missed this last week – it’s a great episode! She has respect for herself? Did she really say that ? So they go out to dinner.

Gary is trying to move the end of the table away to be alone with Scarlett for dinner away from the group. She’s not wanting to do that. She tells him it was awkward for her, after his chat with Trashley.

Barnaby is hilarious! His takeaway on this messy Love triangle, or square, actually is that poor Scarlett is thinking, “I like you too but what about Mean Old Trashley !! I love it!!”

Gary presses her for what Trashley said about him. Why does he care? He shouldn’t care. Of course she bitched about him, and lied about what he said. She tells him they’ll discuss it later. That probably makes sense, dude, when you know Trashley is like 3 feet away, desperately trying to hear them, with her antennas completely tuned in to what they are saying to each other.

I don‘t give a fuck! but what are they saying? I didn’t quite get all of that? Does he really like her and not me ?? What’s she have that i don’t?? class and confidence are overrated.

Gary leaves the table for the potty I assume, and Daisy just goes on the attack against Scarlett. I mean IN.

Ashley acting like she doesn’t care at all, what is happening at that end of the table. She says she “feels weird.” Again, Ashley you had nothing close to a romance with this man. NOTHING. If you feel weird, it’s because you are weird. Barnaby asks Scarlett if she kissed Gary and she says yes, and Daisy’s ears perk right up. I’m telling ya, for two girls that have NO INTEREST in Gary, and want ‘nothing to do with him,‘ they sure are interested in every single fucking thing that he does.

Daisy goes into sort of preach mode, and gets all on her soapbox about how ‘she’s known Gary for a long time and it’s gonna bite you in the ass.’ Is this even relevant when there are only like two charters left ? I don’t think the girl thinks they’re getting married. She goes on to say there is a lot of “emotional trauma” with Gary. Like wtf is she referring to? Emotional trauma? The stupid little spats that they get into? Were they in a relationship that we don’t know about?

Fucking Trashley (in annoying whiney fucking Trashley voice) – pipes in “it’s not going to hurt me – I don’t give a FUCK!” Okay Trashley!!!! Overcompensate much?

All I know is that I don’t care at all! Look at me, don’t I look like I don’t care ?? I don’t fucking care !! Did you hear me ? I don’t care !

I don’t know who’s worse, her or Daisy on this Scarlett and Gary thing

1. who asked you, and why are you eavesdropping?

2. if you don’t ‘give a fuck’ stop trying to listen. Sit there stuff your face, and flash your big droopy tits to Barnaby! Something !

Scarlett tells Daisy, “this is just fun and entertaining”

Daisy: fun and entertaining will only take you too far, you have to be aware of your surroundings.” She’s literally getting all intense and mafia like.

Daisy: “cut the bullshit”

I don’t give a shit what you do, just hands off of my man, if you like having legs.

Why is Daisy is being completely overly dramatic. And are there seriously three out four girls at this table that like Gary? (sounds like a commercial – 3 out of 4 dentists surveyed…) Does this dude have like a golden dick? 100 mill in the bank? What is the deal ??? Tell me!!

Gary returns as Scarlett claps back and tells her she can hang out with whomever she pleases.

Daisy says she’s wasn’t telling her what to do?

Well yeah, actually ya kinda WERE!!

Daisy was so mean, after she basically scolded and berated her for kissing/liking Gary, she says “Scarlett is about to explode or crumble…” Dang, girl, green-eyed jealous monster and claws be OUT !! Scarlett says she’s fucking annoyed, and Daisy yells, smirking, “Whyyyyyyy???” Really Daisy? You just sat there and berated the girl for ten minutes because you have a stupid school girl crush on stupid ass Gary, of all people! Scarlett leaves the table. Gary follows her.

Daisy runs and apologizes to Scarlett. I guess she started to think she doesn’t want her leaving with her Gary, then they’ll be alone on the boat, so she better apologize. Why did she act like to begin with? It’s like she morphed into Mean Bully Kate Chastain or Trashley! Scarlett is confused in her yap as to if she’s sticking up for Trashley or does she want him? Both I guess. Mainly because she wants him. Why didn’t they request an ugly stew for Gabriela’s replacement?

Trashley telling someone to ‘focus on her job’ is fucking hilar. Barnaby’s face is priceless! He’s been on the boat for like five minutes, and even he thinks thinks she is being ludicrous.

yes Ashley, everyone should be like you and 100% ‘focused on their job.’

Daisy stops her and tries to tell her she was kidding, then says she shouldn’t have said it. Well which is it? Now she’s on her side? Now she turns on Ashley and tells her Trashley is full of shit that she doesn’t care. Daisy is like all over the fucking place tonight. Scarlett lets her off kind of easy.

These are some crazy ass jealous bitches on this fucking boat !!!

Barnaby is funny – he talks to Daisy, while wearing her purse, which I love by the way, (and so does he) and tells her she didn’t do anything wrong. Well she kind of did. She harassed the new girl at the dinner table, for flirting with a boy she has a secret crush on. So, being the ‘chief stew’ and her supervisor, I would call that really really fucking wrong. I get it, he’s the new kid too and wanting everyone to like him. But she definitely did do something wrong.


Trash who shockingly doesn’t have panties on, climbs over the seat in the van, and puts her vajayjay right in Marcos’ face.

There’s a fart in the van and of course it’s Kelsie – the resident girl that acts like a dude. Now she just needs to belch and start talking about taking a shit ! Then she’d be an official dude. Has she hair flossed yet ?? The night isn’t complete until she has chewed food goo in her hair. It’s safe to say that no guy, ever, will be running his fingers through her hair.

Daisy and Barnaby share a kiss in the van. Love it. Yes, get her mind off of Gary, and off of Scarlett’s shit!

Going to kiss this random dude since he’s sitting right here to get my mind off of how I’ve been traumatized by Gary !!!

Now Gary feels like he has free reigns on Scarlett since he had the little chat with Trashley. I really do think he did need to do that, although it t didn’t seem very productive, he did put her in his place. She was just like “Oh My God whatever!” All of that chasing she did, and he likes the new girl the second he sees her. I think it made her possibly slightly aware of her embarrassing trashy behavior. Possibly.

Daisy is drunk and we’ll see how this goes. Trashley still trying Hard to act so UNBOTHERED. Can you all tell how completely unbothered she is?

Everyone is pretty toasty. Daisy tells Gary (not in front of Scarlett) that she’ll fuck him if he stops whining. She’s suddenly REALLY extra with the flirting right? Gary starts singing to her. Trashley standing there in her stupid trucker hat looking stupid. Gary acting like she’s not even there.

Drunk Daisy tries to rationalize to Kelsie about her attitude toward Scarlett at dinner. Kelsie too, making her feel like it was perfectly okay. It wasn’t okay! It was wrong.

Trashley is in the galley eating her feelings again. Let’s hope it’s not 5lbs of pasta shoved into her mouth with her hands, that ends up in the shower. Why do they eat again after going out to dinner anyway? After eating out, I’m full for like three days.

Gary and Scarlett are making out in the hot tub. He whispers that he wants to have sex with her. She doesn’t take it all the way because she’s not – Trashley. She got the memo on making them work for it. She’s outta there and heads to bed. without him.

Daisy gives Colin a line of shit that she’s not jealous about Scarlett, and says that “it’s really awkward that you’re saying that.” Ohhhh Daisy Daisy — just own it! We would have so much more respect for you if you owned it ! Colin fake laughs and says in his yap that she’s full of shit. Now she contradicts herself, and asks if he honestly thinks if she came on to him, he would be like No no no ! (thought she was so offended a minute ago) Now she’s envisioning him coming on to her ??

She’s so bothered by this.

This is so fun to watch. Say what you want about reality shows not being real (because a lot of them are not, I know) But this love triangle/square shit on here is real! Daisy is being so resentful and possessive with Gary, and pissed that he has this “connection” thing with Scarlett. (or thinks he does – this was the same shit with Allie last season…)

Didn’t follow that food convo at the preference meeting about this food. Science with food? Adding weird stuff? Making it into a different shape? What? Sounds strange and a waste of Marcos’ time and energy.

Trash is a little late on the “proving she’s not a piece of shit” thing – really? 20 episodes of being the biggest piece of shit ever, getting two people to leave with her fucking head games, and here we are, next to last episode, she’s suddenly wanting to prove she’s a decent human? PAHHH LEASE GIRLS, sit the fuck down!!!!!

And she says she “could be so mean to Scarlett but she’s taking the ‘high road?’ And she really wonders why Daisy didn’t make her 2nd stew? Scarlett did what to her exactly? Besides be prettier and doesn’t act like a skank ? Trashley could have potentially been the supervisor over a girl she hates because the dude she likes, likes her better. Wow, there’s a song that goes like isn’t there?

So there is bad weather ahead, and possibly no sailing. That would suck.

Also she’s just so fucking unpersonable (and I don’t think that’s a word but whatever – it should be) when she’s interacting with the guests. Like when she offers them drinks, or checks on them, there is no, like sincerity, or festivity in her voice whatsoever. Just don’t think hospitality is the industry for her. Since you have to be you know, hospitable.

These Canadians are living up to their stereo type – they seem super nice and chill. They even have Trashley laughing and being personable and friendly for a minute. Way to prove me wrong guys! However she gets a little “too friendly.” Next she’ll be asking if they want to see her naked.

Not Smashley guys – Trashley! Daisy scolds her for telling the guests she was ‘shitfaced.’ and fell on her face from the top bunk. Tries to explain to the alien you can be friendly and chat and joke with them, but still have class and professionalism. Scarlett seems to think it’s funny. It is.

Like what do you expect Daisy? Are you new here? The chick has NO class or couth whatsoever.

They all laughed ! They’re Canadian ! They weren’t offended.

Glenn is sounding like Jen on OC – “this poutine is really good, this is really good.”

Marcos gets bad news that his BFF’s mom has passed away. He’s very upset. Poor Marcos.

I saw on Facebook chat group he has announced he’s not returning next season. I’m really not surprised. He didn’t seem to be too into the drama. He just wants to chef and create! Can’t blame him for that ! We’ll miss him!

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