Well Colin had NO problem slaughtering the eel since Aleisha didn’t want to.

Here we go again with Gary and his insistence to ‘take a girl’ when the guests go to the beach, to distribute the beers, and make a few simple drinks.

If you recall when Gary was still quarantining due to this virus he didn’t have, with fake positive results, the dudes handled taking care of guests’ beverage needs just fine. Daisy told them that they had to do it themselves, and they handled it just fine.

He goes all in a huff to find Daisy to bitch at her. Remember last season when he insisted on taking someone, Daisy actually went since he just wanted to take that Scarlet chick so he could flirt with – he’s such a man-child), none of the guests even wanted anything a drink. It’s not professional he says. Guess he doesn’t realize that it’s also not professional to reprimand a deckhand over and over in front of the guests.

Gary stomps and whines to Glenn about since Daisy is on break and sleeping. Of course Glenn will give into him, and give him his way. It’s almost like Gary runs this boat sometimes, and not Glenn.

Of course the big baby gets his way, and Glenn instructs Lucy to go with them to hand out drinks, because only a person with a vagina can do this. I’ve never in my life seen a male bartender. So ridiculous.

Chase gives himself accolades for being so experienced, and handling the guests that he took the beach. I guess he does have to give himself his own encouragement, because his boss sure as hell isn’t. I honestly didn’t even think he was being that lippy with Gary, when he got all beside himself.

And just exactly like last year, it’s like deja vu right now, the stew that Gary insisted accompany them, to hand out drinks, was not even necessary. Most likely because they’re busy with the water to toys and it’s not cocktail time.

I guess it’s nice for Lucy who gets to kick back and chill. Meanwhile Daisy has risen and is “FUCKING FA-UMING” as she puts it, that Gary pulled this shit again.

So glad you came, no way I could’ve handled this myself!

She is even more pissed off when she sees that Gary and Colin are fucking off in the water, when they pulled a stew from her duties to make a drink or two, since clearly not busy. Guess they’re too important to pull some drinks from the cooler.

Chase is all feeling himself, as he brings the guests back to the boat. He does think he’s king shit so you can kind of see that he would be butting heads with Gary, who expects everyone to bow down to him.

Ileisha runs a tad late for lunch, but she slaughtered and carved a snake for chrissakes. Technically Colin did the slaughtering, but still. This girl is killing it, and she seems so low maintenance and normal.

So since we have a mostly normal and hard-working crew, I assume all of the drama is going to be hook-up related, and Gary nitpicking at Chase. And since both stews are on the same level, there won’t be that annoying struggle, of “wah whah why did I get 3rd, and who does she think SHE is to tell ME what to do?” (Camille/Alissa, Trashley/Gabriella)

Daisy so very nicely, and delicately approaches Gary in his cabin, which apparently smells like shit constantly. You can imagine how that must be in these teeny tiny cabins and bathrooms when someone goes number two. Is there even any ventilation down there? She so sweetly tells him to stop tasking her stews, and he so sweetly complies and offers to help if she needs in any way.

Colin seems to be hanging in the galley a lot. I didn’t really recall him helping the chefs out in the previous two season, but I guess it is a thing with him. I posted on a chat page, a comment about him suddenly helping out the chef constantly, and everyone is yelling that he always liked to help in the kitchen. Well whatever, I still think he’s crushing on her. But rumor has it that he hooks up with Daisy? I’m still annoyed about the pissy ass comments he made to her in last week’s episode, that were totally uncalled for. Also if he’s so used to helping in the galley, he should know the chefs are always freaking out at the last second trying to get it all together.

So your time management skills have gotten better I see.

Okay- so I did recap the whole show but it didn’t save for some reason. I had it done two nights ago.

So long story short, Gary is still being an ass to Chase, and he starts smooching with Mads in the hot tub.

Trashley’s probably so mad watching that. Hopefully she understands why he wouldn’t give her the time of day until she begged for it. Mads blew him off at dinner when he was trying to suck up to her, telling her how pretty she is. She made it a slight challenge, instead of demanding that he fuck her NOW!!

Oh, and then this Alex dude is supposed to be on anchor watch, and the winds go up to like 20 knots, and he does nothing and doesn’t wake up Gary or Glenn. It was like deja vu from last season with that Tom kid. Alex lies and tells Gary and Glenn that the wind just started.

Sure, yeah, the wind just started, that’s right, that’s it!!!!!

For some reason Gary, in his yap said Alex “did everything right” If that scenario would have happened with Chase, he would have lost his mind and had him fired. This dude makes no sense and his leadership skills suck ass.

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