31 knots still blowing in from last week! Anchor is dragging and there’s lots of chaos. Everyone is now up (except Gabby and Daisy – they’re some heavy sleepers apparently) and yelling “we’re dragging anchor!”

They need to get to deeper water.

Trashley is the only stew up, and serving the guests coffee, while saying “Everything is fine!” I love when she tries to act like a normal person. She’s almost believable.

Marcos is even getting involved on deck!

You know it’ serious when the chef is on deck !

Daisy is now up, and looks like she has seen 50 ghosts when Ashley conveys the sitch.

Did we hit an iceberg ????

She suggests the guests switch from almond milk coffee to mimosas and bloody mary’s. Good idea.

Glenn is explaining how they’re wiggling their way out of the sand, so they can retrieve the anchor, and it seems like this could be a very dire situation.

Curious if this is going to be something that Tom was negligent of. He was somewhat distracted with Ashley in the wheel house making out with him, and maybe he should have been paying more attention to the wind knot thing. Maybe Trashley could say something?

Glenn approaches Tom asking why he didn’t let everyone know there was an issue. He is saying as soon as he realized it (when alarm went off) he alerted everyone. I think the issue is he should have been aware of the wind situation prior to the alarm getting off. Perhaps he wasn’t because Trashley hauled her big tits up there when she should have left him alone. Tom has his boxers all in a bunch now because he insists he didn’t do anything wrong. Daisy tells him to chill out.

Gabriela gets up and has no idea what just happened. She slept through all of that?

Now the guys are breaking it all down, to see if Tom was negligent in not letting the others know that the anchor was dragging soon enough. For some reason Trashley is involved in this pow wow. Guess she just wanted to be where all of the penises were gathering?

I thought he did wake everyone up as soon as he realized it was dragging ? That’s the way it appeared to me ? Gary asks TrashFace if he knew the anchor was dragging before he started getting people up, and she says “I think so. ” What is wrong with this girl ??

Yes, 6:45 is the exact time when Tom realized the anchor was dragging.

Trashley throws him under the bus by supposedly giving the ‘exact time’ Tom said the anchor was dragging. (which was 10 minutes before Glenn was told) As if she was looking at her watch when she was grinding her vagina into him? Aren’t they wondering how she thinks she knows this for sure ?

Colin is going to dive in and check any possible damage to the boat.

Daisy tells TrashFace that Tom is getting blamed for not reacting sooner. Trashley says “he’s not my boyfriend, it’s not my responsibility.” (yeah you just wanted fucked by him) but weird, she’s been acting like he’s her boyfriend. Making out with him as soon as she got up in the morning, Sitting on his lap consoling him about his friend’s dad.

Also even if he was, she’s still not ‘responsible’ for him. But, having said that, she WAS distracting him when this wind/weather situation was getting underway. Maybe she should admit to being in the wheelhouse bothering him. Is it the ‘wheelhouse’ on a Sailing Yacht? Not sure. I’m not hearing what they’re calling that area.

I feel like this is going to be too much for Tom to handle. He seems very fragile.

The guests leave, and leave an excellent tip. Good, they deserve it after those garbage foul weirdos from last week. I just read that Erika chick was on “The Bachelor.” I thought she looked familiar. I think I do even remember her ( I used to watch that, but haven’t in forever.) I think she was the Andrew Firestone (of Firestone Tires) season. I recall her acting exactly as she has been acting on the boat. Apparently she hasn’t grown at all in fifteen years.

Gary confronts Tom about Trashley telling him she said he said “I THINK we’re dragging” (now I feel like I gotta watch that part again) They play a flash where he said that TO Colin, not to Trash Face? Gary tells Glenn he doesn’t feel confident in Tom. He should have noticed on the wind gage the knots.

Daisy and Trash convene where she tells Daisy she tends to get “snippy responses” from Gabriela. Which I don’t really think is true ? Am I missing something ? I think she’s basically lying to sabotage Gabriela because she’s jealous of not being second stew.

Trashy Ashley starts the “guys my age” shit again, as if ANYONE fucking cares about the age range of dudes she’d rather open her legs for. I can’t stand this girl. Trashley is such an opportunist little hoe bag with no soul, now she wants to ditch Tom because “everyone is mad at him” after cozying up to him when Gary gave her the scats. She tells Gabby about how she still wants to fuck Gary. Gabby says in her yap, that “everything is a game to this bitch.” Which is very accurate. Her behavior towards the dudes on the boat, and her work ethic, and behavior towards her interaction with Gabby and Daisy.

Going out and I’m sure there is going to be NO DRAMA whatsoever. Gabby and Gary are getting pretty flirty in the van.

I think I’m going to like you now, to keep Trashley from attacking me.

Ashley is giving the scary Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction stare again, as she watches them flirt at dinner.

Nope, this doesn’t bother me one single bit , it really doesn’t !!!

They are sitting together, and he asks her if she would like to share a dinner with him. Trashley seems to want to blow Tom off since he’s now the unpopular guy. And she’s the mature one right ? Gary and Gabby joke about hooking up, and she says “It’s not going to bother me, I don’t really care.” Well that sounds evident. Colin is doing his usual sitting back, smirking, and enjoying the ‘who’s banging who’ drama.

Colin loves to sit back and watch the Gary drama unfold with no desire to participate.

Ashley keeps repeating how she “wants to black out so she doesn’t remember anything…”

Daisy and Gabriela have a chat. She tells Daisy that when she gives her direction, she ignores her and goes to Daisy. Daisy tells her that she needs to ‘work on their relationship’ or some shit. How does Daisy not see what useless and impossible human that Ashley is ? She says in her yap session, that she doesn’t think that Gabriela and Trashley really like each other. Actually I disagree. I think Gabriela really doesn’t hate Trashley. They do seem like they should get along. It’s just that Ashley is childish as fuck, she wanted to be second stew, so she’s taking it out on Gabriela, and sabotaging her. It’s disappointing to me that Daisy is seemingly oblivious to this.

Daisy, to me, is not being a good leader, for allowing and perpetuating Trashley’s gripes about Gabriela. She should be shutting her down immediately, and telling her (nicely) to shut the fuck up and do her fucking job, or she’ll be getting a plane ticket home. (to steal Captain Lee’s favorite line) If Trash put half the enthusiasm into her job that she puts into whining and trying to get fucked, there wouldn’t even be an issue.

They go back to the boat and Trash wastes NO TIME getting her ass and jugs out. I mean like NO ONE else has their bathing suits on yet, except this one.

Oh my God don’t make me have to deal with this filthy asshole during my time off !!!

It was also not very professional of Daisy to want to discuss the strife when they’re all partying and intoxicated. What is she thinking ? Very counterproductive. Gabriela soon gets frustrated and walks away because Trash is accusing of her of being ‘snippy.’ She TRIES to tell this dumbass that she gets snippy when she doesn’t do her job and runs to Daisy about nothing. Daisy NEEDS to step up the plate here and STOP enabling and humoring this girl.

Alcohol is flowing and I smell trouble coming. Tom has had too much to drink and watches as Trashley drinks out of Gary’s belly button (eeuwww)

Tom who ?????

Tom complains to Colin about Trash face. I don’t know why he is worried about this girl.

I really thought some skanky bitch that just wanted banged really cared about me

Why does Trashley have a huge bruise on her ass ?? Is this from her romp with Tom ??

Why is no one discussing this mammoth bruise on her flabby ass??

Trashley wants to give Gary a massage hoping it would lead to other things of course.

Tom sees this and goes off the deep end (no pun intended.) He starts chasing her around the boat calling her a ‘sket’ which I assume is a ‘skank’ for a Brit.

She IS a fucking skank, sket skeet whatever, and I don’t feel bad for her. I normally wouldn’t condone this behavior, but what she has done to him is shitty. For whatever reason, he seems to like her, and she banged him and was all into him JUST THIS morning, when she raced out of bed to fucking make out with him. How about she is supportive of what happened, and maybe even apologize for being up there bothering him ??? Well the massage sessions comes to a halt. Gary tells her all he wanted was a massage that he didn’t want to fuck her anyway (paraphrasing). The look on her face is priceless when she says that. Is she going to at some point catch on that everyone is disgusted by her?

I do like the attention, but I don’t want to fuck you. No offense but you’re just too easy.

They all go back up to the hot tub where Tom follows her and continues calling her names that are accurate, and grabs the bottle out of her hand she is drinking and pours it over her head. Sorry but I feel like as a female, I should be against this, but I’m not. She deserves all of this. She gets out of the hot tub and he follows her to her room telling her what a sleezebag she is. Gary pulls him away. This is getting bad for Tom. I wish he would be more in control. I can see why she got cast on the show. They knew she’d bring the drama and she is delivering. She has the whole boat in an uproar right now basically.

I’m NOT a disgusting sket !!! I’m a dirty whore !!! Get it right !!

Then Gabby and Gary crawl in the bunk together and proceed to make out. Trashley is soooooo PISSED !!! So she gets a bottle of booze poured over her head, chased around the boat being called an nasty embarrassing sket, then she has to lie in bed thrashing around knowing Gary and Gabriela are hooking up. Love it ! LOVE. IT.

I wonder if i can borrow her vibrator

Daisy says in her yap she feels for Tom, because what she has done to him is “not very nice.” Then she should be seeing that the way she is treating Gabriela is also “not very nice.” Come on Daisy. Be smarter.

The next morning, Tom calls his mom to vent, who doesn’t seem to be very empathetic and doesn’t seem to really care.

Daisy and Gabby discuss the previous evening’s events, and repeats what she said in her interview, that Ashley is disrespectful, and messing with him. So she says this out loud again, and still the light bulb doesn’t go off that this is similar behavior she’s displaying in her job. I’m surprised Gabby didn’t point that out. She does, however, point out, that she “touched Gary’s wee wee last night.”

Daisy pretends to be disgusted.

Trashley tells Marcos “she’s in the center of the drama” which is exactly where she wants to be. Even though it’s not in a good way. Does she even realize this?

Marco doesn’t console her, but says “you did what you did.” I think she wants everyone to be appalled about it, and they’re just not, because she is acting like a fucking skank and NO ONE respects her at this point.

Garbage Trashley pulls Tom down to the dock and demands an apology. I find it hard to believe she’s never been disrespected like that given the way she acts. He does say he’s sorry. He seems sorry.

She acts all choked up which is an act because this slutty trash hoe bitch has no soul.

Even though I act like a cheap hoe, I’ve never been disrespected like that before!

I don’t know why Tom is so surprised about how this all turned out. Did he really think that a chick that, upon ten minutes after meeting him, waltzes into his cabin and tells him AND another dude that she wants to bang them both, was going to be this warm caring chick that he was gonna take home to Mom??? I just hope he didn’t catch anything.

Glenn is picking up on the little smitten-ness between Gary and Daisy. I think they’re so cute!

Awwwwwww look at these two smitten with each other!!

Gary needs to stop trying to be the boat playboy. IF he likes Daisy, go for Daisy.

Well Trashley managed to fuck this poor dude over to the point where he can’t even think straight.

Daisy tells Colin she thinks Gary does really want her. Well, he does. But for some reason, he’s all over every chick on the boat.

Tom calls his mom again. Again, she seems to be blowing him off. “Rome wasn’t built in a day” Doesn’t seem super helpful.

Glenn and the boys meet again about Tom. I think he deserves another chance. This Trashley shit needs to blow over.

Gabriela tries to talk to Trashley, as if she’s a normal person, and she’s wasting her time. She is making shit up that she is scared of her. Reasoning with this chick is like reasoning with a two year old. She says in her yap she doesn’t ‘trust’ Gabriela. She can’t give a reason though, other than she wants to suck up to Daisy. A producer should have asked, why? There would probably be deer in headlights look.

Tom goes to Glenn to try to make a case that he’s going to be better. Glenn tells him they’ll “talk later.”

Tom can tell that is not a good sign.

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2 thoughts on “Below Deck SY 3/28/22”

  1. Bravo Buff Renee

    she’s a fucking sket skank and two bit whore.
    hope she does some re-evaluating of this behavior after watching this.
    Is she noticing that no one respects her or takes her seriously?
    also i noticed, her eyes are just like, dead. no soul whatsoever. so sad.
    she has no clue or respect for rank either.
    Daisy needs to step up and stop making excuses for her.

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