First off, before I even had seen the previews of Gary and Daisy making out in the hot tub, I could tell Gary is totally into Daisy, as clearly evidenced by all of the times he randomly grabs her and kisses her in this weird “just kidding” goofy way.

Hot tub make out scene gets steamy, as Trashley is getting pounded by the ‘dreaded 23 year old’ Tom in the guest cabin. I know we’re not seeing it in real time, but still didn’t seem to last too long? Seems like these two were making out longer than that took.

Never would have thought this after last season! Guess their constant arguing was a sexual tension type issue ??
And it keeps on goin…
Leaving so soon??

Well she emerges with a smile on her face, so can we please stop hearing about how she needs fucked every 32 seconds? Glad things worked out and it wasn’t a Rayna and Jake type issue on BD previously. Man oh man Trashley would have been fired up !! Can you just hear it now? “This is why I don’t like to fuck guys my age !!”

Success !!!!!

Collin spies the hot tub scene, and cannot believe what he is seeing. Not sure why, I think he witnessed some of Gary’s kissing and hugging her.

Trashley brags to Gabby that she just fucked Tom. Yay Ashley- let me get your a medal, because it’s so difficult to get a guy to fuck you.

Next morning, Daisy doesn’t seem to remember the hot tub scenario. I thought she had that “black out” look in her eyes as she exited. But maybe not. Maybe she remembered some parts, and didn’t want to say. I don’t know. I believed her. These people aren’t really actors. That was Eddie (Hamilton) on Regular Below Deck.

Well at least now maybe he’ll help in kitchen after dinner service without crying like a bitch.

Tom is now boasting to Gary about his conquest (if you really can call a girl throwing herself at you a “conquest”) and asks Gary if he cares, and Gary is like “fuck no, I made out with Daisy” – you can have that piece of trash. Can I give you a 20 for taking her off my hands? (I added that last part.)

So since you were givin Ashley the scats, she settled for me.

Gary gives Daisy a cute little smitten look at the preference meeting. Oh my God I am dying!

Who’s crushin on who, Gary ??????

Someone said on FB or Twitter a few weeks ago when I called that it looked like Gary was into her after the first episode, that they were dating. I looked into it last week and was seeing no evidence that they are together. Daisy (who I follow on Twitter) even addressed the rumor, and confirmed they weren’t dating. Maybe they are wanting to keep it on the “down low.” It’s possible. I kind of am rooting for them, even though Gary showed some concerning behavior last season. I think deep, way deep deep down, he’s a sweet guy, if he can just get over himself!

Ashley and Tom talk at sunset on the boat. He tells her about his friend’s dad not doing well. Ashley pretends to care. Maybe she really does. Maybe sh e’s just trying to ensure her next fill-up. She sits on his lap. So ‘just like that’ they are they a couple now??

I gotta pretend I’m human and give a shit for a second

I see this getting weird on the next night out, when Ashley still tries for Gary, and gets irritated he likes Daisy, and does not care she’s banging the 23 year old. maybe.

Why does no one want this gorgeous hunk of a Venezuelan sexy accent dude — Chef Marco ??

I’d rather have a dude that can make this but maybe that’s just me ! Have your cake and eat it too!!

Seriously, chasing after those two losers who probably think Kraft mac & cheese is a delicacy.

Can you imagine how you would get fed being with him?

Trashley cries to Daisy about not liking Gabby’s list making, and overall is just whining about doing her job. She forgets she IS here to clean and serve the guests. Not just serve her hoo haw to the first taker.

Gabriella is always working, and Ashley is always bitching.

I think she thinks she has an “in” thing with Daisy. (Didn’t they make out for like a second on last week’s ep?) Maybe that’s why she thinks she’s entitled to bitch to Daisy about Gabby, over nothing, when she is merely expecting her to do her job (which isn’t hard) and complete the tasks given. Daisy is making a mistake by even entertaining her complaints, honestly, in my opinion. She needs to shut this shit down, What she says in her interview, that Trashley is like dealing with a 12 year old that wants to dress 18, she should have just told her. Is this chick too stupid to see that she’s not doing herself any favors of convincing Daisy she should have been 2nd stew, by constantly bitching and doing her job half assed just to spite Gabriella ? Also while I’m on the subject, something about this chick seems seriously OFF.

Like I really think she would stab someone that pisses her off, and then just throw the body overboard and go on with her day. I’m getting almost Lexi vibes from her from BD Med last season?

Producers must have sensed this in her auditions.

She is clearly just pouting about being 3rd stew.

Sorry my recaps have been non existent lately. I watched the shows but missed blogging because I was in sunny So Cal for almost two weeks. Think my daughter was ready for me to leave. Oh well. I was loving the sun and relaxing, and missed out on the snow we had here on the east coast~! Win. win.

New guests arrive.

“Knots” makes me laugh as a term for the wind. When they say it, it sounds like an old Pirate or renaissance era movie or something.

Marcos is making local faves for the guests at their request. This crew does not seem at all demanding nor picky about their food. No ‘this one doesn’t like fish’ or ‘this one can’t have cheese, this one has her mount wired shut and needs smoothies.’ But if they were Marcos would nail it without one word of complaint. Marcos is amazing.

Gary says in his interview that Daisy gots a crush on HIM ? Are you fucking kidding me ???? Gary is so fucking conceited. In the pic above, who looks like they’re crushing? This is how he looked at Daisy when she sat down at the preference meeting. My God, he’s the one that can’t keep his hands off of her.

Let’s see how I can spin this around to make myself seem irresistible to the ladies????

Marcos killed the dinner, no shock there, it looks freaking divine. Guest is legit sleeping (or passed out) at the table. I thought maybe he didn’t like steak and was doing a fake bored thing? They literally can’t wake him up. Dude, you’re a lightweight. This reminds me of a toddler that falls asleep and everyone is afraid to wake him because of the dreaded tantrum when you try to move them. He absolutely reminds me of my daughter when she fell asleep in the high chair at a restaurant when she was like 8 or 9 months old. Her head fell forward and slept like that for like an hour.

Wow my neck hurts just looking at this

The dad bods strike again and deliver the cake to the cougar.

The studs of the sea ????

Next Day …

Apple tart is on the breakfast menu that looks ahhhh mazing !! (not shah mazing !!) They only showed it for a second. I wanted to get a better look.

Guess since Ashley managed to get boned finally, she’s okay with wearing the Mr. Potato Head glasses around.

Beach picnics are such a pain !! Like all of the shit they have to lug!! If I were a guest, I would seriously be happy to just lie on the boat and get fed and watered there. Then maybe just a beach trip to lie around at a different location.

Trashley and Kelsie are clueless at putting the tent up for the picnic. I’d like to make fun of them more, but I would probably have been just as confused. Putting things together, not my forte either. It has been fun to watch though, especially since it’s Ashley. They really should have radioed for help when they started struggling


My talents lie in other areas (no pun intended)

They’ve been at the beach for like an hour and are still at it, and nothing is done when everyone arrives.

Is it even up right? I’ve seen better shelters than this on Naked and Afraid when they have nothing but mud and branches to work with, and completed in less time.

So what one dude did on his own in 10 minutes, (Tom) three girls can’t handle. This is embarrassing for us.

For the beach picnics, I would think Daisy being chief stew, would want to be on the beach to make sure the picnic set up gets executed correctly. Since these things are the biggest deal ever, and it’s a life or death matter that they go off without a hitch.

Well, it finally gets done with six people pitching in. The guests were belly aching how hot they were, as they stood on a gorgeous beach, being served drinks, in Spain, for 10 minutes as they awaited the peasants to get their fucking tent done. Guess we can safely call that ‘rich people problems.’

Back on the boat, the crew painstakingly gets the sails are up, and there is zero wind. Guests are whiny but oh well. Have another cocktail. Try to get over the trauma. These guests are actually pretty cool and low maintenance, though, all kidding aside.

Marcos is making an ACTUAL seafood extravaganza ! Remember when there was that one season chef on Below Deck that was supposed to make a seafood extravaganza, but had like frozen shit and only like two kinds of seafood? Kate Chastain was of course, chewing that dude up and spitting him out. Because that always helps people do better. It’s the Kate Chastain school of management. She didend up helping him prepare some meuns surprisingly. He was more of a meat and potatoes kind of a guy. At least he didn’t serve chicken, which is for poor people of course. (different BD episode)

Seafood paella with chorizo ??? My God. I am dead. I need that in my mouth. Should it try to make that ? Maybe. I haven’t posted anything to my recipe page in a while.

That’s a lotta dead sea creatures !!!!

So Tom is on the night watch and cleanup thingy. (And now we have some friggin knots!!) A lot of knots! Knots everywhere! Ashley flies out of bed like she actually is excited to work.

Oh no it’s to go to the bridge where Tom is, to make out. What the hell was I thinking? If she put that enthusiasm into doing her job, maybe she WOULD be outshining Gabriella and be 2nd stew.

They’re in the bridge sucking face as shit is blowing everywhere. Alarm goes off.

They’re dragging anchor, and everyone is getting up.

Whopping 31 knots of wind.

Well at least they should be able to sail tomorrow?

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