Below Deck Rachel’s French Toast

This recipe is from a video she posted a few years ago. These measurements will make approximately 6 slices, according to her video. I halfed her measurements since I figured hers was for several servings, since she is cooking for a crowd !

You can adjust to make more or less.

Brioche Bread – I used chocolate chip Brioche, since that is all that was at the store – I was so mad – NOT !!

1/2 cup heavy cream or half & half. I used half & half.

3 egg yolks

1 tsp, or more of vanilla extract (her video said ¼ tsp, but looked like she put a lot more in, and not sure how vanilla ‘essence’ is different from vanilla extract.)

1/4 cup sugar

Reddi Whip, powdered sugar, and fresh fruit for garnish

Mix the egg yolks, sugar and vanilla in mixer with whisking attachment until the mixture turns white, then you’ll want to add the heavy cream and mix for another minute.

I didn’t see it turning really ‘white’ per se, before I added the cream, but it did seem mixed. I used a high setting and mixed for about 4 minutes. It will be kind of thick and sort of like a custard almost.

Dip the bread into the mixture being careful to not drench it, and cook each side on medium heat until golden brown, about 2 minutes

I took a shortcut and just used Reddi-whip instead of making whipped cream, as Rachel did in her video.

Sprinkle on some powdered sugar ! You can also add cinnamon, and side of any fruit!

Or use syrup – whatever !!

No rules in French Toasting!

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