Below Deck Med Finale – 9/23/24 – Sandy Captain Married

Okay, it’s Finale night – here we go. I have to say – finally! It’s over! Probably not a good indication of how I’ve enjoyed the season.

Picking up with Aesha telling Ellie to stop overstepping and trying to do her job.

Ellie had NO IDEA she was doing this, and would never ever think as SECOND STEW, she should be the one doling out orders.

I gotta hand it to the girl. She does look genuinely surprised.

I didn’t think you noticed I was trying to take your job.

She’s not gas lighting you Aesha, she’s just lying. Stop with everything being gas lighting.

God help the poor girls if this chick were to be a chief stew, although don’t think we need to worry about it because pretty sure she’s concentrating on her OF career.

Bravo may want to bring her back though because she brings the conflict and drama.

Aesha effortlessly descending the stairs to tend to the guests after knocking Ellie down a peg or two, as her flowy Grecian toga dress blows in the wind, is everything. She is rocking that fucking dress.

Then there’s the Ellie shit show… who puts in A LOT of effort.

Tonight is the Drag show for the guests. Aesha has had it with Ellie and gets pretty snarky with her every time she opens her mouth, which is funny. She needs put in her fucking place.

This should have been done a long time ago.

Gael and Nathan update: They are no longer together. I know, you’re shocked.

He started acting really douchey after they got back from traveling together after the season ended.

Now there was a distance issue, Gael went home to Australia and Nathan was wherever he was, but some of the red flag dickwad moments we saw here and there on the show towards her, Gael started to see a lot more of. Not a surprise.

It’s sad that again she got disappointed and treated shitty by another entitled douchey piece of shit dude She’s fucking gorgeous and so sweet. Why is she putting up with this?

She’s not seeing the few times she’s been mad at him when he was acting like a fucking dick, they really didn’t talk about it, they just glazed over it and she forgave him. Not sure if that’s the right term because did he even apologize?

I heard HER apologizing for being upset.


Everyone’s getting the heads up from Aesha on Sandy proposing to Leah when the guests leave.

Carrie tells the guests Joe is the one she would choose to hook up with when asked. Ellie hears this, and well you know her stance on a stew showing interest in a guy ‘her supervisor’ is also interested in. It’s all in the Ellie Yachtie Rule Book.

The snowball just keeps getting bigger.” I don’t think that’s a thing but English not being her first language, I’ll let it go.

She feels Carrie is stepping on her toes with her job and her guy, that remember doesn’t really even like her at all. The way she and Bri are both still pining for that weirdo is unfathomable to me.

I would be saying “Carrie, have him, you’ll see.”

Carrie is far from Regina George, Ellie. If anyone is ‘Regina George-like’ it’s you.

Jesus the no self-awareness and the irony coming out of this chick’s mouth is off the charts.


Everyone is psyched for the last day and no firings!! Bri even made it!! I think they wanted to keep her for the Joe/Ellie drama, but still, she made it.

Sandy is beaming talking about proposing to Leah.

She says “Leah has no clue.” yeah okay. This ‘surprise’ proposal reminds me a lot of Carl and Lindsay two years ago on Summer House.

Ellie is muttering under her breath like crazy. She’s funny. She’s very entertaining, but not in the way that she thinks she is.

This last group of guests were super chill, NO drama, and awesome. They bid their good-byes, present their envelope, and they’re off.

Is it Jono, short ‘o’ sound or Jono with a long ‘o.’ I think it’s the latter. Sandy says it wrong but she’s known for pronouncing the crew’s names wrong. No one ever corrects her. She fired a chick for not calling her ‘Captain’ but she doesn’t take the time to make sure she’s pronouncing names right.

He was on WWHL Monday, and Andy started out saying it the wrong way, then he must have been corrected like halfway through the show, because he started pronouncing it differently.

She addresses the department heads individually with custom compliments, which is nice. She definitely changed course in the way she treats the interior after you-know-when.

These fuckers made over $16,000 in tips alone in like less than two months.

Ellie is pissed she’s not part of the proposal set-up, however she’s left in charge of the boat. You would think she would like that. There’s no making this chick happy.

Ellie’s wearing that horrifically awful tacky chandelier dress to Sandy’s event. Why? Just why?

As if it’s not bad enough that she wore it once, she also wore this trashy shit on WWHL as well.

It also looks excruciatingly uncomfortable.

Sandy seems more into Leah that Leah is into her. Or maybe she just doesn’t like PDA. She looks like she doesn’t really want to kiss her.

It would be kind of funny if she was using her. Wouldn’t feel bad and I would chalk it up to karma.

Ellie bitches to the crew in the van about Aesha not including her in the party preps.

Zero self-awareness, zero manners, zero respect for boundaries, zero reading the room skills, zero self-control. Totally projects what she is doing onto others.

Sounds like someone I know.

She sounds like a ranting fool in that hideous $14.99 dress.

I’m determined to make this day about ME!!

She can’t see Bri and Jono both awkwardly looking away from her. That’s the reading the room thing she doesn’t have.


As Sandy and Leah leave for the proposal destination, in which Leah has no clue is happening, of course, there’s a line caught in the motor causing a delay.

Sandy is in a sparkly vest (and signature white pants of course) and Leah in a formal dress for a random boat ride. A lot like Lindsay on Summer House was all dolled up to go get wood.

Hopefully their relationship goes better than Carl and Lindsay’s.

Joe feverishly tries to free the rope from the motor.

They’ve lost their sun. I guess Leah isn’t wondering why the girls are standing there waiting looking all excited.

Aesha has them playing a wedding song, so there’s that. But we’re pretty sure she knows.

It’s a little creepy the way the crew is lurking in the bushes watching them.

But it seems fitting. Hopefully you know what I’m getting at there. You know because Sand has a history of being kind of creepy.

I do try to move past that, but it’s hard. I kind of wish Bravo could find another female Captain.

Leah seems to robotically repeat “I love you baby” when Sandy tells her she loves her.

Sorry but she looks not that enthused to me.

We’re going to be traveling A LOT, right?

So she was with this chick when she was creeping all over Rachel and Malia 3 – 5 years ago. Interesting.

Guess Leah didn’t mind.

She seemed like she didn’t want to kiss Sandy at all after she accepted the proposal except for that quick little peck.

Not going to kiss you.

I don’t know, I might be wrong, but I’m getting a weird vibe from this chick. Even if you’re not a big PDA person, why would you not be giving your partner a big old kiss on the lips (with tongue) after you accept a marriage proposal? I might be over-analyzing, but I see what I see.

Sandy seems like she tries to get her to kiss her again after the crew starts cheering, and she passes on that too.

Yeah, still not.

I kinda think girlfriend just wants to take bougie yacht vacays for free and Sandy’s her sugar mama ticket.


The other girls are jovial and excited while none of this touched black heart and no soul Ellie whatsoever, as she’s still seething how she was left out of the prep work. Because you know, this is about HER.

Whatever!! I could have done the decorations better!


In the van Joe and Carrie canoodle with Bri on the same seat, and Ellie is in the other van pouting about anything and everything.

Nathan tattles on Ellie for shit-talking Aesha.

They arrive to their night out destination and Bri loses her shit. You know I can kind of see how awkward and hurtful that would be, and kind of gross to be sitting two feet away from a guy you like making out with someone else.

Now do I get all of this fuss over this Joe dumbass? No, I do not but I can empathize with Bri. And she did already ask him to not do this shit in front of her. So what does he do? The same shit with a different girl.

Can’t make this shit up.

Carrie seems oblivious and is basically ignoring Bri unraveling. Not in a bitchy kind of way, just in a ‘I don’t give a fuck’ kind of way. Or maybe it’s because she’s really drunk and legit doesn’t know.

Nathan claims in his yap how in love he is with Gael. Yeah whatever ass, he started treating her crappy almost immediately.

Joe offers Bri a pathetic apology. Does she not get what she’s doing to this dipshit’s ego by crying constantly that he’s not paying her attention?

Joe and Carrie are fucking trashed and try to hook up but there’s a situation. He seems to be having problems in that department. I think he had issues with Bri too when he was NOT drunk. Seems fitting that this creep can’t perform.


Rise and shine! It’s pack and go time. Sandy seems to want everyone off asap.

Aesha asks Ellie if she’s wearing a nightie. I don’t know why this chick thinks she can’t wear jean shorts and a top like a normal fucking person? She has to constantly wear these cheap polyester dresses everywhere.

Why on earth would you call this a nightie??

Drunk ass Joe literally passes out while sitting at the table and whacks his chin. What an imbecile.

I’m so exhausted from not being able to get it up last night.

They all bid Sandy their farewells, and tell her she’s wonderful, which she loves.

I feel like Nathan might be back as bosun next season There were a lot of hints dropped during his exit. Sandy seems to have a little thing for him.

Ellie’s and Aesha’s good-bye is a little awkward. She tells her she was a hard worker and wouldn’t take that away from her. Ellie is not impressed with that compliment.

I agree she’s a hard worker. She’s not the fastest, and she needs to stop her preoccupation with hierarchy and who’s doing what at each specific moment. Perhaps if she stopped obsessing she could move a little faster.

You work hard, but you’re wacko girl.

Aesha and Sandy’s good-bye is extra sweet. They seemed to have formed a bond. I’ll try not to hold that against Aesha.


Eight months later and we get some wedding clips.

It’s nice to see Chef Dave again. He’s doing the food for the ceremony. That’s the poor guy that was under the spell of that wacko Natasha.

Leah does seem a little more into Sandy at the wedding. I love the casual feel of their ceremony aboard a yacht of course.

I might try to kiss you this time.

Not used to seeing Aesha with a lot of eye makeup on. She kind of looks like Kyle Richards.

That’s a wrap! No reunion is now the norm. Don’t even get me started on that.

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1 thought on “Below Deck Med Finale – 9/23/24 – Sandy Captain Married”

  1. Spot on as usual. I thought th same thing about Leah! Regarding Joe….there is nothing sexy, hot or even appealing about him.

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