Below Deck Med 9/9/24 – Monkey See Monkey Do.

The goings on are so funny right now.

There are literally two charters left, TWO, and Bri makes a suggestion as to what will help her keep crew’s clothing straight, and they get a third stew to alleviate the pressure off of Aesha.

I almost think Bri might have a reading disability to be honest. I’m not sure what’s easier than having the names written on the dang shirts. If she doesn’t have a problem with reading then my second hunch would be she has her head up her ass when she’s delivering everyone’s clean clothes and not paying attention.

And we all know why she she might have her head up her ass.

To be fair, yes Bri was making mistakes but so was Ellie. Can we say they were both fucking up and call it a day?

Joe is such an ass towards women and treats them extraordinarily disrespectfully.

Between the games he’s playing with Bri and Ellie and his unwarranted random insults towards Gael, who is an excellent worker and does a better fucking job than he does, there is no question.

He’s very threatened by her, so of course that comes out in random these undeserved jabs and put-downs that make no sense. There is nothing ‘Princess’ about her whatsoever. She gets no special treatment being the only female deckhand, nor does she expect to.

The more I see of Joe, the less I like him. Mommy issues through and through. Take it up with your mommy, not random women who have nothing to do with your mommy, you stupid assssssssss.

He corners her out on that floating deck thing, it has a name, where she can’t escape, and sounds like she accepts the flimsy not really genuine apology just to get the dickwad douchey loser out of her face.

What kind of pussy picks on a girl?

He calls her being pissed about his disrespect towards her paranoia? Are you fucking serious? They literally just flashed on like eight different scenes of him taking jabs at her for no reason whatsoever. What a fucking twat.

Then bragging that he didn’t raise his voice?

Asshole, you don’t have to ‘raise your voice’ to sound like a rude condescending asshole. Wow. Did he seriously sit there and brag that he didn’t yell at her?? That’s like a dude bragging to his wife that he never beat the shit out of her.

Looks like Gael looked back at the camera crew like ‘is this guy for real?’

Yes Gael. I’m sorry. He is for real. She calls him a prick.

She let him off way too easy.

You can really see a difference in Carrie’s work ethic and just the way she moves about the boat doing what needs done, without complaining and not missing a beat.

That’s the difference between an actual stew and these Below Deck wannabe

Bravolebs. Don’t know if I would describe Bri as that, but definitely Ellie.

Bri I guess has potential. She needs to get her head out of her asshole.

Carrie has what I call a ‘sense of urgency’ that Ellie and Bri do not, and that’s been Aesha’s frustration. Like the “ohhhh I just didn’t get to that yet…”

That’s frustrating to hear as a supervisor.

Carrie ridicules Ellie on how she lets her order her around about the decorations because she doesn’t really give a fuck.

Sandy checks with the guests to make sure they like their dinner as per the uzse.

I feel like there’s been less Iain drama. I guess because he finally started doing his job well-ish.

Didn’t think the guests were going to be into the lamb – but they were. Maybe it was on their sheets. I don’t remember.

I don’t get this silent disco thing at all. They look really bizarre.

Aesha sends Carrie to see if they went drinks. They do. She gets them. You would think that’s it right? No drama there. Pretty cut and dry.

Well you would be wrong.

Ellie is mad she’s stuck clearing the table like some sort of peasant stew, and Carrie is having all the fun with the cushy job, making drinks, and that’s just not fair!!! So as any normal person would, she kicks her out of the bar and orders her to wash dishes.

I feel like Carrie should’ve earned her Bravo paycheck in that moment and radioed Aesha, for everyone to hear that Ellie just ordered her to stop serving the guests after Aesha asked her to serve the guests, and is that what she should do.

We’re all about hierarchy, right Ellie??

Honestly what’s the difference between clearing the table, doing dishes or making drinks? At this point after doing it all day long, I’d rather be doing something mundane and not having to put on my fake smile and fake perkiness when I’m exhausted.

However, Ellie is obsessed with who is doing what, and what chore is more important than the other.

Ellie whines she thought the new stew would be doing ‘odd jobs.’

Has she been a weak link she wonders? Yes bitch, you have. You don’t follow instructions, you take forever to do anything, you embarrassingly whined in the presence of guests incessantly about your tiff with Bri over a guy… You ARE a weak link.

But your tablescapes are cute. The scrunchies gotta go girl. Please throw them suckers overboard.

Joe shut up. He’s running the relay race and this is his ‘big opportunity’ he says. He’s such a big boy doing his job all by himself.

Fucking dufas.

Thought my job was to be a fuckboy??

Bri starts implementing her ‘color beads.’ I guess they get attached to the clothes?

Ellie in her yap shares that she thinks that Carrie is taking the spotlight off of her?? Okay so there is no spotlight, you’re not a performer, and second yes she is, kind of, however she’s doing it without even trying. That’s what happens when you’re good at your job.

I’m the number one girl on the boat…

You kind of think she has to be kidding with all of this, or at the very least playing to the cameras and playing a Bravoe character, but she’s not.

If she is acting, she should get an Oscar.

What she doesn’t see is that her work isn’t that bad, I would call her a fair stew, but her attitude and her inflated opinion of herself make her insufferable and unlikable.

Carrie tells Aesha how Ellie kicked her out of the bar to do dishes. Again, she should have done this over the radio.

I fail to see how these stupid beads made Bri go from the laundry room looking like a bomb went off in it, to looking completely pristine, but okay.

That’s all it would have taken to resolve all of this laundry drama?

Docking at night? These dudes can barely dock during the day. ‘These dudes’ being Iain and Joe. Loosely using the term ‘dudes.’

The Bosun and Lead Deckhand duo should have been Nate and Gael.

Somehow that goes off without a hitch when in broad daylight it’s been a shit show. Go figure.

Synchronized service is weird. It makes servers look like actual servants, in my opinion.

Does anyone else have the theory that maybe Joe has a thing for Gael? Looks and personality wise, she wins over Bri and Ellie. So maybe??

Ellie’s a hot mess, and Bri also kind of a hot mess. A lot more genuine and likable hot mess though.

Carrie in her yaps look nothing like she looks on the show. Were they filmed much later? She seems to be bloated.

These guests are extremely chill. I can identify with the lady squishing everything in her carry-on. I successfully did that when I traveled last Christmas. Then they made me check it on the way home anyway. I was so mad.

Ellie fills in Carrie on the Joe drama. Why are they calling him a sweetheart? He’s not a fucking sweetheart. He’s a fucking Jackass.

Okay Sandy Captain Sandy you’re proposing to your girlfriend. Cool. Glad you can finally stop creeping on your staff.

Why do the Preference Sheet Meetings bore me so much. I think I doze off every time. I get the need for the meetings, but they come off sometimes so demanding and pretentious.


Crew night out.

Gael reminisces how awful it was to have to be staring at her phone 24/7 to appease that man-child she was seeing. I can sooooo fucking relate. I used to feel like an idiot constantly on my phone when I was working or trying to do other things. I don’t know what this man did before he could text honestly.

Bri goes for a slouchy comfy look on their night out. Ellie as usual looks like a paid escort. Her dresses always look completely out of place.

It gives trying wayyyyyy too hard.

Girl, why you gotta try so hard. Put on some jeans and a cute top.

Joe does some weird comparison thing with Carrie against Ellie and Bri. I can’t with this weirdo. He’s spent several weeks chasing after both of these girls, and now he puts them down every chance he gets.

Ellie is very pouty at dinner because Joe ignores her and flirts with Carrie.

The things that Ellie says in her yaps totally blow me away and absolutely underscore her extreme NPD and inflated opinion of herself. Not to mention zero self-awareness.

Why would Aesha want burn bridges with her? (because she thinks you’re a ding dong so she doesn’t give a fuck?)

Who wouldn’t want to spend the night with her? (Apparently not Joe.)

She and Carrie bond for a hot minute over Carrie’s bag which Ellie compliments.

Ellie believe it or not, has an adult and non-narc moment in her yap where she says she doesn’t fault Carrie for the way she’s feeling. Then goes on to say that she’s more mad at Aesha for bringing her on board to begin with, when she’s like her A player or some fucking shit.

Okay I thought for a second it would be adult and non-narc. Cancel that.

At dinner everyone’s chill and relaxed and chatting. Ellie is all tense and wondering why she’s not the center of attention in her tacky Venus dress. It’s hilarious. She overhears Carrie and Aesha chatting, and she hates that.

I can’t believe how everyone is ignoring the prostitute.

She also wears shoes she can barely even walk in. She looks like a legit street walker to be honest with you.

When Joe says he’s going to buy a shirt, I didn’t think he was going to literally take it off of someone’s back. Who wears a stupid sweatshirt to go out in?

By the time he comes back with his new to him shirt, he’s suddenly now interested in Carrie, which is so funny.

Ellie is all perturbed which is even funnier. Guess she shouldn’t have sent him away to ‘buy a shirt.’ He’s such a space cadet he literally changed his mind as to who he wanted to bestow his attention onto, in that five minutes.

Can’t make this shit up.

It’s getting so ludicrous at this point the way these girls chomp at the bit for the least little bit of attention he throws at them.

This is when she drops this lovely little thought in her yap…

No man in their right mind would turn down an incredible night with me.”

Not sure what she meant by that but it came across kind of trampy. ‘An incredible night’ sort of eludes to sex. If she meant just hanging out at the club dirty dancing, she should have said ‘evening.’ How would she know that though?

Who should tell Ellie this: Yeah she’s pretty, wouldn’t say gorgeous or beautiful but average pretty, that her personality sucks ass. Therefore, she’s looking at a lifetime of being used for sex, especially if she’s going to use that kind of rhetoric. She’s not exactly the girl that’s getting taken home to Mom.

Who wants to tell her??

Don’t they know who I am???

I can’t even fathom the looks on the producers’ faces as she’s spewing out this embarrassing bragging nonsense.

Bri and Ellie decide to take on a sort of ‘misery loves company’ stance and sit outside to commiserate and sulk about Joe paying attention to Carrie.

Everyone’s inside having a blast. This is what they choose to do?

Nate shares in his yap that he’s NORMALLY a stud like Joe, but you know has lowered his standards and made an exception for Gael.

How big of him. Can’t fucking make this shit up. The fucking audacity and the vanity of these kids is beyond belief.

So in the van, always the van drama. Nate and Joe are having some sort of bromance moment, and he suddenly decides instead of spending time with Gael as they already discussed, he’s flying to Ireland with Joe. They literally sit there embracing, and book the flight right behind Gael.

This should tick Gael off real good!

He gets asked about this and replies “Gael is after.”

So she’s supposed to hang here in the area at her expense, and fucking wait for him to get his dick out of Joe’s ass in Ireland??

He actually looks rather pleased with himself. I’m assuming after professing what a fuck boy he deems himself to be in his yap, that gave him the courage to you know, act like a fuck boy.

So you are pissed off ??

He’s drunk so there’s that. Not sure if he’ll even recall booking a flight in the back of the van based on a drunken conversation.

Ellie, no, that dress does not deserve to be in a Lamborghini with an athlete, it deserves to be walking on the strip in Vegas at 3am.

Aesha consoles Gael about Nate blowing off their plans.

He doesn’t even try to find her to talk to her.

Instead he’s in his cabin hanging off the bunk bed like monkey bars with Joe and Carrie.

Would you really expect anything else?

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