Now that I’m rewatching Sandy’s freak out episode, over David’s fall and subsequent bruise, it TOTALLY seems like she was being extra melodramatic for the cameras. I did say this last week, but in this opening scene, she did seem like she was over acting. Wanting some attention for the cameras I guess.

Here is Katie’s spiel again with the SEVEN girls under her, and that fucking picture !!

Sandy apologizes for yelling at Malia. Maybe she realizes she was trying to look/sound important for the cameras?

So this is a religious bunch that they think are going to be ‘easy’?

Capt sandy is close to the dolphin. She goes into intricate detail about the boat pulling out thing. I think most people watching that are like with glazed doughnut eyes.

Malia is sucking up to Sandy now, telling her she put David on nights now. There’s the Malia we know and (don’t) love.

I think that this is going to be a lot being down one stew and now David on “light” duty, and there is a beach picnic wayyyy at the top of a mountain. Malia keeps bitching in the confessionals about how Delonney should have kept on board. She may have a point, but she seems itching to throw someone under the bus, because after all she is Malia.

This scene for this picnic is ridiculous. RIDICULOUS. They pulled it off and zero bitching by the guests. SO FAR.

The guests wander off on the jet skis, after getting strict instructions from Malia. You could kinda see them looking like they were not paying attention to her. Malia goes to chase them down. They sort of had the glazed doughnut eyes, like the ones that i had when Sandy was going into intricate detail about pulling out the boat. They say they misunderstood.

Mathew is asking Katie dumb weird questions. Her hair looks cute. The sauce looks good.

This has been kind of a slow episode, another sign of last minute drama. Everyone seems too happy, other than Malia muttering under her breath and bitching in the confessionals non stop.

Malia, “ this is your job” (so shut it) isn’t that what you told Mathew when he was pissed he had to make crew lunch while everyone else was drinking and chilling? It’s not uncommom to be down a person on charters, She should know that. i know she’s always very busy looking for someone to bang on every charter, but this is not a new situation. ALSO, not to mention, had you reported David’s injury immediately, (i don’t hink it should matter if it was over off time or not, an injury is an injury), and had him rest and elevate it and rest it on the first day, it may not have been so bad later. And the fact that she’s blaming HIM for not reporting it, also is pissing me off. I try to like her. i respect her work ethic and i love seeing women in male-dominated fields, but she can be SUCH A PIECE OF SHIT SOMETIMES !!!!! she just thinks she is so much above everyone else. and while she is pretty, she’s really not ALL THAT. There are tons of pretty faces out there. get a damned grip!

Sandy complains her plate was all dark meat fish. Now he is going to dwell on it. He just might cry.

The guests all turn in early directly after dinner. This is a treat for the exhausted exhausted crew.

The chick had to look for her own paddle board. I guess a draw back to guests going to bed right after dinner, and not getting shit faced, is that they’re up super early, all perky, and wanting to paddle board and shit. It’s so much easier when they’re up at 10 and sitting at the table all hungover, and not able to move.

Some docking drama. Here goes Malia again, wanting to get one last dig in for Katie not wanting Delaney back when devil child was shit canned. There are some string throwing issues.

These guests were pretty low maintenance, actually, and seemed, dare i say it, appreciative.

Everyone seems to be sick next week with a stomach bug. Lloyd especially.

Malia is seeming to not want to discuss her new Chief Engineer love on WWHL. This is like her fifth hook -up from charters. Just saying.

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