Lexi still pouting/whining about Katie telling her with the addition of the new stew,

there will not be ‘ranks.

She thinks it’s such “bullshit”. Is anyone feeling bad for

Lexi ?? didn’t think so.

New Delaney chick, already smelling a problem, even if I didn’t have an inkling from the magic of


She’s really pretty and already coming off as slightly cocky, and seems to already think that being a “stew” is way way way beneath her.

What is with the constant “what size boat” thing ??? they always ask ?? who cares???

Courtney is miffed about her arrival already, and crying about it ??

Why do these chicks on this show feel the need to brag about their education etc ?? Being the valedictorian in high school doesn’t necessarily make

you a laundry ace. And if you’re so flipping smart why are you a maid on a yacht ? JUST SAYING.

If you’re that intelligent you should be the main GUEST on the yacht. Oh maybe you’re not REALLY

ALL THAT SMART ?????? that may sound bitchy but whatever.

All girl guests arrive. I think there is some sort of Mathew drama (imagine that )

this week right ?

David already flirting with Delaney.

are the guys seriously sitting here discussing all of the guests and who they like the best ???

like teenagers ??? yes they are.

why I do I feel like Delaney does not AT ALL mean that she’s super happy to do what is needed ??

In my worldly experience, when someone says something like “I’m more than happy…” to blah blah blah,

it means that they are so NOT “happy” to do it, and furthermore do NOT want to do it at all.

This is where I see this going with Delaney. She was already doing this subtle

sort of bitching, but not

really, to Katie.

There is some sort of fire situation in the kitchen.

Mathew burned his finger kind of badly looks like. It’s like black.

Saw the fire, not sure what happened exactly.

Think these chicks had him all stressed out.

He needs to learn to tough it out a little more.

I’m not saying I would be, but he’s like a dude.

Doc came and he’s wrapping it. Ok crisis averted ? I think?

Guess who is whining he’s in pain — take a tylenol. Good pep talk to yourself Mathew.

If a chick did it , you can too !!!

Have been wondering this :

Do these uniforms really need to be meticulously ??

what if they dried them on low &

took them out right away ????

what about those hand steamer thingys ?? I have one and I

LOVE IT ! Not that I iron that much, but when I do I hate it, and the hand held

steamers are so much easier.

Another thought on the ironing: what if everyone was responsible for ironing their own

uniforms? I just don’t get why the laundry room is always such a drama ????

Breaking News:

Boys and girls can’t share cabins ? Since when ??? why this is a thing ?

it this particular boat owner thing ?? It’s only ok if they’re a couple ??

Why can’t Sandy just say, “yes, yes they are a couple.” If someone comes

to check, start canoodling. There. I solved it.

I just solved the ironing and the cabin problems. Should I call Andy ???

Delaney who was “happy to do it” is ALREADY bitching on the first day. What did I say ??

Weird fat ass and boob suit lap dance ???? why?

Mathew is whining up a storm as well. Someone on twitter is calling BS on Mathew’s story about woman with the burnt grease arm, said she would have passed out and could not have worked?

More bitching from Mathew – I wondered who was going to be the first one to bring up

the tip situation with the additional stew.

I have never seen Below Deck episodes with

four stews. Katie doesn’t think things are working out, now with the cabin

reorganization. Why wouldn’t they just get rid

of Satan Lexi and replace her ?

Katie tries to give her walking papers. She talks Katie into “keeping her” citing what a

great job she has been doing. ok fine, but she


STOP BITCHING THEN. Katie shoulda said that.

Stormy weather adding to the fun now. Lightning, and stress trying to anchor,


stupid ass oblivious LEXI, keeps calling deck crew on the radio…

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