Chef and Queen Bitch sparring at dinner over what , I don’t know what – missed the beginning . still arguing about the floor dirt?

The loose goose thing – thought they were gonna do shots of Grey Goose – guess not.

Back to the dirt pile — never thought i would hear the words “dirt pile” so many times in a week. Can we cut him a break on that

That would tick me off too, no one likes to sweep the floor, so having to redo it is annoying.

Maybe someone should go roll on a bed that Lexi just made and she how she reacts. She would lose her mind. and put your name on her Burn List for sure.

Mathew is temperamental but he IS a chef? Why are they constantly surprised at this on BD? Does that not come with the territory with chefs? Like ALWAYS.

Lloyd is funny – what was that thing he was doing at the table ?

He sounded like an auctioneer. Very very quirky this kid – I like it !

First hook up is Mzi and Courtney and that was some freaking kiss, and sounds like she does not even remember. Mzi will be crushed! This was a wild ass birthday party with these guys !!!

Sweet of Malia to comfort Lexi about her dad passing away. She does have a side I sometimes like.

I also like how she is working with the newbies and not being an asshole. Hopefully it stays that way, and she tries to not make out with multiple dudes.

Mathew is “the boss of where things go!!” that was pretty funny. i am digging Mathew, sorry.

Guests just jet ski off as Malia is standing there awkwardly holding the toddler. These people are pretty trusting.

Moscow Mule after Moscow Mule orders from the primary.

Side note, they have a ton of calories. Read that a few years ago so I’ve sort of stayed away since – apparently ginger beer is loaded with sugar. Do love the cute copper mugs though. Miss them.

Junior doesn’t really look like he’s watching his figure though.

Don’t get Mad Now and tell on me Bravo Junkie Trolls (facebook group ) ? Oh wait this is my own Blog !! SO SUCK IT TATTLE TALE PATHETIC LITTLE BITCHES

Lexi really does need to back it down – like literally who does she think she is ? No one cares you’re a pageant girl.

These are sort of laid back guests (minus the shitfaced guy) so that is why Katie chose to let Courtney help with service perhaps ? Get over it .

She’s almost like — “ I’m the second stew – NOT YOU -!!” She’s reminding me of the spoiled brat on Willie Wonka right now – !the original. (maybe the Johnny Depp one too but never saw that one)

I keep missing stuff – what was being said by the guys when Malia walked up ? Were they talking about her ? The one dude is into her but sadly, she prefers chefs.

What is the deal here – there are musicians that are not allowed on the boat ? (social distancing of course …) they can’t just wear masks ?

Lexi is such a bitch – I guess she was not comprehending that they couldn’t enter because of covid regulations.

I just don’t get how there is always so much laundry and ironing ? Is it the crew’s stuff ?

Katie has a no nonsense attitude without ruling like a tyrant. She has found the balance, which seems difficult for a lot of them.

Who is this dude going rogue ? Is the Roy’s kid ? I missed the very beginning.

I was arguing with these 5 year olds on facebook that were pissing and moaning like a couple stupid bitches about a funny post I did making fun of PhD 3 Degrees Dr Wendy on Potmac last night for running around flaunting her new titties like a porn star.

Then—— wait for it—- they tattled to the admin in the group because I posted my blog site.

Didn’t know that was a NO NO. Then they were like “she deleted it !” “ I saw it”

“ I have a screen shot” . I mean— I thought it had to be a joke –but, it wasn’t.


Didn’t know a group on FB for chatting and poking fun at Reality shows was so strict. NOW I KNOW. FUCKING NOTED.

These pathetic kiss ass weirdos with ZERO LIFE are having an orgasm over me getting in “facebook group trouble”

Probably the only time they get to have an orgasm so …. yeah

Just so you all know, if I ever get commentary – I will not get offended if you make a crude joke about someone. PROMISE !!!!

Moving on – Holy Cow – This dude is plastered AF.

Some cheffy and Courtney love goin on in the galley — so cute.

She is rather entertaining.

I DO like when they all can get along too.

( ahhhh Courtney love I just noticed – didn’t even try that !!)

So Previews – what ?? Mathew has another tantrum and takes off ? Jeez louise he slaps the shit out of the camera?

Lexi says she’s done being nice ! When was she nice? I think for the first 10 minutes of the premier. She has a “burn list” for chrissakes !

Sheesh she’s kicking the crap out of Mzi. I don’t want on this chick’s bad side !!

what did you all think of this week’s episode ?

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