Sandy overhears, since she’s always lurking around a corner somewhere, Kyle bitching about Nat bitching at him, for referring to her as the housekeeping extraordinaire.

She scolds him and tells him to knock it off, apologize, and speak with Nat directly, and not behind her back.

I think this is the BDSM party thing, and one of the chicks and one of the primary’s are not attending. I’m unclear if they were both in the same cabin. They said they were sick.

It’s the night of the sea salt encrusted sea bass at one of these dudes’ request. The thing is huge! It looks more like a whale.

These guests are cracking me up in these bondage outfits at this bougie dinner. This is the first time I’m picking up on this guest dynamic and awkwardness.

Kind of went over my head last week. I just don’t think I was paying a lot of attention to the guests, other than the chicks walking around naked, and the one dude being extremely bow-legged. There was a lot of crew drama going on. I didn’t realize none of these people were in any kind of couple. Call it a blonde moment.

So this dinner is really uncomfortable because it seems like the chicks are annoyed with the guys, especially the one, Eric I think, the dude taking the photos. He never shuts up.

I wish this dude would jump overboard

The blonde chick, Diana, looks like she’s literally, laughing at them every time they speak. Maybe they’re getting annoyed, it seems like he might be stepping up the pervy comments.

Wow you guys really do think you’re cool, it’s so cute

I’m assuming they thought they were getting lucky on this trip, when really they came for a free private yacht holiday in the Med. They’re stepping up all of the sexual innuendo. They only have two days. Maybe something was said or done behind the scenes, because that one chick looks pissed.

Hannah, looking like she wants to be anywhere else but here, announces that she’s “running downstairs really quick.” “Are you coming back??” Eric pathetically begs. She says maybe. So, no. Which leaves the one chick, Diana, with these two weird dudes. My guess is she’s going to be bailing as well.

Nat is confusing Storm by saying she wants to talk to him in bed tonight about the drama with Kyle.

The dinner table is getting more and more awkward. A lot of painful small talk about the food. This dude is getting kind of desperate -looking to have these chicks interact with him. Or whatever. I know he wants more, but I think at this point he would settle for some lively banter.

Could they be more of a buzzkill? These girls don’t even seem to interact with each other. I don’t get why they’re not goofing around and making this fun? I’m assuming these are random chicks they found here and there. It doesn’t seem like they’re even friends. These dudes look kind of ridiculous sitting there dressed like sex slaves or dominators, or whatever they’re supposed to be. I’m thinking that they were hoping this was going to turn into this big crazy sex party with the chicks getting naked.

Diana, the last one standing, announces she’s full. She can’t wait to get the fuck away from them. This is so sad. I almost feel bad for them.

I’ve sufficiently humored you, you’re welcome, I’m out too

Kyle apologizes to Nat and sounds kind of like a little kid when he blurts out for no reason whatsoever “no one told me to come apologize.”

Nat seems to appreciate the apology. She doesn’t seem to pick up on the fact that he was told to apologize. And he even admits in his yap that he was at fault.

Sandy guilt tripped me/ordered me into apologizing, so here I am. Do I look sorry?

And then there were two, the two dudes are resorting to taking selfies at the table by themselves in their sex slave costumes. They make fun of themselves for looking like Fat Batman.

Holy losers, Batman!!!

Tash doesn’t think Kyle needed to apologize. Even though he degraded Nat to a guest by insinuating that he was too important to clean cabins, and it was Nat’s job only.

So, early night for this ‘crazy’ BDSM party. With all the chicks gone to bed, they head to their quarters too. Poor guys. All of this money they shelled out to get laid, and well, no luck.

And if you thought dinner was cringy, breakfast is worse. For real, did I totally miss all of this on last week’s episode, or was it not as obvious??

Diana is sitting at the table alone with two of the guys. Eric the so-called photographer tells her to get up so he can take her picture, as he gushes over what she’s wearing, and tells her she “needs to learn to make googly eyes at the camera.”

Kyle in his yap is feeling like I am, and saying something is not right here. Did they do something to piss these chicks off? Everyone was so happy until dinner on this week’s episode. Eric keeps going out of his way to compliment them, and they just make these these put off faces like when parents talk to teenagers.

Amanda the resident ‘dominatrix’ enters the dining area, and looks immediately annoyed when Eric says something about her hair. He then wants to take a picture of her hair. She laughs at him. These girls look like they cannot stand to be in the presence of these dudes. They totally have to be picking up on it, and they just need to sit here and ignore it.

OHMIGOD, how much longer???

Maybe on last week’s episode, it was their first day of arrival and the girls were all excited and into it. Until they realized they had to spend two solid days with these old farts desperate to get into their pants. Well scratch that, they walk around naked. Wouldn’t you think that girls that walk around naked would be a little more fun??

They’re doing yoga and the photographer dude is walking around taking really inappropriate photos.

The girls are going jet skiing, and you immediately know this is not going to go well. They assure Courtney they know what they’re doing. They don’t. They don’t know how to stop. Literally.

Eric makes another pervy comment about flipping the jet ski, and getting their clothes off.

Maybe he just keeps making these types of comments and they’re just sick of it. But when they accepted this invite what the hell did they expect?? What did they expect from a dude that like to take pictures of naked chicks? Andy why are chicks that walk around naked offended??

I don’t think they know what Courtney means when she says “kill it” as they’re approaching the boat.

And “Crunch” right into this platform thing with the jet ski.

oopsie, thought it stopped itself, like the hand dryers in bathrooms

Why would you not take your hand off of the gas, as you’re approaching an object? She just plows right the fuck into it.

Then if that wasn’t bad enough these other two bitches plow right into the actual yacht! I mean it’s really small and all, guess they didn’t see it there??!!!

What’s this?? Who put this MEGA yacht here ? I didn’t even see it.

Do these dumb asses not have driver’s licenses?? Now Courtney feels like this was her fault. If these ding dongs don’t know who to drive jet skis, they needed to let her know, so the crew could take them out.

Dinner again with an African jungle theme. The one chick with dark hair looks so fucking miserable. So curious what the deal is.

Nat is acting like the ‘break- up’ convo didn’t even take place. She wants to hang again when she’s done with cabins.

I’m not judging, but Courtney is really, super flirtatious. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It makes me feel kind of bad for Mzi though, because he likes her, and she aggressively flirts with him, because that’s what she does with every dude.

Back to dinner, and not too long before there’s another cringy comment about the head on her beer, and looks of disgust all around. For naked chicks, they have NO sense of humor

Just because I’m a ‘Dominatrix’ that doesn’t make it okay to make pervy jokes

The second that dessert is done, these girls are all like “gee look at the time, it’s sooo late, goin to bed.” (it’s 11:00) This is so embarrassing for these guys. They’re not THAT bad looking. Okay they’re not Brad Pitt, but they’re also not Danny DeVito.

Reid, the new guy seems to be doing okay, and takes instruction well. Docked with no drama.

These chicks probably can’t wait to get away from these dudes. They probably each spent like 50g just to get constant eye rolls every time they opened their mouths. They need better game. He even makes a skeevy comment to Nat as they’re leaving.

You do have to admit though, they were really not at all high maintenance. Have they even had any guests that you would call high maintenance yet??

Well they left a humongous tip. What do these guys do? I’ll have to watch last week’s ep when they were going over the preference sheet. $2500 per person. For two days. Two days. And the straight dudes had the added bonus of watching chicks walk around naked.

All right so now time for the climax of the episode. And don’t worry, I’m going to break down exactly how this all went left. So left.

Courtney was doing her usual flirting with Mzi and flaunting that he likes her, and says do you fancy anyoneon board, other than me??”

Reid: “do you have an undiagnosed case of narcissism?”

Courtney: “what does that mean?”

Why don’t you ask Tash, I’m sure she knows about them

First and foremost, if Courtney knew what the word ‘narcissism’ meant, I think she would have laughed it off. You could tell by Reid’s tone, he was joking around. At least I could. So then he proceeds to define the word. And as you all know, this is sadly, a term I know all too well.

So as he is giving the old Webster definition, right down to the word’s origin, the joke gets lost in the translation, because when you define narcissism, of course it’s not complimentary. But he was joking.

the love of one’s self so great that it kills you.” (Greek mythology)

Awkward silence. “WOW, bleep bleep I don’t love myself, so you can pack that one away.” And I don’t think she does, she just likes to flirty excessively.

Let’s just leave it to the fact that she’s young, and maybe hasn’t came across any narcissists yet. Or it’s not as popular term as it is in the U.S.?? Or she just has a very limited vocab.

She’s annoyed. Then when you think it can’t get any worse, he tries to make ANOTHER joke on top of the one that already failed, about her constant twerking, saying maybe not loving her exterior, but “you do love your posterior.” I mean, if she didn’t know the word narcissist, did he think she was going to know posterior? And again, “What does that mean?”

Because she doesn’t know what ‘posterior’ means either, and says “those words have never come out of my mouth.” And she’s insulted again. She thinks that was another name he was calling her? I don’t fucking know.

But just like narcissism, if she knew posterior just meant ‘ass’ she would have made the twerking connection, and laughed. She does have a great sense of humor, just not a great vocabulary.

So I love me some Courtney, I do, but long story short, if he would have been dealing with someone smarter, I think his joke would have been fine. I think he delivered the narc thing in a jokingly way.

So she runs off crying. And we learn that she actually has insecurities about her appearance, as most girls do, and it’s this whole big fucking thing. And her mom was hot, and she viewed her as competition.

Okay – Reid apologizes and she can’t stop crying about it.

I’m really crying becasue you had to define two words in one joke

Moral of the story folks, know what basic ‘big’ words are, so you don’t have to have a joke explained to you. Like not knowing what two words mean that aren’t weird words, is a little embarrassing. Reid, going forward needs to keep that in mind. Now he has this chick like melting down in front of him, and you know guys with crying girls. She still doesn’t seem to understand the joke.

He never said that she SAID she loved herself. But her comment to Mzi did sound a little full of herself. I think she enjoys Mzi’s infatuation with her.

Now Reid feels terrible, and he shouldn’t feel that terrible. It wasn’t that big of a deal. Whatever, she seems okay now.

Crew night out.

Everything is going fine until it comes out that Sandy made Kyle apologize. Then Kyle starts drunkenly bitching at Nat. She just sits there smirking at him. She knows he’s making an idiot out of himself.

This attitude could have a lot to do with Tash telling him he did nothing wrong and he didn’t need to apologize.

Hey Kyle, Sandy trumps Natasha. And Natasha is a shitty chief stew.

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